New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 19 Emergency Notice

First of all, I would like to thank Extreme Bingtian for the reward, but being lazy and adding more rewards for you is not asking for more rewards.

It's not that I'm being modest, but that I'm lazy. I'm a newcomer. The writing time is only six months. Although I have completed two books, the quality is very ordinary.

Every book strives to improve oneself a little bit, so everyone should give a proper reward. This time the addition is for more interaction with book friends. The first two books were written in double books, the quality is not good, and there is no interaction , so the book will start with some changes.

To reiterate once again, Lazy will add more updates to the top ten book lovers, not to get more, but to interact with everyone. Friends who like this book can click to subscribe after the book is on the shelves. The book does not open the anti-theft chapter.

If I can write a good book by being lazy in the future, then I will actively seek rewards. Now I am lazy and I don’t have the strength to do it, so I feel uneasy.

Thanks again to Jiji Bingtian and the lifetime 1 promise for today's reward. Maybe you don't understand me. I will add more updates for you after the early morning, but please don't give such a generous reward.

Also ask for collections and recommendations, this is your greatest support for laziness.

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