New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 190 Informant

Wesley came to the second floor with the box, Skye sat on the sofa, and Fitz and Simmons sat on both sides and looked at her, these two people were really interesting.

"Okay, you two have a mission, go to the laboratory to prepare, and you're about to leave, let Melinda accompany you." Wesley drove them away directly, then sat beside Skye, Open box in hand. "This is a gadget, and you'll be shielded from all electronic devices wearing it, how about it? Want to wear it?"

"Is that my request to stay here?" Skye asked.

"Yes, you are not trusted now. We are not ordinary people. It is very risky for Phil to allow you to stay, so you need to give you some restrictions, which is also to ensure the safety of others."

"Do you trust me?" Skye asked, looking at Wesley.

"Trust is built after going through some things, like this incident. People have already begun to accept you, but you have shattered this trust yourself, and then you need to work harder, so that you can Trust again."

"Do I ask you to trust me?" Skye stared at Wesley.

"I trust you." Wesley looked at Skye and replied, of course he trusted him. He knew more about Skye. The future shock girl was definitely a capable agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. At that time, assist Phil Coulson to complete the mission of S.H.I.E.L.D., an excellent agent, and an amazing superhero.

"Thank you." After saying that, he put the metal ring on himself.

"Very well, I think you know what you are going to do in the future, keep working hard, you will succeed, and I will be your supervisor in the future. I am not familiar with this, because it seems that there is no supervision after joining SHIELD. Staff, Phil at most, of course I don't know this, I just saw it during SHIELD training."

"Well, since you are my supervisor, I allow you to invite me to dinner." Skye said and laughed, then got up and left.

Wesley smiled, thinking that he was about to succeed, but not now, he needed to wait. After looking at the time, he felt that it was almost time. He went directly to the interrogation room and pushed in the door.

Rena looked at Wesley and said, "It's not a good move to come in without knocking, you know this is a lady's room." She woke up early in the morning, walked around the room, and then Sitting there thinking about the problem.

Wesley sat down across from her. "This isn't a hotel, it's a cell, a solid cell. As a guard I have the right to come in at any time, and your language skills are best used."

"I know you, Wesley Gibson, a billionaire, but I didn't expect you to be an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. It's a little surprising." Rena said softly, her language talent is very Excellent, which is why she can participate in 'Project Centipede'.

"There are still many things you don't know, but this is not the topic of what we will continue. Now we need to talk about your problem. Do you want to go to jail or are you willing to be an informant for us? It's a choice. The problem."

"Informant? Hehe... It's really funny, do you know who your opponent is?" Rena admires clairvoyance, and is envious of his ability to predict in advance, hoping to get guidance. At the same time, she is still Skye An undercover agent sent by his biological father.

"Of course, we know more than you think, including who the 'clairvoyant' is." Wesley felt that it was important to break her psychological defense line first, but it was very difficult for the woman in front of her, so Wesley felt Li directly under the heavy medicine.

Sure enough, after hearing 'Clairvoyance', Rena's expression changed, and Wesley actually knew who 'Clairvoyance' was. How is this possible? Wesley saw her rapid psychological changes, and then said with a smile: "I said, we know more than you think."

"It's impossible, if you know what you want to do with me?" Rena was a little exasperated.

"We know it's one thing, whether there is evidence is another thing. Now all you have to do is to lead people out. It's a very simple task, how about it?"

"Okay, I accept it!" Rena said directly.

"That's good, we'll sign an agreement in a moment and you can leave, and we're preparing..."

"Agreement? What agreement?"

"Since you are an informant, then we need to protect you, and at the same time, we need to restrict you. This is the content of the agreement. Don't worry, as long as you complete the task properly, then you can avoid punishment."

"You trust me so much? We didn't have any negotiation, I just agreed, and you actually believed it?" The smart person was suspicious, her direct agreement was just a temptation, and she didn't expect Wesley to agree directly , this situation is obviously wrong!

"Oh? Are you lying to me just now?" Wesley crossed Erlang's legs, with an evil smile on the corner of his mouth, and looked at Rena.

Rena was frightened, she didn't know why she was frightened, but she felt fright when she saw Wesley smiling. People's feelings are sometimes very strange, and they will feel fear or curiosity about some unknown things, and Wesley's smile is a bit unpredictable.

Wesley was not afraid of Rena deceiving himself, so he agreed directly. Most of his confidence came from his own ability, and the rest came from his understanding of the world. Although this is the Marvel Universe, many things are the same as the movies and American TV series he has seen. Wesley calls this cosmic mapping.

The theory of cosmic mapping is just a magnetic field theory, just like the magnetic field between the stars in the universe, but he doesn't know if it is right, this is just his own interpretation.

Rena was terrified, she was thinking about how she should say it, but Wesley didn't give her a chance, "Are you organizing your own language? I think you'd better not waste your time, we know you, you are very good at it. Take advantage of your own women, and then use words to agitate. But this is S.H.I.E.L.D., all highly trained agents, and your little tricks are not enough."

"Answer me now, are you deceiving me?" Wesley was aggressive, Rena was a little flustered, she didn't know much about Wesley, which billionaire is not extremely confident, and it is impossible to be confused by her words Bewitched.

There was a stalemate between the two, one was smiling with ease, and the other was thinking anxiously with a sad face.

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