New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 196 Attack Forward

Wesley's advance this time was about nine kilometers, and he was about one kilometer away from the target base. He lay down on the ground and took out the binoculars. He can't use the door of space again.

Looking at the sky, it was already dusk, and it was about to get dark after waiting. Wesley rolled over and lay directly on the ground. He was ready to rest and wait until it was dark before moving.

Contact Apple, put all the equipment into the body space, and then a marching blanket appeared, Wesley wrapped himself up, then took out a sandwich and a thermos, poured himself a little hot coffee, Meimei ate up.

The internal space is completely static, a completely independent space. Anything put into it will keep its original appearance, which is equivalent to an incubator, which can be hot or cold, so he can now eat absolutely fresh food and hot coffee.

After a full meal, Wesley ate a lot. Fortunately, the other party did not patrol so far away, otherwise the military dogs might find his existence. After resting for a while, the sky turned dark, and Wesley rolled over, put away the blanket, and began to organize his gear.

He didn't take out the assault rifle. He wasn't used to it. It has always been the most suitable for pistols. Two Glock 22s appeared on the ground, and then he didn't take out the magazine because he had space in his body.

Wesley checked the two pistols, then fitted the silencer and loaded the bullets. He had no intention of sneaking in, he was going to kill.

He lowered his body, bent down and lurked carefully towards the base, controlled his pace, reduced the sound of his footsteps landing, and held the gun in both hands and was ready to fire at any time.

The distance was getting closer and closer, and soon I touched the edge, which is the west side of the base. It is said to be a base, but it is a large abandoned factory in the past, surrounded by barbed wire, and the patrols are not dense, but they are leading military dogs, which is a bit troublesome.

A four-person patrol team came from a distance with a flashlight in its hand. A military dog ​​wagged its tail in the search of the small steps ahead, but hesitantly approached Wesley's hiding place, and stood still. There he looked up.

The people in the patrol team began to pay attention to this side, the assault rifle in their hands clenched a little, and they were vigilant about the reaction of the military dog. Wesley knew that he couldn't wait any longer, and suddenly got up and fired two guns.

"Puff!" With a very small sound, the first shot hit the military dog ​​in the head, and the military dog ​​fell to the ground without the slightest reaction. The animal's reaction is very fast. If Wesley does not kill the military dog, then it must be the first time to scream.

With a few "dong dong dong", the four patrol members and a dog fell to the ground. Wesley rushed out, accelerated his run, jumped up in front of the barbed wire, and then landed steadily in the factory, his feet kept walking, The short body bent down and rushed directly into the factory.

He had to fix the opponent's sonic oscillator before he was discovered, otherwise there would be no time, and the opponent's attacks would come in a continuous stream, trotting forward all the way. The factory is too big, and the other party has no way to notice all the locations. Wesley kept approaching the location indicated by the intelligence in the shadow of the factory building.

Another group of patrolling soldiers, their footsteps were uniform, Wesley heard their footsteps very early, squatted directly in a dark corner, and carefully determined the number of the other party.

The super hearing played a role, and it was determined that the other party was eight people and divided into two columns. Wesley observed the specific location. There was no searchlight shining here, and then he rushed out directly.

"Puff" is another series of shots. He appeared from the opponent's side. The speed of the double guns was extremely fast. The eight people were killed without the slightest resistance. Wesley didn't even look at it. journey.

A dashboard appeared in front of me, this is the storage location of the weapon, Wesley pressed directly on a data interface, Apple started to run at high speed, "Didi... Click" the door opened, open the door Wesley one Dodge into it.

This is the workshop of a factory. As soon as we came in, Wesley directly pressed his body against the wall. Then he looked at the environment here and found no one, and moved on.

In the center of the factory, a huge equipment is placed there, and many pipes extend out. This is the sound wave oscillator, a core sound wave generator, and most of the others are amplification devices. It amplifies and diffuses sound waves. It can indeed carry out long-distance attacks. The power is not small and it is difficult to defend.

Wesley walked straight up, the two guns disappeared in his hands, and then an electric screw gun appeared in his hands. He began to disassemble the core position of the device, took off the metal cover, and revealed the core device.

There were footsteps behind him, Wesley stopped working for the first time, a pistol appeared again, waving one arm to shoot, the bullet flew out, and slid a beautiful line in the air, "Boom" fell to the ground alone. The sound, Wesley listened intently, there was no more sound, and then immediately resumed work.

It's a bit like listening to the sound of the position. Judging the opponent's position and height based on the footsteps, Apple's accurate calculation allows Wesley to shoot blindly, and it succeeds. This is Apple's computing power now.

The equipment is not complicated, but the core energy Wesley can't see what it is. He directly disassembles the connection between the core and the equipment by hand. When the last route is disconnected, the alarm sounds, and Wesley directly The core is closed.

A signal transmitter appeared out of thin air, which was needed after the mission was completed. Wesley pressed it directly, the signal was sent out, and the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters received the signal immediately.

Victoria Hand gave the order to attack, and the fighter planes belonging to SHIELD will bomb the base. Wesley's time is running out.

Taking out the space gem, Wesley wanted to open the door of space and find the right direction. While preparing, a large number of footsteps appeared, and there was not enough time. The space gem disappeared, and Wesley, with two pistols in both hands, ducked to the side, and a large number of soldiers rushed in, shouting.

"Puff" fired two shots in a row, and the two soldiers fell to the ground. Unfortunately, they searched where Wesley was hiding. Wesley immediately began to shift his position, but there were so many people that he was still seen.

The "Da Da Da" assault rifle shot directly over, Wesley jumped forward after a short body, and rolled forward to hide in the bunker, his movements were coherent and beautiful.

"Boom" the ground shook, this is the fighter plane bombing, Wesley frowned, the speed of S.H.I.E.L.D. is too fast, this is a fighter plane taking off from an aircraft carrier at sea, otherwise it would not have come so fast, and Not giving him time to retreat at all.

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