New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 198 TT dominates

Wesley finally returned to the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters and took a submarine to an aircraft carrier on the high seas. After going up, he found out that it was an air carrier, but it was not flying in the sky, and then returned in a Kun-style fighter.

"Wesley, how is this mission? Is there any danger?" Phil Coulson came to greet him. As for the others on their plane, Melinda was responsible for keeping the other three daring guy.

"It's okay, it's not difficult, why haven't I seen other people?" Wesley asked curiously.

"Skye fooled Fitz and Simmons, they knocked out Sitwell with a stun gun, and hacked into the S.H.I.E.L.D. database, and I went to Agent Hand to have a big fight, and that covered up their affair In the past." Phil Coulson said very plainly, with a slight smile.

"Well, it seems that Skye needs to be more strict, otherwise it's not good to be wild and hard to tame."

Back on the plane, Wesley took out the equipment directly from the inner body space, put it back, and then came to the living room on the second floor. The three rookies sat in a row, and Melinda sat opposite them. looking at a book.

The three of them cheered right away when Wesley came back, but they weren't cheering for Wesley, it was time for their incarceration.

"Okay, it's time for vacation, but you need to keep your mobile phones open 24 hours a day and be ready to accept tasks at any time." Phil Coulson announced the arrival of the vacation, and then ignored them. He still has his own things to do.

Phil Coulson's body felt a little dull, so he went to have a medical examination, and then researched his vacation in Tahiti, because his memory was too short, and he could recall so few things during a vacation. Started to wonder.

Melinda May left with an expressionless face, she needed to stare at Phil Coulson, this was an order from Director Nick Fury.

"Wesley, what are you going to do?" Skye leaned over and asked.

"Of course I'm going back to the apartment. I need to ask about the company's affairs." Wesley said indifferently.

"Apartment? Ah... that's right, you're a billionaire, you should have a lot of properties, don't you mind if I take up a room?"

Wesley looked at her with interest, and then said: "The private apartment that SHIELD arranged for me, but the bed is very big, and it is cleaned regularly. I don't mind you sharing the bed with me."

Skye's smiling face suddenly disappeared, "Humph..." With a cold snort, she got up and left and went to find Fitz and Simmons, but she was probably going to be disappointed because those two guys were studying how to use the vacation time to visit the headquarters of the latest technology.

Wesley went back to the room and changed clothes, then left directly, asked for a car in the garage, and left directly.

His apartment in Washington has not been here for a long time, but it is still reserved for him. The property is responsible for regular cleaning, but the room that has not been occupied for a long time is always a bit awkward. Open the windows to let the air circulate, it is almost summer, and once again Championship night is coming.

He took out the phone and called Kyle Robert, ready to ask about the company's situation. It has been more than two years since he came to this world. The company is just a tool to make money. He doesn't care too much. He cares about strength. During the heroic battle, he was affected and died silently.

"Hello, Kyle? How's the company going?" Wesley sat on the sofa, drinking the drink he had bought when he came.

"Boss, you finally appeared, some big things are waiting for you to decide." Kyle Robert complained about Wesley's disappearance. He was asked not to call Wesley at ordinary times, except for major events, and a pile of official business needs to be decided by the chairman can only be piled up.

"Oh, let's talk about the company's development first!" Wesley was surprised.

"Yes, the first is our main product TT, which has occupied 90% of the U.S. market in the instant messaging market. If this continues, the Monopoly Act will be triggered, and the government wants us to go public in advance. In addition, the world Our partner companies have already begun to dominate the market, and of course we don’t need to worry about their country’s affairs, but they want to raise funds, ask for your opinion.”

"Oh, their financing has nothing to do with us. When we signed the contract, we said that our shares are not diluted. What they want to do has nothing to do with us. TT we just authorize them. If you want to dilute our shares, you can directly It has to be tough to take away their access."

"Yes, I see."

Cooperative companies from all over the world are more stupid and do not need financing, because they are now in a state of profit. If they want to raise funds, they will only reduce their shares in the alliance game company. Although there is a contract, the capitalists are greedy, and 30% of them are greedy. Dividends, nearly one-third of the equity is held, which makes them very unwilling, hoping to force the alliance game company to reduce its shares.

But now is not the time. TT has dominated their country. Even if they are not affiliated with the game company, they can continue to survive, or establish a branch. They no longer need to open up the market. All Wesleys are not afraid of them turning their face. If the skin is torn, Wesley will be happier, so that all interests are his own.

"It's not impossible to go public early, but how to calculate the lost share price? Our share price will definitely be higher than it is now after another year of development, and the monopoly bill is useless. After all, we are a new company and have not met the listing requirements. It's just a request."

"Yes, but these are instigated by those large investment companies. They have been unable to buy our shares, and they have become anxious because they cannot get such great benefits."

"Hehe, I knew it would be like this, but don't pay attention to them. Unless they are at a 40% premium, don't even think about buying our stock. By the way, how is the headquarters?"

"It is being renovated, because our price allows them to build 24 hours a day, so the main body has been completed, and now it is being renovated, but our server has been moved in, the decoration of the computer room is relatively simple, and there is also the chairman of the top floor. The office is up to you to decide how to design it.”

"Oh? It's so fast. That's really good. Let's do it. Send me the design. I'll take a look first and choose a design that I like."

"Yes, I see. So, how many shares are you going to sell?"

"You and Philip have done a good job, giving you 1% of the shares, but you can't sell them, you can only pay dividends, and give Philip 0.5% of the shares, on the same conditions as you, and sell the rest 10% The shares of the company can be sold separately and can be auctioned to those investment companies, paying attention to the premium. There are still 8.5 shares left as listed shares.”

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