New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 201 Sol's Call for Help

Skye returned to the plane. In her room, she was carrying a lot of things she bought today. She felt a little unreal. She took a picture of the dark glass on the sliding door, and then she laughed.

And Wesley drove away from the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters and returned to his apartment. Although it was hard to sleep alone, he recalled that today's date was not bad. Skye was a half-blood with Chinese characteristics that Wesley liked. I've been in good shape with my recent training.

Thinking about it, he went to sleep directly, after all, Apple can help him fall asleep.

In the distant universe, God's Domain is celebrating. They have just quelled the rebellion of the major kingdoms under the leadership of Sol, and the nine kingdoms protected by God's Domain have returned to peace again. The nine kingdoms they talk about are actually nine planets according to the people of the earth, but the realm of the gods has always followed the ancient way of life, armor and cloaks, swords and shields.

Sol missed Jane Foster, who was far away on Earth. Even at the celebration banquet, he still did not smile at all. He hesitated for a moment, then got up and left.

Miss Sif stopped Sol, "Have a drink with me!" A simple invitation, if successful, maybe God's Domain will welcome their prince's wedding, but Sol did not agree, he arranged a task for himself.

Riding a horse on a rainbow road, Thor arrived at the Rainbow Bridge.

"You're late," said Heimdall, the guardian of the Rainbow Bridge.

"The banquet is sometimes more tiring than the battle." Sol said as he walked, then looked at the boundless universe.

And just when they were about to look at the earth, Jane Foster encountered a strange problem. A magical place attracted her. This place was originally a magical place discovered by several children, but was finally found by her assistant. . Foster disappears here.

Heimdall, the gatekeeper of God's Domain, could see anywhere in the Nine Worlds, but Jane Foster's sudden disappearance caught him off guard, and Heimdall sent him directly to Earth.

It's just that he couldn't find the specific location of Jane Foster. Sol thought of S.H.I.E.L.D. for the first time. He reached into his armor and fumbled for a long time to find a note. If you are by your side, even if you go out to fight.

On the note is a set of phone numbers, which Wesley gave him. If you come to Earth, you can contact him, but Sol doesn't have a phone. He looked around. This is a private territory. An unfinished building and a lot of containers were scattered nearby, but the containers looked strange and were not neatly stacked together.

Jane Foster's assistant Daisy Louise was talking to the police, and Thor walked over directly, and Daisy Louise exclaimed, "Oh, God, you're here, Sol? "

"Where is Jane?" Thor asked.

"I don't know, she disappeared suddenly. It's been a few hours. I can only call the police." Daisy Louise said, while the intern she brought was being searched by the police.

Sol's appearance attracted the attention of the police, and a police officer came up, "Sir, please show your ID."

Sol looked at him strangely, "What's the ID card?" The policeman was stunned, then became vigilant and took out the baton.

"Sir, please put down the hammer in your hand, we need to examine you."

"Hammer? You told me to put down the hammer?" What Thor cared about most was his hammer. Daisy Louise looked at the situation and hurriedly said: "Oh, he's a foreigner and doesn't know much about England. , you have to calm down, oh right, what about S.H.I.E.L.D.? Let them come, we can't solve the matter here."

"You're right, this is Wesley's call, but I don't have your hands... What's the hand?" Thor handed the note.

Daisy Louise hurriedly took out the phone and then dialed. Wesley was still sleeping when the bedside phone rang. He reached for the phone, and Wesley answered lazily, "Hello?"

"Uh..." Daisy Louise was stunned for a moment. She didn't know Wesley's last name, but she said immediately, "Are you Wesley?"

Wesley was very strange, then sat up and asked, "Yes, who are you? How do you have my number?"

"Hello, I'm Daisy Louise, Jane Foster's assistant, she disappeared, and then Saul came, Saul asked me to call you, there are a lot of police here, they let Saul put down the hammer, Saul is very angry..." Daisy Louise said without end, her thoughts were very confusing, but Wesley already knew that this is the plot of Thor 2, and Saul is here. to Earth, and Jane Foster has not come back.

"Understood, I'll go right over, don't hang up, I'll search for your location." Wesley jumped up from the bed.

"What? I understand? I don't understand it myself? Well... well, I won't hang up." Daisy Louise said in confusion.

Sol stared at the policeman and confronted the policeman with big eyes and small eyes, and then asked, "What did he say?"

"He said to come over immediately, Mr. Police, do you know S.H.I.E.L.D.? Their people will be here soon, please don't be impulsive, this big guy is very scary when he's angry." Daisy Louise responded to Sol, Go immediately to appease the police.

"I don't know about S.H.I.E.L.D., but this is a private place, and it's illegal for you to trespass." The police said nervously, because Sol's appearance was very deterrent, but they believed that this guy was either an actor or a lunatic. .

Wearing a suit of armor, a huge red cape, and holding a hammer in his hand looks very weird. Not everyone knows about the Battle of New York. Some people think that it is a movie made by Americans and ask when it will be released. It's not a matter of IQ, but they can't understand it. At the same time, because of the shooting distance, everyone can't see what the Avengers Gate looks like, except for those who are familiar with them.

Wesley hurriedly changed his clothes, washed briefly, the armor appeared on his body, opened the window and flew out, "Apple contact SHIELD headquarters."

"Understood, connecting..."

"This is the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D., what's wrong with you, Wesley?" Maria Hill's voice came.

"Maria, contact the U.S. military immediately, I'm flying fast, and I'm going to London, England, and let them open the way," Wesley said.

"SHIELD has detected abnormal energy fluctuations in London, England, and is preparing to investigate. Do you know what happened?" Maria Hill asked.

"Saul is here, something happened to Jane Foster, and he had someone call me. In addition, you should contact the British military and the London police. Don't conflict with Saul. Now he is very irritable."

"Understood." Maria Hill immediately agreed to Wesley's request.

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