New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 204 Space and Reality

Wesley held Jane Foster's hand and let Apple start to check the situation in her body. The ether particle didn't notice it at all, because Apple is a biological computer, and everything it uses is biological means, and it is part of the human body , so the etheric particles are not found to be different.

"The energy is very powerful, and it is absorbing Jane Foster's life, but it seems to be very slow. It needs a carrier, not energy." Apple analyzed.

"Then it can't be wrong. It is waiting for the dark elves. This race has the right to use ether particles. Does it need a carrier to carry itself and prevent it from being banned again?" Wesley thought.

"What are you going to do? Use the power of the space gem to force it out?"

"No, she can't withstand the impact of the two kinds of gem energies, and the ether particle is a real gem. We still don't know its specific ability, so we can't act rashly. How about using my body to draw it out?"

"This is very dangerous, I hope it can be considered clearly." Apple objected.

"Prime Minister, my body is definitely more attractive than hers. Secondly, I have the protection of space gems, as well as your operation. Finally, we have internal space and can force it in, what do you think?"

"There is still danger, even if you don't consider your own words, then Jane Foster is also in danger, mainly because the ether particles will absorb all her life energy before they leave her?"

Wesley put it in his hand, and then thought about it, Thor waited anxiously, and Odin watched patiently.

After thinking about it, Wesley said: "Now I am going to use myself as a bait to draw the ether particles out and enter my body. But this method is a bit dangerous, mainly because it is not clear whether the ether particles will leave Foss before they leave. Miss Te's life force is drained."

He said his own way, and Odin agreed very much, "There is a good way, you can try it, but how do you subdue the ether particle?"

"I will use the power of the space gem to suppress it, and then seal it up. I estimate that the dark elves are about to attack the realm of the gods. When they are destroyed, the ether particles will become unowned."

"Dark elves attack? You decide they dare to do this?" Odin asked suspiciously.

"If it was me, I would definitely do it. Without ether particles, they are bereaved dogs, but if they get ether particles, they are not afraid. Of course, they will not attack directly. There must be some strategies. It has been five thousand years, I don't know. Do you still know how to deal with dark elves?" Wesley asked.

Odin looked at Wesley, and then said: "This is left to you, I need to prepare." Odin left, and Sol looked at Wesley and asked, "Are you really sure?"

"I don't know, I can't guarantee anything, you decide whether to insure or not!" Wesley said.

Sol and Jane Foster glanced at each other, as if they had the same mind, and nodded to each other, "Wesley, are you also in danger?" Sol asked again.

"Danger is relative. I have the protection of space gems, and it is still unknown whether ether particles that have not become gems can cause harm to me."

"Then are you going to attract it into your body?"

"Energy, a lot of energy, a little bit of energy into my body to keep Miss Foster as safe as possible."

"Okay, let's start then!" Jane Foster agreed very simply.

"Let's just be here, it seems to be very quiet, Sol guarding the door and not letting anyone disturb us. Miss Foster needs to relax, completely relax, you need patience, plenty of patience. Now sit down cross-legged, Relax." Wesley commanded, letting Sol look at the door, while Jane Foster sat on the ground in a relaxed manner.

Wesley sat in front of her, held one of her hands, and then began to control the space gem to output energy, sending it bit by bit towards Jane Foster's palm.

The ether particle seems to have found its prey, and such pure energy has appeared. It is not a highly intelligent creature, so it cannot tell whether it is a trap or not. Now all Wesley has to do is to guide it into his body.

The energy of the Infinity Stones is pure, but the difference is that they can perform different expressions with different energies. The ether particle moves towards the position of Jane Foster's palm, and then directly swallows this energy without digesting it. , directly for your own use, this is the power of the Infinity Stones.

Wesley did not dare to neglect, and directly condensed a mass of energy in his palm. The ether particle seemed to have tasted the sweetness. It directly crossed Jane Foster's palm and entered Wesley's palm, swallowing the energy, but the next moment it Back again.

The space gem jumped a bit, but was suppressed by Wesley's forcible order, and did not pick up to fight back. The two gems seemed to be a bit troublesome in one person's body.

Wesley continued to release the bait, while the ether particles continued to devour, Wesley put the position of the energy group into his forearm, this time the ether particle hesitated, but the next moment it rushed directly into Wes Lee's forearm.

"Let go." Wesley shouted, and then let go of his hand, while Jane Foster was startled and let go of her arm subconsciously.

Sol hurried in. At this time, Wesley's space gem exploded, directly wrapping the ether particle with energy, trying to absorb its energy, but the ether particle began to resist.

Wesley began to feel pain in his right arm, large beads of sweat rolled down, and frowned to suppress his pain.

"How is it, Wesley?" Thor asked.

"You go out, I need to come by myself now." Wesley said through gritted teeth.

Saul glanced at Wesley, then pulled Jane Foster out, and the battle in Wesley's body began to heat up, "Apple, how is the situation?"

"It's very bad. Although the ether particle has no owner and has not become the final form, it still has huge energy. The space gem can suppress it, but it will inevitably fluctuate. Your bones have begun to crack."

"Repair, I will control the space gem and see if I can put it into the internal space." While Wesley was struggling, the dark elves began to prepare for the attack. The last 'cursed warrior' mixed into the realm of the gods among the captives. Although the Nine Kingdoms have been pacified, there are still some small-scale rebellions. Sol's friends still often go abroad to fight, and this time they brought back some prisoners of war.

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