New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 214 God's Domain Warrior

"Okay, my matter is special, don't complain anymore, since the shares have been sold, then bring it directly to Washington, and I'll sign it." Wesley put down the phone after finishing speaking, and then called his relatives to chat on the phone. a few words.

Kyle and Philip were in Washington the next day, and Wesley went out and signed off, but now he's a real billionaire. Alliance Games has an estimated market value of $350 billion, and a one percent stake is valued at $3.5 billion, but it has not yet gone public, it needs to be sold at a premium, and there are too many people buying it. Kyle finally directly divided 10% of the shares into 10 shares and sold them in an auction. As a result, Wesley finally got $40.5 billion in cash.

He is a real rich man now, so he called Tony Stark directly, "Tony, have you sent me the bill?"

"Not yet, I know that you sold your shares, but you went to God's Domain, and I didn't give you the bill, and I didn't have a chance to tell you when His Majesty Odin came."

"Okay, give me the bill, I'll send you the money, and the investor also writes me a copy, a good opportunity for tax exemption."

"Haven't you always looked down on tax exemptions?" Tony Stark asked.

"Yes, I don't invest for tax-free reasons, I need to invest tax-free when I really want to."

"It's a strange idea, but no problem, I appreciate you. The bill has been sent to your mailbox, and the estimated cost of $1.2 billion is mainly for equipment purchases, and if it goes into operation, there will be fixed costs and unexpected costs. "

"Then I'll call you $2 billion directly, and Philip will be responsible for this. By the way, I have an assistant named Evelyn Short, and she will follow up," Wesley said.

"Do you still have an assistant? Is it a beauty?" Tony Stark became interested.

"It's really sexy, but she's an undercover agent sent by the CIA. I basically don't get along with her. I arrange things for her to do. The agents' abilities are pretty good."

"Damn, why is the CIA interested in you?"

"They are only interested in S.H.I.E.L.D., let's not talk about it, let's hurry up and build." Wesley put down the phone, then made a few more calls, arranged the funding and legal issues, and then left it alone.

The task always came very suddenly, but fortunately, Wesley had already dealt with the private affairs without delay, and everyone in the conference room began to read the materials together. In the Norwegian National Forest Park, someone broke the trees. When the deep forest guards went to stop them, one of the women shot and knocked one of the managers into the air. With just a push of her hand, a strong guard flew upside down more than ten meters. distance, which is unusual.

Wesley really knew about this. There are some in American TV series, and the time is very simple. If he hadn't gone to God's Domain before, it would have been a little troublesome, but now it is much simpler, because he has the identity of God's Domain Sir.

The plane took off vertically, left the SHIELD headquarters, and flew to its destination. In the Norwegian National Forest Park, the police have already controlled the scene, but the S.H.I.E.L.D. branch was dispatched to take over the place. Knowing the arrival of Wesley and others, Simmons began to scan with the equipment, and then the data was transmitted back to the flight base. Fitz Analysis while Phil Coulson is checking with the administrators.

Everything is so familiar, Wesley quickly decided that it is best to complete this task as soon as possible. Well, S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra must come down one.

Everyone on the plane was discussing the location model. Phil Coulson said: "This is the symbol of Asgard. Wesley, you went to January, do you know these symbols?"

"This is the weapon of the berserker, a kind of warrior in the realm of the gods. I don't know much about it, and the berserker is not used much in the realm of the gods." Wesley lived in the palace for a month, so the following The fighters have little contact.

"So Skye, is there any news on the Internet?" Phil Coulson now handed over all the collection of Internet information to Skye.

Skye adjusted the big screen and said: "Jacob Nestron and his girlfriend Petra Larsen belong to the heads of the Norwegian pagan religion, and they have just acted." The big screen appeared There was a video of the two leading people to destroy, and finally they wrote the words 'We are God' in flames on the ground.

"Well, yes, looking at the model, this weapon can give power to ordinary people, but it is not complete, we need to ask an expert to ask. When we discovered Thor's Hammer in New Mexico, I consulted a The most authoritative expert on mythology, Professor Eliot Randolph."

The plane took off again and flew to Seville, Spain. When they entered Professor Randolph's office, he received them warmly.

"Professor, we have something to ask." Phil Coulson took out the imitation model and handed it over. The professor took it seriously and studied it, and gave some clues. When Phil Coulson was about to leave , was stopped by Wesley.

"Wesley?" Phil Coulson asked suspiciously.

Wesley didn't answer him, but looked at Professor Elliot Randolph and smiled, "It's very interesting that an Asgard warrior is a professor on Earth," Wesley said. Phil Coulson looked over suspiciously and saw Professor Randolph's expression that he didn't know what you were talking about. But he trusted Wesley more and sat down directly.

Wesley suddenly changed his clothes. He wore the armor he wore when he was enshrined in God's Domain, and wore a sword around his waist. Wesley drew the sword directly, and then walked slowly to Professor Randolph. , put the sword on his shoulder.

Professor Elliot Randolph knelt down on one knee, "The Berserker Elliot Randolph obeys Sir Sir's orders." Phil Coulson was stunned, Wesley put away his sword, and then the armor disappeared. .

"Get up, I won't say anything about you, but you are a very thoughtful person from the God's Domain." Wesley was very interested in this God's Domain person.

"I didn't expect that there would be a Sir Sir, but it seems that you are not from God's Domain."

"Yes, I'm from Earth. I just spent a month in God's Domain. I happened to encounter a dark elf attacking God's Domain. I did some credit in the war, and I was finally knighted by His Majesty Odin. It's more of a symbolic meaning."

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