New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 223 Run! Skye!

Nick Fury was silent on the phone for a while, then said: "The new three air carriers seem to be almost finished."

"What, didn't you say it would take two years? It's only been a year." Wesley asked in surprise.

"Originally, I planned to delay the issue of weapons, but Alexander Pierce agreed. The helicarrier did not pretend to have a large number of weapons. The weapon configuration is the same as that of the active ship. The main assembly has been completed, and the internal installation is also very good. It was so fast that they found a lot of finished equipment, it seems that Hydra has done a lot of preparations."

"Then I have to speed up the progress, when the helicarrier is completed, or before?" Wesley asked.

"Let's do it before. Recently, I have been busy arranging the transfer of personnel from the headquarters. We will try to transfer our people from the headquarters and send them to the New York branch. I will form a large-scale armed force there, and then directly attack the headquarters. But the other branches haven't figured out a way yet."

"I have a way to get there, but it takes some time to prepare. I will tell you when I am done, and the safety of the branch personnel can be guaranteed."

"Oh? Then I'm relieved, Phil's business is left to you now, any clues?"

"Yes, but I don't know who he met now. If we find Phil, the person who met him must be exposed, and I don't know what impact it will have." This is the problem Wesley is worried about. If the level of the personnel is very high, there is no guarantee that the other party will act in advance.

"I'll check to see who the Hydra staff at headquarters left the headquarters at that time, and I'll give you the news when that time comes."

"Okay." Wesley hung up the phone and returned to the conference room.

Skye and the other three were still searching. Wesley stood by and watched carefully. Then Apple began to organize and analyze the information he saw. The conference room was very quiet. After a while, Melinda May walked back, "Wesley, the headquarters hopes to send someone to assist us in rescuing Phil."

Wesley frowned. "Who gave the order?"

"John Garrett, he will come here with Victoria Hand, they bring a lot of people." Melinda May said.

"Tell them that their support is not needed here, and our team can complete this rescue mission." Wesley wanted to refuse directly. If John Garrett came, then they would be tied.

"John Garrett is an eighth-level agent, and he takes over here with all his strength," Melinda May replied.

Wesley took out the phone directly, and then called Nick Fury again, "Someone is going to take over the flight base, it's John Garrett." Wesley said directly.

"I know, I wanted to refuse, but he said that he and Phil were friends who were born to death and could not sit back and ignore his request. There was no way I could refuse his request, so I asked Victoria Hand to follow him. She was not Can it be trusted?"

"The key is that she seems to trust John Garrett more, right?"

"Then I ordered you to be responsible for this operation. Although you are only a seventh-level agent, you still have the identity of an Avenger. They can't control you. Let's not be too sure."

Wesley rolled his eyes, "Maybe, I think about it, maybe I can catch him if I can." Wesley put down the phone. He called from the living room, and no one else heard it. what he said.

Wesley sat on the sofa and thought, then got up and went to the third floor, Phil Coulson's office, and then opened the safe here. Only he and Phil Coulson can open the safe here, and there is a certificate inside, which is for Skye, although it is only a first-level agent qualification.

Originally, Phil was prepared to be a first-level agent's certificate, but Wesley was very satisfied with Skye's training. He wanted her to be tested and obtained the authority of a third-level agent. She uses this too.

Back on the second floor, Wesley said directly: "Skye, this is what Phil prepared for you. Although it's only a first-level agent, from now on, you will officially become a member of S.H.I.E.L.D."

Skye was surprised at the result, and then opened it to see that it was officially her ID. The photo should have been taken when she was first caught, and the S.H.I.E.L.D. badge was as smooth as new.

"Why give it to me at this time?" Skye asked in surprise.

"The specific situation is not suitable to say right now, you pack up and leave the plane immediately, we will tell you that you were kicked out, understand? Bring your equipment, including weapons, Fitz and Simmons will prepare something for Skye , right now." Fitz and Simmons froze for a moment, then understood and ran to the first floor.

Wesley came to Skye and hugged her gently, "We'll send you a message, your mission is to find Phil, understand?"

"Is there a Hydra person among the people who are coming?" Skye asked.

"Yes, so we will be very passive here, and you are different, no one will notice you, you are not a professional detective, and they do not know you, so you are the most convenient one, pay attention to your own safety ." Wesley kissed her forehead lightly.

Skye nodded, then went back to pack her things, and prepared everything, it looked like she was swept out of the house, a layer of Fitz and Simmons prepared a lot of things for her, including battle clothes and weapons included.

Skye left, Wesley watched her walk out of the base, and then turned back to the conference room, "There are members of Hydra this time, do you want to keep it natural?" If you don’t know how to act, then keep yourself busy and try your best to find clues.”

"Understood, we'll go now." Fitz and Simmons ran directly to the laboratory.

Wesley turned to Melinda again and said, "Keep control of the plane."

Melinda nodded, and then returned to the cab. As for how to do Wesley, the name of 'Knight' is not for nothing. Everything was ready. Not long after, several large transport helicopters landed at the base. Wesley stood at the door of the back warehouse and waited for their arrival. John Garrett and Victoria Hand, headed by them, came to him. .

"Agent Wesley Gibson, we meet again." John Garrett stretched out his hand directly. Wesley held his hand, wanting to take me for a while and let Apple invade his brain, but he He let go directly, and Victoria Hand also stretched out his hand on the side.

Wesley could only let go, "Welcome to your presence, although we don't need support, but I'm glad you can come, I think Director Nick Fury has already said it."

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