New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 227 Rescue

The three super soldiers were suppressed. They were not invulnerable, but their muscles were very resilient, and bullets generally couldn't penetrate their bodies, but they would still be hurt, just a little hurt.

The more the pain is, the more blood will run out, so they dare not face the assault rifle directly, but they can charge with something, just like Captain America, he has played a role in demonstrating for these people.

The three super soldiers each found something to block in front of them, and then rushed up. The soldiers of the commando were a little flustered, they had never encountered such a situation. Wesley let Skye sit in place to rest, and he himself was preparing to attack inside, but the three super soldiers rushed out in three directions, which made him a little depressed, he was responsible for the members of the commando , can't watch them get killed.

Once the super soldier gets close, the commandos basically have no power to fight back. Wesley took out the pistol, then swung his arm, the "bang" popped out of the chamber, and a line of fire drew an arc in the night, "poof" With a bang, a super soldier's temple was penetrated and he died on the spot.

No matter how strong the body is, some places are also vulnerable. Wesley aimed directly at the gun fired at the temple.

"The first team is going to block the back door." Wesley shouted and asked the liberated first team to block the back door, and he was approaching the other two super soldiers quickly. The range of the pistol is inherently limited, and with the skill of throwing the gun, Wesley can only get close.

The remaining two super soldiers saw that one of their own people hung up, and they became wary of Wesley at once, and the thing in their hands rushed towards Wesley, Wesley laughed, and it was just right, "Bang "The arm was waved and another shot was fired, and the one in front of him fell, and the thing in his hand fell to the ground. In fact, what he took was a tin bucket. There was no professional shield for them here, so they could only find an empty tin bucket.

The last person left couldn't see it, although he didn't know how to do it, but he would die if he rushed down like this, so he threw the iron bucket in his hand directly, smashed it at Wesley, and then followed. Came behind.

Wesley didn't panic, he turned around and kicked back the iron bucket that was smashed in the face. When the kick came out, he stretched out his hands to catch it, but a huge force came, and the "crunching" iron bucket made a moan. Although the two forces did not directly touch, the iron bucket could no longer bear it.

The last super soldier took a few steps back, which blocked all his strength, but Wesley had already arrived, and then he flew and kicked the iron bucket again. The super soldier's hands instantly disappeared into the bucket. The body flew backwards.

"Bang" fell heavily on the ground. He couldn't believe that the opponent was stronger than him. With his hands, he split the metal bucket in two in an instant, threw it aside, stood up and wanted to fight again. He couldn't help but fight, because someone had something in his mind, and if he stopped or surrendered, he would definitely die.

Wesley knew very well, so he had no intention of taking prisoners. That's how John Garrett controlled people. Wesley directly punched and smashed it in the past. His speed was too fast. He belonged to improving his physical ability in an all-round way, not just his strength. With a "bang", the last person was smashed to the ground with a punch, and then he also fell to the ground. He couldn't stand up, his brain had been knocked out.

Wesley ignored the super soldier, but waved his hand and let people rush into the house, and then he followed in. Grant Ward did not resist, but stood with Rena in the inner room, Phil Ward. Coulson was still struggling on a machine.

"Take the two of them out." Wesley said. The commandos handcuffed the two and escorted them out. Wesley turned off the power of the machine and then came to Phil Coulson. around.

Looking at Phil Coulson who was still trapped in his dream, Wesley put his hand on his forehead, "Apple, stabilize his mind." Wesley's bioelectric waves entered Phil Coulson's The body, followed by the apple invasion, stabilized his emotions.

Phil Coulson calmed down, then opened his eyes and said after seeing Wesley, "I knew you would come, and it came so fast." Wesley knew what he meant, so fast Refers to when Phil Coulson didn't tell any secrets.

"I know you have a lot of questions now, but let's go back to the ground first. This time we can arrest John Garrett first. Why did you ask him for information?" Wesley asked.

"I want to see the director, but I can't get in touch with him, so I can only ask John. It's also a small test to see if he will do something to me."

"You know he's going to attack you?" Wesley asked in surprise.

"I don't know, but we destroyed a lot of his actions. Who knows what he thinks?"

"Just because of this?"

"Yes, anyway, I need to find someone to ask the director's whereabouts and contact information, and I am the most familiar with him. Isn't it normal to ask him for help? That way he won't suspect anything. If I ask someone else Ask, then does he think more about it?"

"You can ask me for the director's number, you know I can reach him," Wesley said.

"I know you guys are hiding something from me, right?" Phil Coulson walked out of the house with Wesley's help, and Skye walked over.

Skye looked at Phil Coulson's injuries and rushed over to cry. For Phil Coulson, Skye regarded him more as a father. She has been constantly moved from place to place since she was a child, so she has no relatives or friends, which is why she cherishes her current job, and she is regarded as home here.

"Oh, are you injured too?" Phil Coulson looked at Skye in surprise.

Wesley said with a smile: "Skye found your position, and then killed us before we arrived, but the fighting skills still need more practice." After Wesley finished speaking, he thought about it, and then He said, "Phil, we have something to hide from you. We were going to tell you. We will talk slowly when we go back and arrest someone."

"Oh? Are you sure you want to tell me?" Phil Coulson asked suspiciously.

"Yes, I originally advocated telling you directly, but some problems have not been resolved, so I can only delay. It should be almost the same now, but I still need to prepare."

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