New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 231 Untitled

Hank Thompson began to understand something, but it was not very clear. He did not recover his memory because he found the answer with the model. He is now normal, and the strong subconscious did not appear on him.

"Is he okay?" Hank Thompson asked.

"Yes, he is fine now, but his mind is a little confused, just take a rest, thank you very much for your help." Wesley said with a smile, "Aren't you very confused, why are we coming to see this?"

"May I know?" Hank Thompson asked.

"Yes, this is Agent Phil Coulson, who was in charge of a project, and you are one of the beneficiaries of this project. You were originally an agent, an agent of our S.H.I.E.L.D., but due to illness You're going to die because of your relationship, and Phil's project recruited six agents, including you, all of them to die because of illness, but the project was a success, and you all survived."

Hank Thompson interjected and asked, "Is this the aftermath of the project?" He pointed to the model.

"Yes, it seems that you have also had that stage. The original project was very successful, but in the follow-up observation, you all appeared a memory, a memory about the pattern, and portrayed it crazily. There was no way at that time, and finally you could only clear your memory, Then change your identity and live an ordinary life."

"It turns out, I have memories of this in the past, but it's not crazy, it was just a little bit at the time, then I painted some and it felt a little wrong, I'm a building contractor now, so I do it a little bit myself The building of this model city, although it looks a bit weird, but my son likes it very much, and I am normal after it is completed.” Hank Thompson said.

"Yes, now it seems that the pattern is not a painting, but a city, a city of aliens. Of course, you don't need to pay attention to these. I think you are very satisfied with your current life, and we will not continue to disturb you. , but we need to bring five people to see it, and then we will scan the model and use it for research."

"Understood, if what you said is true, then I would like to thank Agent Phil Coulson, and I am also obliged to help other people." Hank Thompson believed the stranger in front of him, because everything he said was It's true, my own experiences don't lie.

Phil Coulson stood up sweating profusely, and walked over weakly, "Thank you very much, Mr. Hank Thompson, although I really want to call you an agent again, but now your life is very good, You deserve it." Phil Coulson looked at the door, Wesley and Hank Thompson looked over, and a woman stood at the door with a child.

Hank Thompson recruited them and called them, "This is my wife and son. These two are... my former colleagues. They asked me to help with some things."

"Yes, the design of this model is very good, we need to make a copy and take it back for reference, Hank, let's say goodbye first, the other five people will come to visit soon, you are a genius." Wesley said with a smile, Then he left with Phil Coulson.

Back in the car, Wesley looked at Phil Coulson and asked, "Are you envious of his life? You can have it too, I know you have a girlfriend, a cellist, the disappearance of your death makes She is very sad and you can stand in front of her again."

"No, I still remember the oath I made when I joined S.H.I.E.L.D. to fight heroically to protect the earth. The Avengers was built by me and the director little by little. Your heroic performance in the Battle of New York also inspired me, although I I haven't seen it with my own eyes, but I've seen the video record many times, and I still keep a copy." Phil Coulson turned to look at Wesley.

Wesley could feel his confidence and a belief, and then he heard Phil Coulson say: "Captain America, Hawkeye, and Black Widow are themselves SHIELD people, and Captain America belongs to SHIELD. It is understandable that they are willing to fight, but you and Stark and Bruce still choose to fight as scientists, civilians, and billionaires, and I deeply admire that.”

"The earth is also our home," Wesley said.

"Yeah, so Earth needs S.H.I.E.L.D., and we need someone to give up something for this, and now we have to cheer up and defeat Hydra." Phil Coulson started the car after finishing speaking.

Back on the plane, he directly contacted the headquarters, asked the headquarters to send personnel, received the remaining five personnel involved in the secret project, and handed over John Garrett and Grant Ward, who will spend the rest of their lives in prison .

The escorts are from the S.H.I.E.L.D. branch in New York, and they will be sent to the secret prison of S.H.I.E.L.D., which is still safe.

After seeing the model, the remaining five suddenly realized that although they didn't remember each other, they still hugged and cried. Hank Thompson congratulated them. Although they didn't remember each other, they still left each other's phone numbers. Decided to keep in touch in the future to establish a solid circle of friends.

Everything seemed to be settled, Wesley was happy, and his mission was completed. The next day was their vacation, and Wesley asked Skye to drive a base SUV to Los Angeles.

"You seem to have solved a big problem?" Skye asked from the car.

"Yeah, the big question about coming back from the dead, what's up? You're interested in that?" Wesley asked.

"No, so what about my question?" Skye looked at Wesley expectantly.

Wesley thought about it for a while, and the team's ideological problem was also the key point. Skye was very obsessed with his own life experience, and then said: "You were born in China, your father is American, your mother is Chinese, and you were born at that time. In a small village, and at that time several SHIELD agents were assigned to go there."

"And then what?" Skye asked.

"Then they found that everyone there was dead, only you were found. You were just born and they didn't know what happened, but they started to be hunted and the enemy was targeting you."

"Why did they go there?" Skye asked excitedly.

"A senior agent was on a mission at that time, mission level 0-8-4." After Wesley finished speaking, Skye was stunned, she knew the number very well. Wesley continued: "The people who sacrificed in the village were all for one person. This person should be your mother, but they don't know how."

"My mother? So you mean she's probably gone?" Tears streamed down Skye, her large eyes filled with mist. Wesley knew everything, but that was the plot of an American drama, and he didn't want to say too much. The rest had to be experienced by Skye himself.

"I don't know, I know the situation behind. Several agents protected you all the way back to the United States, but they were still being hunted and killed, and then died one after another. In the end, the remaining two came up with a way, according to the loopholes in S.H.I.E.L.D.'s rules. An eighth-level detective-level mission is designed to erase a person's life, so you don't have any information, no matter how you look for it, you can't find it."

"They...are they protecting me, right?" Skye asked choked up.

"Yes, although you change a family every few months, S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are always around to make sure you're safe." Wesley held the steering wheel in his left hand and the right in his right. He reached Skye's hand and comforted her silently.

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