New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 234 Disagreement

"You are finally here." Nick Fury said lying on the hospital bed. "Spinal injury, broken sternum, crushed collarbone, perforated liver, plus a terrible headache." He seemed to be complaining.

He didn't say these words to Wesley, because he didn't need to say these words, Wesley would fight for S.H.I.E.L.D., and Captain America might not, Nick Fury was cunning and cunning, saying these were meant to win sympathy.

"They gave you a thoracotomy and your heart stopped beating," Black Widow asked. The doctor was beside her treating the gunshot wound on her shoulder, and Black Widow didn't seem to feel the pain, her tone was very calm.

"Tetrodotoxin B, which reduces the heartbeat to one minute. This is a sedative invented by Dr. Bruce Banner to calm himself down, but it has little effect on him."

Captain America Steve Rogers said, "Why so secret? Why not let us know?"

Maria Hill answered him, "In order to make the person who assassinated the chief think the assassination was successful, the dead can't die again."

"What about him?" Steve Rogers asked, pointing at Wesley who was smoking.

"Wesley and Phil formed a squad together and he helped Phil Coulson train the squad and got the news of my death and Wesley called Hill to confirm, so I agreed to tell him directly about me Not dead." Nick Fury breathed a sigh of relief after speaking. He couldn't say much now, and after a pause he said again: "Wesley discovered the existence of Hydra in S.H.I.E.L.D. I just felt that the situation was wrong, and after Wesley joined S.H.I.E.L.D., we only knew about the existence of Hydra through his special abilities."

For a moment, including Maria Hill, she didn't know the situation.

Steve Rogers asked, "What ability?"

Nick Fury didn't answer, but sat up with difficulty, then walked towards Wesley, then sat beside him, and finally pointed to the seat next to him, signaling everyone to come and sit down.

"Wesley, you or I?" Nick Fury asked.

Wesley said, "Should I say it?" After everyone sat down, Wesley said, "I have an ability, which is generally called 'mind reading', as long as I have contact with your body, then I can see your memories and thoughts, but it takes a little longer, and I stayed there for a long time in order to distinguish the Hydra members at the headquarters."

Maria Hill, who was sitting beside Wesley, froze, and then whispered in Wesley's ear, "Have you ever used it for me?"

Wesley smiled and put his mouth to her ear and said, "I saw what posture you like." Maria Hill blushed a bit, but her emotions were well controlled, and then she calmly talked to her. Wesley pulled away a little.

Wesley went on to say: "I said before the last New York battle that there was a Hydra thing in S.H.I.E.L.D., but because of the New York battle, we have never had a chance to do it, and the situation in the precinct has also changed. Not optimistic, we didn't have a chance to clean up all the precincts, but now we are almost ready, we just didn't expect them to do it first."

"Then we can do it now?" Natasha Romanov asked.

Nick Fury nodded and said: "No matter what, we have to do it. Hydra has obtained a batch of tactical nuclear warheads. If the three air carriers are launched, then they can attack unscrupulously, and they must not be allowed to. Success. Hydra originally planned to install a large number of weapons on the helicarrier, but I stopped it, and now they plan to use tactical nuclear bombs."

"We really can't let the air carrier take off." Steve Rogers said, but then his words made everyone quiet, "And we just have to do this, but also destroy S.H.I.E.L.D."

Wesley looked at him, this guy had some problems with his thinking, and his thoughts were too one-sided.

Nick Fury naturally would not agree, and said directly: "SHIELD has nothing to do with this matter."

"If you give me the task, then you have to do it, SHIELD has been infiltrated by the Hydra, the Hydra is right under your nose, and you really can't do anything, I don't know how many people want to fight this battle. sacrifice."

Wesley spoke at this time, "So how many people will die after S.H.I.E.L.D. disappears?" Everyone didn't understand what he said, and looked at him suspiciously.

"Hydra is not only in S.H.I.E.L.D. During World War II, the United States received a lot of German heritage. There are many Hydra personnel. As I said, Hydra has existed for thousands of years, which is why they The reason for shouting 'Cut off one head, grow two heads', because no one has ever really killed them." Wesley stood up and lit a cigarette for himself again.

He looked at everyone and said: "Although I have only joined SHIELD for two years, I know what SHIELD has been doing all the time. SHIELD isolates aliens and some mysterious things from ordinary people. Come on, this is the reason why the earth has always been stable. Hydra was born from the worship of an alien creature. If S.H.I.E.L.D. is lost, how many such organizations will appear on the earth?”

"In addition, there are thousands of alien technology that S.H.I.E.L.D. has obtained over the decades and mysterious items that cannot be explained by current technology. Do you know how many intelligence agencies, including the U.S. military, are drooling over this? You know Once these things lose the protection of S.H.I.E.L.D., who will they go to? The United States is a capitalist country, what can’t those capitalists do for their own interests?”

"You don't have to participate in this mission. We will choose to fight without you. Just like what Phil said, someone has to sacrifice something, someone has to face it, even if they die in battle. S.H.I.E.L.D. will not Disbanded, I will do my best to keep it, it will be more cohesive and combative after this purge, Hydra will be hit the hardest, and S.H.I.E.L.D. will bite them, know all until it's gone."

No one else spoke, only Wesley and Steve Rogers stood face to face, staring at each other, and the atmosphere between the two was very stiff.

"We still have the Avengers to fight, and it may not be bad for those things to be handed over to the U.S. government," Steve Rogers said.

"Do you think that without S.H.I.E.L.D., those heads of state will let such a powerful organization as the Avengers get out of their control? At that time, they will force the Avengers to accept management. If you don't agree, then This organization is illegal, and although S.H.I.E.L.D. and Avengers are not in the same relationship, the Avengers need S.H.I.E.L.D. as a basic guarantee.”

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