New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 236 Battle Plan

Whether the serum is really related to personality, Wesley is not very sure, but it should have a great relationship. There is basically no scientific basis for this, because it cannot be detected at all, and it can only be thought that it is related.

This is not unfounded. The experiment of imitating Captain America's super soldier serum has never stopped. The failure is of course because the formula of the serum is wrong. Even the information saved by the US military has only achieved Bruce Banner's inner body. gram.

In conclusion, Steve Rogers and Bruce Banner have succeeded, and their personalities belong to a type of positive energy. It has to be said that personalities can indeed affect the success rate.

"Okay, the discussion on this is over, we still study the battle plan." Nick Fury said.

"Okay, then I'll continue." Wesley snuffed out the cigarette in his hand, and then said: "The battle plan is very simple. Our team will return to the headquarters first. After all, the director was attacked, and it is normal for us to return. Our team is due to the distance. The underground factory is recently, so we raided there, and Captain Rogers leads the team, first of all, we need you to control the monitoring center of the headquarters, and publish information there about Hydra, so that everyone is alert to the people around them.”

Nick Fury added at this time: "I have already transferred some people to the New York branch, but after all, there are too many people in the headquarters, and Hydra has been arranging their people to the underground factory, where they train the sky mother. The crew the ship needs."

"In other words, there are a lot of Hydras there?" Natasha Romanov asked.

"Yes, then the number is the largest." Nick Fury nodded in agreement.

Wesley continued: "This is very good, at least the battle in the underground factory will not attract the attention of the outside world. The armed forces of the New York branch will leave an hour early. After they arrive, they will first clear the superstructure on the ground, and the following needs a little advance. "

"Why not let them support you?" Maria Hill asked.

"Our team uses cryo guns, so that we can try to catch the activities as much as possible. Although I have read their memories, it has been a long time since I was shocked. Let's see if there is any new news. Besides, there is also Agent Victoria Hand. Here, I will inform her of the attack command center, which controls the launch procedures, and you need to support them."

"Understood, the plan is good, so what about the precinct?" Nick Fury asked.

"Give me a map of the locations of all the sub-bureaus. After Captain Rogers enters the headquarters monitoring center, open the channels of all the sub-bureaus when you speak, and tell them that all the personnel of the sub-bureaus should not move, and the troops of the God's Domain will appear in time. "

Natasha Romanov said in surprise: "You want to use the army of God's Domain to suppress the riots in all the sub-bureaus. After all, there are not many hydras in the sub-bureaus. Although they take a long time to prepare, they need secret operations after all."

"Yes, their main power is concentrated in the headquarters, and most of the remaining power is scattered around the world, and there will not be a lot of power used for sub-bureaus, so as long as the warriors of God's Domain appear, they will basically not move, even if Rebellion is not an opponent of the warriors of God's Domain."

Nick Fury thought about it and asked, "Are they willing to help?"

"They won't refuse, because they owe me favor, and we are in an alliance relationship. The reason why we didn't act immediately was mainly because God's Domain had just been attacked, and now it is estimated that it has almost recovered. After this is over, I will go to God's Domain. Now Is there anything wrong with the plan?"

"Aren't Stark and Banner participating?" Steve Rogers asked.

"Don't participate, Bruce's destructive power is too great, there is no need to let him come, and Tony needs to watch him to prevent Hydra from harassing him in the past. Hydra may not have thought of using Bruce to lure the Avengers away."

Nick Fury nodded and then said: "Yes, you are very thoughtful this time, so if there is no problem, Wesley, you go to God's Domain as soon as possible, and you must let them help."

Maria Hill asked worriedly: "If God's Domain intervenes, will the movement be too big, and aliens will appear all over the world." After listening to the others, they looked at Wesley.

"Yes, this is what we want. We try to keep the movement of our battles as small as possible, but we still need the power of the warrior S.H.I.E.L.D., so what should we do?" Wesley looked at them and said, "We can't let other intelligence agencies think that there is an opportunity. It’s a multiplier, so it’s best for our allies to show their power instead of us.”

"Very good, then it's settled. You will set off for God's Domain immediately. The time is set at ten o'clock tomorrow morning. Is there a problem?" Nick Fury asked.

"It shouldn't be a big problem. If there is no problem, then when I come back from God's Domain, I will go directly to the plane, and I won't come. You guys think about contacting the New York branch." After Wesley finished speaking, he stood up. The clothes have changed, and the armor of God's Domain appears on the body, with a long sword on his waist.

When he came outside, Wesley found an open space, pulled out his long sword and held it high above the top, and then shouted: "Heimdall!" As soon as the voice fell, a beam of light fell from the sky and took Wesley away directly.

Rainbow Bridge, when Wesley came out, he saw only Heimdall, who was always guarding here, "Heimdall, long time no see."

"Welcome to God's Domain, you seem to be in a lot of trouble!" Heimdall said.

"Yes, so I'm here to ask for His Majesty Odin's help, so things will be easier." Wesley walked out after finishing speaking. Without a horse, he could only put on his armor and fly to the main city. Of course, he couldn't rush directly. Go in, fly to the edge and you have to land.

Soon I saw God King Odin, and Thor, "Hey, my friend, why do you have time to come to God's Domain again?" Thor came up and hugged Wesley.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. was in trouble, remember when we talked about Hydra during the Battle of New York," Wesley said.

"Oh, yes, you discussed it, but I didn't understand it at the time." Saul said, and God King Odin didn't know either, Heimdall wouldn't report these things to them.

Wesley started directly from the origin of Hydra, and then continued until now, and then said his request, "I hope God's Domain can send soldiers to all branch locations, only God's Domain has the ability to deploy in a short time. It’s over, and basically there is no need to fight, after you arrive, the threat will be enough.”

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