New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 238 Headquarters Battle One

The reason why Wesley said so much to convince Steve Rogers was his name. In the Marvel universe, his name can be said to be a household name in the United States, and it has its own section in the museum, as well as a large number of comic stories. Many SHIELD agents grew up watching his stories. , so he now quieted the entire headquarters with a single sentence.

"You have heard a lot of news about me in the past few days, and some people have even been ordered to hunt me down, but I believe I should tell you the truth. The interior of S.H.I.E.L.D. is not as peaceful as it seems, we have been infiltrated by the Hydra organization. Now, their leader is Alexander Pierce. Chief Nick Fury wanted to end it because he discovered their plan, the 'Project Insight'..."

After a moment of silence, "But his efforts were not in vain. We are ready to fight. The team led by Phil Coulson has successfully entered the interior of the headquarters. They will attack the underground factory, where the Hydra is The key defense target, Agent Wesley Gibson will participate in this battle as a member of SHIELD, if the Hydras cherish their lives, then please put down their weapons."

"We are not alone, the armed forces of the New York branch will arrive soon, and all the branches will be in charge of our allies, all the personnel of the branch, please do not take any action, the army of our ally God's Domain is about to come to all the branches, you don't have any Any chance. Now is the time to make a choice, life and death are on your mind."

"Kazha." The broadcast stopped. Even if they threatened, these words were encouragement. They deterred Hydra's personnel to give up their resistance and encouraged their own people to take up arms and fight. Sili walked down directly, the electronic equipment of the armor was activated, scanned the surrounding situation, and someone was pointing a gun at him.

"Put down the weapon and lie down on the spot, otherwise it will be regarded as a dangerous target to attack." Wesley raised his arms, and the palm of the armor lit up with blue light. Appearing from the back warehouse is the most dangerous time. He needs to clear a landing site for Phil Coulson and others behind him.

With the sound of "da da da", the assault rifle began to attack. The members of Hydra chose to attack. Their bullets could not have hurt Wesley. It can be seen that Hydra's brainwashing work is very strong.

"Boom...Boom" Wesley opened fire, and the energy attack shot from the palm exploded near the target, the energy shock swept out, and the people who exploded instantly turned their horses, and the personnel loyal to S.H.I.E.L.D. also took out their weapons and began to attack Wesley's men opened fire, and the scene was a little chaotic for a while.

"Apple, scan the members on the list and mark them in red." Wesley now has to distinguish them to avoid accidental injuries. The underground tarmac and factories are the most chaotic places, so they used cryo guns to attack here. The proportion of personnel on both sides of the ground buildings is similar. Most of the commandos are Hydra, and the suit agents belong to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Alexander Pierce was sitting in the office with a very relaxed expression. He tapped his fingers on the table as if he was thinking about something. Then he picked up the phone and connected to the underground factory.

"I'm Alexander Pierce," he said.

"Long live the Hydra." A voice came from the opposite side.

"Immediately launch the air carrier and get all the fighter jets ready. Once the liftoff is completed, the fighter jets will take off immediately."


Alexander Pierce is very calm. Winning or losing is not a problem now. Winning or losing is not important anymore. As long as the sky carrier takes off and the fighter planes take off, then the battle will be exposed to the whole world. S.H.I.E.L.D. Even if they win, they will be disbanded.

The fierce battle at the headquarters has begun. The armed combat troops of the New York branch have already set off early, and will arrive at the headquarters in an hour. Wesley did not let them arrive at the first time of the attack. This is to reduce accidental injuries. . After all, the headquarters is very chaotic now, and if they join in, they can't have time to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, so it is better to wait for an hour after the battle to join in. At that time, the front of the enemy and the enemy should be very obvious.

Steve Rogers began to attack from the top down. He, Natasha Romanoff, and Sam Wilson attacked with bare hands, without using weapons. Sam Wilson carries flying wings on his back. He has not yet become a falcon, but he already has the prototype of a superhero.

Victoria Hand led the team and began to rush out of the war room. Their number was the largest, and they gathered as they moved forward. Victoria Hand entered the list of Hydra into the computer, and then others took some more tablets. , scan the people they encounter, arrest if it is a Hydra, and kill them all the way to the command center.

Inside the command center, the atmosphere is very tense now. Brock Rumlow is here with several commandos. He pointed a gun at a programmer and said, "Start firing Cheng Xun immediately."

The programmer was extremely nervous, but he promised to start it right away, but he never moved his hand. Brock Rumlow asked impatiently, "Is there a problem?"

"Sorry, I can't start, this is Captain America's order." Although the programmer was scared to death, he still refused.

Brock Rumlow was about to shoot the damn programmer, but a female detective next to him came over and raised her pistol, "Put the gun down, he's right, this is the captain. The command."

"Detective, you made a wrong decision." Brock Rumlow still didn't put down his gun.

Female detectives are also famous, detective Sharon Carter, Peggy Carter is her aunt, future girlfriend of Steve Rogers, all the people with guns in the command center have drawn their weapons, detective For the commandos, the atmosphere on both sides was very tense.

Wesley's series of attacks cleaned up the surrounding area. Although the energy impact was insufficient, the impact area was large and the surrounding area was cleaned up. Phil Coulson took the lead and walked down immediately after receiving the notice. The cryo gun started firing.

It was almost a different attack, and it opened fire when it saw people, and those who were dizzy by Wesley were directly hit and fainted. Wesley's armor immediately disappeared, and then a pair of pistols appeared in his hands. The "Bang Bang" guns fired continuously. His shooting speed and aiming speed were too fast. Almost no one was standing.

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