New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 240 Battle of the Headquarters III

The flying axe was spinning at a high speed, and Wesley held one of them in front of him. The rainstorm-like bullets were all blocked. A large number of stray bullets flew everywhere after the secondary acceleration of the flying axe. Many of the nine that were attacking Wesley. The head snake member was hit.

With a wave of the arm, another flying axe flew out and went straight to a fighter plane. The fighter plane parked on the ground had no ability to move at all, and was directly hit by the flying axe. The "呲la" fighter plane was cut into two pieces directly, and then fell there, and the flying axe flew back and stopped firmly on the back of the palm again.

Electromagnetic recovery and laser beacon, Wesley smiled contentedly, but he did not stop, throwing a pair of throwing axes, and he took this opportunity to attack the members of Hydra with shock waves, and then catch them Throwing axe.

Although it is not full of firepower, the efficiency of the attack is very impressive. The fighter jets that were strafing were destroyed. It would be exhausting for Hydra to get a few planes. Moreover, they did not dare to use missiles in the factory, especially tactical nuclear warheads. .

"Come here!" Wesley called Phil Coulson and others on the radio, and then continued to clean up. When he encountered the equipment box, he pushed back and gave Phil Coulson and the others a bunker. .

The fighting in the headquarters was in full swing, but all the S.H.I.E.L.D. branches were unusually quiet. After Steve Rogers spoke, beams of light began to drop from the sky, and a large number of golden armored warriors poured out. They are the army of God's Domain. Two hundred Divine Realm soldiers from each branch appeared directly at the entrance of the branch, but whether it was a downtown area or a secret base in the suburbs, Heimdall accurately teleported every place.

Of course, the world will not fail to see such a large-scale vision. The heads of countries have urgently contacted the World Security Committee to ask what happened. S.H.I.E.L.D. branches are located all over the world and are uniformly subordinate to the headquarters, which is managed by the World Security Council.

The matter of God’s Domain could not be concealed from the heads of various countries. They knew that such a landing method belonged to God’s Domain, so whether S.H.I.E.L.D. had started a war with God’s Domain, the World Security Committee had no idea at all, so they immediately contacted Alexander Pierce.

Alexander Pierce has been sitting in his office, waiting for someone to break in, arrest him or shoot him, but there has been no movement, as if he has been forgotten.

Wesley didn't have the slightest affection for Alexander Pierce, and at the same time he didn't take him seriously. It's the same for people like him who are caught in the end. Unless he commits suicide, then it's not bad to commit suicide directly. After all, if he lives, it will be troublesome. question.

The "Didi" World Security Committee called, he hesitated for a while, and then answered, there was a hurried inquiry from the opposite side, "Minister Pierce, what's wrong with S.H.I.E.L.D.? Why are there a large number of soldiers from God's Domain? Branches all over the world?"

"Problem? No problem? What problem will S.H.I.E.L.D. have?" Alexander Pierce replied amusingly. These members of the World Security Committee still don't know that S.H.I.E.L.D. has been infiltrated by Hydra, and The World Security Council has theirs too, but only one.

"What do you mean, don't tell us you don't know? The army of God's Domain has come to Earth." The voice on the other side was a little exasperated.

"Don't worry, they are here to help, to help Captain America defeat me." Alexander Pierce is very relaxed now, and now he is waiting for the result. If the helicarrier can take off, then there is still a chance, if it can't take off , then everything is gone.

The person opposite was stunned, but it was understandable that anyone who heard such a thing would have to digest it, "What the hell do you mean?"

"A group of stupid people, S.H.I.E.L.D. has long been infiltrated by Hydra, and you still don't know it, but some people are smarter. After they found out, they began to prepare. Nick Fury was killed, and now they don't wait anymore. , and I am the leader of Hydra, how about it? Didn't you think of it?" Alexander Pierce laughed, then stood up and went to the window, looking down.

The outside of the headquarters was very calm, and he was a little surprised that all the battles took place inside.

"Are you sure you're not joking?" The person on the other side still couldn't believe it.

"I'm pretty sure, the battle has been going on for almost an hour now, I don't know the specifics, but Captain America and Black Widow are there, oh yes, and 'Sir' is also there, I guess it's hard to win, at the time I should use more power to kill 'Sir', his armor is somewhat invincible here." Alexander Pierce is only now starting to think about this issue.

The opposite side of "Dudu" hung up the phone. Alexander Pierce threw the phone away and continued to enjoy the calm scenery outside the headquarters. However, the calm was soon interrupted. , which should be from the New York precinct.

Now he wants to figure out a question, that is why the other party can clean up the New York branch, this question he has never figured out.

The New York branch has finally arrived, and the battle within the headquarters has also been divided into lines. Maria Hill directed them at the monitoring center, entered directly from the main entrance, and began to clean up. As a result, the buildings above the headquarters were very All will be occupied soon.

"Boom" Wesley was still advancing in the underground factory, but the speed slowed down. Phil Coulson and others behind him were suppressed at the entrance of the passage. Fortunately, Wesley prepared some bunkers for them.

Seeing that the Hydra's people couldn't hurt Wesley, they simply separated some people to the sides and attacked Phil Coulson and others, while Wesley's front concentrated some boxes to set up positions.

"Wesley, we're running out of ammunition, and we need you to come back and supply us with some." Phil Coulson's voice came over the radio, and Wesley first observed the situation after hearing it.

The firepower in front was very intensive, and they gathered equipment and some boxes to form a position. Wesley raised his arms, and the axe handles of a pair of rotating axe were docked at the tail. Push before, simulating 'the axe to open the way'.

The front position of "Boom" was directly smashed. It is not enough to describe such a scene. Many boxes and equipment were directly cut open, and the powerful impact knocked many smaller things into the air, and everything was pushed to the sides. , then the throwing axe returns.

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