New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 247 Aftermath III

"Are you going back to the Avengers?" Steve Rogers asked.

"Yes, the Avengers headquarters is about to be built. Tony and I funded the construction. There are laboratories we need, training places and command systems, etc., and it is dedicated to our Avengers, not affiliated with Any agency. If S.H.I.E.L.D. is out of control, they are fully capable of fighting them, so there is nothing to worry about,” Wesley said.

"What's your purpose for doing this? Helping S.H.I.E.L.D. so laboriously, and trying so hard to build the Avengers?" Steve Rogers asked puzzled.

"Self-defense. I think you also know how strong the aliens are. Of course not all aliens, but the aliens that can reach the earth are absolutely powerful, and what about us? The governments of the world are fighting their own way. , the strength is too weak, so we can only rely on ourselves. The stronger the strength of S.H.I.E.L.D., the more able we are to protect the earth in the face of the alien army, and the special personnel of the other party will be dealt with by us."

"How do you know that aliens will attack Earth?" Steve Rogers asked.

"Obviously, the relationship between the Infinity Stones, the Infinity Stones appeared on the earth, isn't it very suspicious? Such a high-level energy item will actually appear on the earth, and there are more than one. I don't know what happened. But I know that there must be some relationship here, and we have to explore the specifics ourselves, but we must prepare."

"Why don't you hand over the Infinity Stones to the Divine Realm? They should be able to protect the Infinity Stones, right?"

"Hehe, do you know the idea of ​​God's Domain? They won't allow the Infinity Stones to appear in the same place. If they have more than two Infinity Stones, then they will give away one. This is their idea, because they are in the universe. It is not the strongest in the world, the universe is too big, and there are countless strong people, even God’s Domain dares to keep two Infinity Stones at the same time.”

"Then why are you holding two? I heard you seem to have one."

"You actually know? Yes, I do have two Infinity Stones, but I can only use one, and the other one is enclosed in space by me. I will not let the Infinity Stones fall into the hands of aliens. of."


"Power, the Infinity Stones give people power, but if this power is in the hands of others, it is dangerous to the earth, I would rather not use it than hand it over, and in my hands no one can take it away, even if killed I can't find them either, unless they know the mysteries of space."

"Is the power of the space gems? It's really good." Steve Rogers nodded. It would be good if these infinity gems could be sealed.

Wesley is really worried, because there are too many infinity gems on the earth, and Doctor Strange doesn't know if they have come out. After he leaves S.H.I.E.L.D., he needs to look for it. There are still time gems there, and Doctor Strange may be able to get time. Recognition of gems, then the strength of the earth will go further.

The two returned to the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters. Now that the Hydra people are locked up, the cells are definitely not enough, not enough for them to squeeze, and then start to clean up the headquarters, and then Maria Hill will give it to the branch The list was sent, and they started to catch the Hydra people, and then focused on starting the interrogation.

Just when S.H.I.E.L.D. was busy, the U.S. government was on fire. They didn’t know much about S.H.I.E.L.D., but many intelligence agencies took action. Wesley’s personal assistant Evelyn Salter After receiving the task, she needs to understand the situation of S.H.I.E.L.D. as soon as possible.

Evelyn Salt wanted to cry but had no tears. She didn't know anything, and the boss didn't know where she was? She could only call Wesley. Wesley was a little surprised when Evelyn Salt took the initiative to call herself today.

"Boss?" Evelyn Salt's voice came.

"Oh? Evelyn, what's the matter with you?" Wesley asked.

"Yes, I would like to report to you the progress of your shareholding apartment. At the same time, Alliance Games should be preparing to go public, and your family wants to buy a villa. Although Mr. Philip is in charge, he still hopes that you can give Give instructions." Evelyn said a lot of things, and Wesley thought that he really should go back, the house is still in a mess.

"I know, I'll go back and I'll contact you when the time comes." Wesley put down the phone and thought.

'Those intelligence agencies couldn't sit still, they began to monitor the situation of S.H.I.E.L.D. Now S.H.I.E.L.D. is on high alert, the army of God's Domain has not evacuated, they have no way to start, and this time it is not only nine There are also many spies from other intelligence organizations, but most of them are low-level agents. ' Wesley thought while sitting on the plane.

Maria Hill came to the plane at some unknown time, saw Wesley in the living room on the second floor, and then walked over and said, "Wesley, the US government is going to hold a joint hearing, who shall we send?"

"Huh?" Wesley looked up at Maria Hill, and then said: "Oh, the hearing, this is very good, just in time to talk about S.H.I.E.L.D. to the world."

"Then who's going?" Maria Hill asked.

"Let me think." Wesley thought. In the movie, Black Widow went alone, but her historical problems are very big and it is not suitable. Although she said very powerfully at the hearing, she is still weak.

"I'm going, so is Captain Steve Rogers. We are two participants, representing both S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers, and then I call on Thor, who is the representative of the alliance, so it's perfect." Wes Lee laughed.

"Yes, it will be held at the Capitol at ten o'clock tomorrow morning. Please contact Sol as soon as possible."

Wesley nodded, Saul was on Earth, he didn't go to the precinct, but went to find Jane Foster, Wesley could call him with a phone call, anyway, this guy can fly himself.

Thinking of this, he called Jane Foster directly, and then asked Thor to rush to SHIELD. Then he went to Steve Rogers and told him what he thought. Captain America agreed, and now he He also thinks that S.H.I.E.L.D. should continue to exist, because he saw the personnel of Hydra, and he did not know what would happen to these people if they lost S.H.I.E.L.D.

After Sol came, Wesley invited him to a French dinner. This guy was very edible, but fortunately he didn't put on his armor and walked out with a hammer, and they didn't become the focus of passersby.

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