New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 250 Buying Land and Building a House

Wesley's words pushed the atmosphere of the hearing to the highest point. The atmosphere was very warm and everyone actively participated in the discussion.

Chaos, just a word of chaos now, the surrounding reporters couldn't calm down at all after Wesley finished speaking, and there was no point in holding the hearing, and their reason for disbanding S.H.I.E.L.D. was no longer valid.

To put it bluntly, the purpose of the joint hearing was to dissolve S.H.I.E.L.D. through a no-confidence proposal, but Wesley exposed some things directly. The US government is now in a crisis of confidence, and their no-confidence proposal has completely lost its effect on S.H.I.E.L.D. , If SHIELD's no-confidence proposal passes, what about the US Congress and the US military?

Wesley got up, re-buttoned his suit jacket, and then said: "I am also a member of the Avengers, with special abilities, generally people call it 'mind reading', if the US Congress and the military need my help , then you can make an appointment with my personal assistant, I can help you catch those lurkers, of course, I charge by the hour." Wesley exposed one of his abilities, which is very powerful of.

After finishing speaking, Wesley greeted Sol and Steve Rogers to leave, and when he reached the door, he turned around and said, "SHIELD and God's Domain have reached a strategic alliance, and will soon start strategic cooperation, including defense. and technical aspects." After speaking, they left immediately, and the reporters started to chase the three of them, but the three of them didn't say anything else and got in the car and left.

The aftermath continues around the world, but it has nothing to do with Wesley, who is now ready to go home.

Maria Hill and Wesley were sitting in the director's office, drinking coffee, and then Maria Hill said, "Are you leaving S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"Yes, now S.H.I.E.L.D. basically no longer needs me, and it's not very good for S.H.I.E.L.D. to stay here. I offended the U.S. government at this hearing, and my position in S.H.I.E.L.D. It's beyond my current level, and it's not very good for you to accept the position of director." Wesley took a sip of coffee.

"But you can't leave S.H.I.E.L.D. completely. I think so, you can serve as a liaison for S.H.I.E.L.D., Avengers, and God's Domain. You are familiar with all three places. This position is the most suitable for you. It is equivalent to a consultant. If you exist, I will raise your level to level 8." Maria Hill still needs Wesley's help, especially since her influence on the Avengers is very low, and Nick Fury has begun to disappear. , won't give her much help.

"Nice job, but now I need time off and the house is a mess," Wesley said.

"Okay, I will contact you if there is something, and we did find a few difficult guys, and they will be sent to the New York branch. It's up to you then."

"Don't worry." Wesley put down the coffee, then got up and left, and went straight back to the plane. He needed to talk to Skye and the others.

Skye has been on the plane, she can't help with the following things, she is still a first-level agent, even if she can be promoted this time, it is not now, S.H.I.E.L.D. is very busy. Wesley sat down beside her and said, "I'm going home, will you play with me for a few days?"

"Go home? No, no, no, now is not the time, I'm not ready." Skye shook his head hastily.

"Also, but I won't come back to this team in the future. My mission is over. You have grown up. Remember to call me more."

"Why?" Skye asked in surprise.

"It's natural to leave when the time is up. I also came to help at the beginning, but now that the time is up, you need to continue to train hard. You can't be lazy when I'm not here. I'll check your body then." You two. I was bored for a long time, and Wesley just left. He called Phil Coulson directly, and then left gracefully.

When Wesley returned to New York, Carlos brought Hannah and Mindy to see the house, and Wesley joined directly. Everyone was full of expectations for the new home.

Philip, as always, went all out, came to New York in person, looked up property listings, and picked a few locations, while their apartment had already begun repairs.

When Wesley arrived at home, Philip was explaining to Carlos and others with some real estate introductions. Mindy ran over when he saw Wesley came back, "You're finally back." Mindy jumped and went directly Jumping into Wesley's arms, Wesley hurriedly hugged her, but now Mindy has grown a little taller, not the small man she used to be.

"Come back? How long can you stay this time?" Carlos asked.

"It can be a long time. I will no longer be an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. in the future, but now I am a liaison officer and I am responsible for the main liaison work. How about a lot of time? Have you chosen a good place?"

Hannah said with a pile of real estate documents, "I don't know which one to choose? They all seem to be very good?"

Wesley took a look at the information, and then said: "If you have space, you can build one yourself. If you don't have it, buy one by the sea, how about it?"

"Boss, there is indeed an open space. The location is good. It's just southeast of Manhattan. It's not very far from here. It's only a few streets away." Philip's work is still so powerful.

Wesley nodded with satisfaction and said, "Buy it, and then we'll go to the land." Buy first and then see. Wesley is also rich now, and he won't accompany him when he buys land in New York.

"Understood, I will handle the construction procedures together." Philip hurried away.

Wesley was sitting on the sofa with Mindy in his arms. Now Mindy is a big girl, and she is almost fourteen years old. Although she is a little petite, Wesley is awkward to hold her, but Mindy has no consciousness at all. She was criticizing Wesley for not coming home to them for so long.

Wesley could only beg for mercy, and then asked, "Father, are you still going to continue running the flower shop?"

Carlos nodded, "Yes, there is always something to do."

Wesley then said: "Okay, then let's build a bigger house. Now let's see how the land looks like, and then start designing. What do you need a house for?"

Mindy immediately shouted excitedly: "I want a swimming pool, and Annabelle needs to learn to swim."

"Meow" Annabelle ran away in a hurry, it would never learn to swim. The family went downstairs directly, got on Carlos' pickup, left the apartment, and went to the land introduced by Philip.

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