New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 253 Annabelle's Improvement

Wesley left the Stark Building with the final design, which made him a little proud, maybe the relationship of the soul?

Driving straight back home, Mindy went to school, and Carlos and Hannah were at the flower shop. Wesley didn't share with him, but Annabelle ran to his feet and called "meow" softly. a sound.

"Good girl, are you hungry again? Let me see if you are fat again." Wesley picked up Annabelle, and his actions made the workers amused. The home is still being repaired and will take a week to complete.

Wesley carried Annabelle back to his room and put it on the desk, but only then did he realize that Annabelle was shedding hair.

"Apple, what's wrong with it?" Wesley asked.

"Cats tend to shed their hair when their home environment changes," Apple said.

"Oh, but Annabelle is very old, right?" Wesley suddenly became worried.

"It's not very big, about eight years old, and you can try to input energy into it, I can help it improve its physique, the sooner the better." Apple's words surprised Wesley for a moment, and then became ecstatic.

It can be said that he has a long life span. Wesley does not know how long it will last. The improvement of his physique has been continuing, and it has been comprehensively sustained, so now he is worried about the health of his family. If he can improve himself Annabelle's body, increase its lifespan, then so can the family.

Wesley suppressed his excitement and let the queen carefully hold Annabelle. The space gem slowly released energy into his body, and then the apple guided the energy into Annabelle's body, and it also invaded Annabelle's body. .

Annabelle didn't feel any discomfort, and lay obediently in Wesley's arms, the warm feeling in her body made it yawn, the hunger disappeared, and it didn't want to eat anymore, and went to sleep directly.

Annabelle had a dream in which it dreamed of the Winter Soldier, the bad guy who wanted to attack Mindy. And he turned into a super cat, and kept attacking the Winter Soldier. The sharp claws directly cut the bad guy's metal arm, scratched his face, and finally drove the bad guy away and saved Mindy. In order to reward it, Mindy gave it a grilled fish every day, as if alone and hungry again.

"Meow" Annabelle opened her eyes, Wesley was gone, he didn't find it, he slept really soundly! With a slight jump, he wanted to land, but this jump was overtaken by both speed and strength, and hit the floor with a "bang".

"Meow?" Annabelle was surprised. After getting up, she circled around in confusion. Then she was going to find a place to try again. Is there something wrong with her?

Annabelle looked at Wesley's bed and decided to jump on it, it wouldn't hit anything there, and then jumped towards the edge of the bed, but it landed in the middle of the bed.

‘Am I really a super cat? ' Annabelle became puzzled, its little head couldn't understand it at all, so it gave up thinking and jumped directly to the ground, this time it controlled its body, and then trotted out of the bedroom.

"Annabelle, what happened to you today? Why didn't you greet me home?" Mindy had come back from school, but Annabel didn't come to greet her.

"Meow" Annabelle obediently ran to Mindy's side. Annabelle has been shedding hair recently, so Mindy was very worried and took her to the pet store, but they said that Annabelle was fine, but the environment had suddenly changed and she was a little uncomfortable.

Mindy picked up Annabelle, then stroked it, then checked it, and suddenly shouted happily: "Annabelle, it's not shedding." Mindy ran into the kitchen happily, Wesley While making dinner, a grilled fish was prepared by Annabelle.

Wesley glanced at Annabelle. The experiment was successful this time. Annabelle has been strengthened, and Apple is expected to have a few more.

Carlos and Hannah returned home, dinner was just done, the family sat down to eat, Wesley took out his laptop, then showed his design, and said, "What do you think?"

"Well, a very distinctive design, I seem to have seen this pattern somewhere." Carlos said.

"This is Huaxia's Tai Chi pattern. I integrated it into the overall design of the villa. What do you think? I have not determined the front floor tiles and the exterior painting of the villa. This is according to your liking."

Hannah looked at it and said, "Yes, four small flower houses, what should I think about planting?"

Mindy looked at the pool and said, "I like it, Annabelle, we can swim in the summer."

"Meow" Annabelle was enjoying grilled fish, and suddenly felt that she lost her appetite after hearing Mindy's shout, but she quickly thought that she is a super cat now, so don't be afraid! Big mouth started to eat grilled fish and cat food again.

After confirming the design, Wesley directly sent the design to Philip and asked him to find a professional designer to match the layout and color. He was not good at this, even Apple was just two knives. At the same time, on-site measurement and interior decoration need to be completed by professionals. Wesley will not think that his design is the best. After the main body is determined by himself, the rest will be handed over to others.

Philip's eyes lit up when he saw the design. This villa is so unique. No matter whether others like it or not, he will definitely remember it. The boss should hold a reception when he moves in the future, which can open up the boss's social circle, but It is estimated that this will not be passed.

Wesley solved the problem of the house. He was going to go to California in a few days. He should go to the Avengers headquarters, but the work should be completed before that, and his beautiful assistant was still waiting for his call for a long time.

In the evening, Wesley landed in the League of Legends in place and played a double row with Mindy, but Mindy still used her own natal hero, she was determined not to change, and she played games and let Annabelle accompany her. , shouting with unusual concentration.

Wesley is enjoying the long-lost family happiness, and this place gives him peace of mind. At the same time, he still has to continue to become stronger, and his relatives who must not be hurt in the future battle with Thanos.

Wesley had a sense of urgency. He really didn't want to face the big boss Thanos, but whether the future was doomed or could be changed, he had no idea at all.

A good night's sleep, sent Mindy to school the next day, and then asked Evelyn Salt to come out and let her report to her work.

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