New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 283 Decadent

Stephen Strange was finally able to walk down the ground, but his hands were shaking all the time, and he could no longer hold the scalpel. As a proud person, how could he accept such a result?

I have always been dissatisfied with the doctor who performed the surgery because he performed the operation in the hospital where he works, where he is the most authoritative surgeon, so no one dares to resist when he scolds others. This is the result of the accumulation of authority. But it still doesn't change his status quo.

The crazy Stephen Strange constantly began to study his own cases, looking for a way to heal his hands, which was his pride. From the beginning of reading, he has a very good talent, and his unforgettable ability makes him read, not only in reading, but also in other things. In the field of surgeons, he is even more daring and careful.

Christina Palmer, a female doctor, is considered to be his good friend. She has been taking care of Stephen Strange's life when he was in a car accident, but Stephen Strange has no feeling about it. All he cared about was his hands.

Even if the experimental operation was in the experimental stage, no matter how expensive it was, he chose to perform the operation, but the effect was still ineffective, but he still did not give up. There were seven high-priced operations in total, and many things in the family were sold.

"Sir, Stephen Strange is about to run out of steam." Wesley's direct operations team reported to him.

"Oh? So soon? It's only been a few months, what's his mental state now?" Wesley asked.

Since Wesley released the mission, his direct team has been monitoring Stephen Stlance for three months.

"The mental state is very poor, and there are signs of a breakdown."

"Very good, keep checking, and let me know when he's leaving." Wesley put down the phone.

The three-month period is neither long nor short, the Avengers headquarters is on the right track, all departments are perfect, and at the same time, the functions of the Avengers are started step by step.

The first is the collection of intelligence. Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton are in charge of this aspect. Both of them are top-level agents and are very good at intelligence collection. At the same time, S.H.I.E.L.D. shared intelligence with the Avengers. Civilians began to build the Avengers' own archives, enriching the information inside, which may seem useless, but the critical moments may be unexpected.

There are not many tasks for the operatives. They are more training. After all, they are all students who have just graduated and need to cooperate, especially some monitoring tasks. They may not have many combat tasks in the future, but there will be no less monitoring tasks.

Wesley completed the acquisition of Pym Company, finally occupying 55% of the shares, and then Alliance Games went public, and Pym Company announced the completion of the acquisition. Wesley then transferred 10 percent of the company's shares to Carlos, so that he was not absolutely controlling, and the company went straight to producing Apple's line of phones.

Wesley has been sitting on a lot of things for three months, and he has to deal with these issues before Stephen Strange leaves.

The housekeeper, Alan Hebrew, employed two cooks, a driver and four servants. The family was fully equipped. Wesley now went home to live every day, and then went to the Avengers headquarters during the day. It crosses the United States twice a day, and the use and control of the Space Gate have improved. The error of one activation is about ten kilometers, which is a remarkable progress.

Stephen Strange is sitting at home. The house is empty. There are only a few chairs and a table left, all of which are worthless. He is making his last effort to ask his old friends for help, but The other party directly refused for the sake of reputation.

Yes, it is reputation. If the treatment is not good, it will be detrimental to the doctor's reputation. No matter how sick others are, doctors in the United States are a high-paying profession, and they are especially concerned about reputation.

Stephen Strange swept everything on the table directly to the ground. At this time, Christina Palmer walked in with food and asked, "Did he refuse?"

"Yes, quack. But there is an institution in Tokyo. They cultivate and upgrade donor stem cells, and then use 3D printing of the chromosome skeleton, but I have to raise a sum of money first, I don't need much, maybe more than 200,000 is enough."

"Stephen, you always spend as much as you earn, and you are completely overdrawn now." Christina Palmer said, "You should consider giving up."

A basin of cold water poured down, Stephen Strange did not calm down, but became irritable, "No, now is not the time to give up, my disease has not been cured."

"You are not sick now, but persistent. You should start over."

"A life without a career?"

"That's life too." Christina Palmer said bitterly: "There will always be other things in the world that make you passionate again, and you can start over."

"Like you?" Stephen Strange looked up at him.

If you change your mood and environment, then this sentence may be a courtship sentence, but now it has become hurt. The time was wrong and the mood was different. The two began to quarrel, but the result was that a sad woman left, and the remaining man began to be decadent alone.

But he still has one last hope. His physiotherapist gave him a name, Jonathan Pangborn, a man who could never stand up again, but is still intact now. Stephen Strange didn't believe it. But he had no choice, he was going to see it.

Jonathan Pangborn's information was placed in front of Wesley, and his direct team was always paying attention, so the information was quickly obtained. This person used to be a weapon experimenter of Hammer Weapons Company. At that time, he was experimenting with the steel armor designed by Hammer Company, but the final experiment failed. The steel armor suddenly twisted and he was seriously injured. In Tony Stark's There was also a video of the hearing.

Wesley felt a little funny, the connection is still very close, this universe is really interesting, but the time is almost up, and he should act, I don't know if there will be any gains by then?

Stephen Strange found Jonathan Pangborn and got a name 'Kama Taj', and he just got that name, nothing else.

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