New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 286 The first language of the universe

Wesley remembered that Doctor Strange once said that the mage studied the original language of the universe, and then the power of the language cast spells, that is, spells. He was very interested in this, because the code of the apple is an element, and he does not know the relationship between these languages. Does it matter.

The main purpose of his coming here is to learn to use energy, and the second is this language. The element language Wesley thinks is the language of advanced civilization in the universe. Wesley does not know how advanced it is. Maybe there is none in this Marvel universe. After all, he came from across, and he didn't know how many parallel worlds he had passed by.

And what was the original language of the universe, he was very curious, and Master Gu Yi let him read books by himself, which is also a lot more convenient, so now he is constantly searching in the library.

"What book are you looking for?" The Fat King sent Stephen Strange away, and then came to Wesley's side to see what he had been looking for, so he asked.

"I'm looking for books about the universe, knowledge, language, divisions," Wesley said.

"Wait a minute." The Fatty King knew the location of each book, so he quickly brought seven books, all about the universe. "These are elementary, and there are more advanced ones. If you don't understand, then you can read these first."

"Thank you." Wesley took it directly, then came to the table used by the Fatty King, pulled a chair and sat down, and started reading directly. Fatty Wang is very curious, why don't you take back so many books and read them? But he ignored it, and he sat down and continued to read. Mage is a profession that requires a lot of knowledge, especially for the understanding of those mysteries. The more you learn, the more you feel that you are lacking, so when you have time, everyone likes it. read.

Wesley opened a book and began to look at it. The universe is really wonderful. Wesley knew that there were parallel universes, and the mages were concerned about the multiverse. close together, but never overlap. The multiverse is a little more complicated. Different spaces in the same universe should probably be explained in this way.

For example, the dark space that is about to appear, a single darkness cannot become the universe, so Wesley understands it as a space, and Wesley itself has a body space, but there is nothing in it, or it is a stillness Space, everything that enters it will be still, what it looks like when it goes in, or what it looks like when it comes out. As for whether a creature can enter this, he still doesn't know, because he does not dare to conduct experiments, even a guinea pig, he has no such idea, it is not because he is kind, Rather, it is the fear of the changes that have occurred so far.

Looking at the book "The Original Language of the Universe", Wesley learned very quickly. These languages ​​are all symbols that he has never seen before. Now Wesley can only understand their meaning, but whether it has any connection with the element language , can't see it yet. After all, the language recorded in the book is a symbol on a plane, and the code of Apple is a three-dimensional molecular structure. There is no way to compare the two at present, and Wesley has a headache.

"Don't worry, wait until you actually learn the spell!" Apple suddenly said.

"Why do you say that?" Wesley asked later.

"Because we don't know exactly how the spell is constructed, after all, the one in the movie is too simple, and the one here is not clear, but they need to draw a picture when using the spell, and it may be a three-dimensional picture, and then we will Know the final form of these symbols."

"Makes sense." Wesley felt good, and resumed reading. I entered the library in the morning, ate here at noon, and then read seven books before dinner, and then continued to borrow some and took them back to the room. The fat king couldn't understand it very much. He was right next to Wesley. He knew that Wesley was reading a book every day except for eating. He never left, and he read it very seriously. aside.

After dinner, Wesley went back to the room to continue reading, while the fat king suppressed his doubts and continued to guard the library, but Master Gu Yi came to the library at this time.

"Master." The Fatty King stood up and saluted.

"Well, what book did Wesley read today?" Gu Yi asked.

The Fat King recounted what happened today. Wesley read seven books during the day and took back eight books at night. He asked, "Is he really reading? How do I feel that he is looking for something? ?"

Wesley did act like he was looking for something instead of reading a book, and who knew he had a biological computer in his head? Can the thickness of the book affect the storage capacity? It's just a drizzle, and the human brain can hold a lot of stuff, but it's just a pain to remember and find unless it's used frequently. But Apple is different, and it can help Wesley get some things done.

Master Gu Yi does not doubt Wesley's character, because the Infinity Stones have been recognized as masters, they have time gems, but no one can use them now, but it does not prevent them from knowing something. Curious, why does the space gem recognize him?

"Don't worry, take a look first, I will start teaching them spells in a week, and then I will know if he has really read the book." Master Gu Yi is not in a hurry, people like Wesley may really Unforgettable, different?

Wesley spent a few hours reading all the books at night. Although there was one more book than during the day, he was interested in reading it slowly during the day, but now he is not. He was in his room now, and he didn't want to waste too much time, so he reacted quickly, and then he swept his eyes to finish the matter, and Apple took care of the rest.

In this way, Wesley read books continuously for a week. He finished reading half of the books in the library, and at the same time gained a detailed understanding of spells. Most of the books Wesley read were spellings, and there were a lot of knowledge about spells and understanding of the occult, especially the understanding of the multiverse.

There are many powerful beings in different dimensions in the same universe. These powerful beings seem to be gods. These are not those from the divine realm. Even the divine realm cannot resist the gods in one dimension. This is the most terrifying thing. Wesley felt a little powerless, and did not know how these mages resisted the gods in these spaces.

A week passed quickly, and Master Gu Yi began to call him and Stephen Strange together. Both of them read books very fast, but Wesley was ridiculously fast, which made the Fatty King very depressed, but today He wanted to see if the two really mastered what was in the book.

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