New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 295 Return to the headquarters

The mage apprentices lit candles in various places, and Wesley stepped forward and asked, "What happened?"

"No, it's just a power outage. The circuit is very aging, and the power goes out several times a month." The mage apprentices said indifferently.

Wesley looked at everything speechlessly. He really didn't know how to describe his luck, or Ultron's luck, "Apple, how are you?" He has never encountered a power outage, so Apple has not encountered any problems. been.

"No problem, I didn't enter the network myself, but let Ultron run away, and the Kosovia incident will break out again, do you want to stop it?" Apple asked.

Wesley returned to the room, lay on the bed and thought for a while, and said, "It must be stopped, or the Avengers will usher in another split, which is not what I want." Having said this, Wesley rolled over and got up. , and then lifted the left hand and drew a circle with the right hand, which directly opened a door of space.

The Space Gate appeared outside the Alliance Headquarters. He didn't go directly to the third floor of the headquarters. Now it is estimated that the Avengers have just finished a battle, and they may launch an attack when they see the Space Gate, so it is better to be outside.

Wesley appeared on the lawn outside the headquarters and saw that the main entrance on the first floor was severely damaged, and the staff in charge of the night patrol were injured. Fortunately, Ultron wanted to escape without killing them, which was lucky .

All the way to the third floor, the atmosphere in the living room was very depressed, Bruce Banner and Tony Stark were using the computer to track something, Natasha Romanov was the same, and everyone else was there waiting for news.

"Wesley?" Steve Rogers called after seeing him.

Wesley, dressed in a gray mage apprentice, looked very weird, and everyone looked up. Tony Stark said a little embarrassedly: "Why are you back at this time?"

"Elizabeth was attacked, it alerted me, and I naturally understand, what's the situation now?" Wesley asked.

"Run away." Natasha Romanov said.

At this time, Thor flew in from the window, then ran towards Tony Stark, grabbed him by the neck and lifted it up, "I don't know how to say you anymore, Stark."

"Saul, put Tony down first," Wesley said.

Only then did Sol see Wesley, and then put Tony Stark down, "When did you come back?"

"I just came back, and now I need to solve the problem. What did you do, why are you here?" Although Wesley knew, he couldn't say it, he could only ask first.

Everyone was embarrassed by Wesley's question, because Wesley was not called in for the first action, but Tony Stark still said: "Loki's scepter, Sol Earth wants to get Loki back. Kee's scepter, but because you have something to do, I didn't call you back."

"I do have something to do. I'm learning some mysticism. We are not the only ones with extraordinary abilities in this world, but they are guarding another field, so I won't tell you." Wesley didn't because of this. He got angry because of something, after all, he got the most benefits here.

"Another field? What do you mean?" Bruce Banner asked.

"Don't ask this. They are very mysterious and ancient. If I don't get consent, I won't tell you. Now let's talk about the situation here."

Tony Stark continued: "When I acted, I found that the other party was researching artificial intelligence, through Loki's scepter, so I also want to study it, you know I have this idea, is to use artificial intelligence to control a large number of The Iron Legion, if we encounter the Chitauri army attacking the earth, then we don't have to be so hard."

"That's your reason?" Thor asked aside.

"Yes, the last time was the space door opened by the universe cube. The other party did not invest much military power at one time, and there was only one mothership. I think other than me, only Wesley has seen that kind of large mothership. ."

Wesley nodded. At that time, Tony Stark was the first to rush up. He was very close to the gate of space, and he must have seen the situation in the universe, and the Scarlet Witch amplified his fear. Some people will be very brave in times of crisis, but this does not mean that they are not afraid, it is just a subconscious outbreak at that time, and they will still feel afraid after that, which is understandable, especially the ability of the Scarlet Witch is a bit against the sky. .

"What did you encounter in Kosovia?" Wesley asked.

"No, why do you think so?" Tony Stark asked.

"Because you're acting a little differently than usual, Tony, give me your hand." Wesley walked over.

Tony Stark's performance was exaggerated, and he stepped back in a hurry, "No, no, I haven't encountered anything, and I don't need your help." The others looked at Tony Stark strangely, and they also found out now something different.

Wesley shouted directly: "Bruce, Sol, grab him." Sol rushed over, while Bruce hesitated, then walked up, and the two held Tony S. Tucker.

"No, you can't do this, you invade my privacy." Tony Stark acted a little crazy, and Wesley grabbed his hand directly, and then Apple began to invade.

Wes used more than ten seconds, because he didn't need to see everything, just the closest thing, and then he said: "Your brain has been moved, and your fear has been infinitely magnified, and now I will Fix it for you."

After receiving the order, Apple directly began to adjust Tony Stark's emotions, calmed him down, and guided the energy that caused fear and fantasy out of Tony Stark's brain, and then dissipated into the air.

"Well..." Tony Stark was let go, then shook his head and said, "I feel more energetic."

"There's an energy in your brain that affects your thinking, what did you encounter in Kosovia?" Wesley asked.

"I don't know, I was in the underground laboratory at the time, I felt something behind me, and when I turned around, I suddenly saw the iron armored flying dragon rushing towards me, and then I came to the point where all of us were killed, and Rogers finally grabbed me and said: 'You Why don't you try your best?' I just saw it." Tony Stark was in a cold sweat, and this memory was not good for him.

The expressions of Steve Rogers and Saul have changed, and the atmosphere has eased a lot. What can you say about this kind of thing? What Tony Stark has experienced can be said to be terrifying. His description should be the scene of the end of the world. No one has experienced this kind of thing. It is difficult to understand in words, but it prevents them from seeing Tony Stark's expression.

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