Wesley's question The twins didn't answer, and Wesley continued: "If it's sinful to make weapons, as you think, so are we, we killed the Chitauri with our steel armor. Great army, defeated their attack on Earth, this is wrong, is that what it means?"

"It's different," Quicksilver said.

"What's the difference, I don't have the concept of stealing, I have said that there are two meanings of weapons, protection and killing, but weapons are necessary things to protect the family, to protect the country, and to protect the earth. There is nothing wrong with weapons, and there is nothing wrong with making weapons, because we cannot do without weapons. From the perspective of human development, weapons have been improving, and human beings have also been developing. Weapons have provided us with convenience, and it is only people who are wrong.”

"There's a war in your homeland, you lost your family, it has nothing to do with weapons, even if there is no Tony's weapon, then there will be others, because war is considered to break out, even without advanced weapons, but people still have big knives and Spears, as long as people want to wage war, then weapons must exist, whether it is a sword and a spear, or a machine gun and a shell, those are not the point."

"The point is the people's hearts, the ambitions of some few people who have waged wars for power, money and profit, that's why you are going to the family, not the weapons makers. Of course, if the weapons makers agitate others for the sake of profit Waging war, then they are also guilty, I don't deny that, but Tony didn't do that, he even gave up the huge profits of weapons production and developed towards environmentally friendly energy."

"Tony is a good man, we are friends, so I know him, your tragedy has nothing to do with him." Wesley said here and listened, watching the two people in the video, they were thinking. "Think about it, I think you are hungry too, I will let someone send you food, and then sleep, tomorrow we are going to attack the castle in Kosovia, Ultron wants to destroy not revenge It's the whole of humanity, and its logical thinking has gone awry." Wesley shut down the correspondence, and then had food delivered to the twins.

After a night of silence, everyone began to rest, but Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanov didn't sleep well, and they had some emotional problems. It would take... a battle to recover. That's right, it's inevitable in a fight that they need to vent.

Early the next morning, the Avengers gathered, Wesley said directly: "Ultron wants to destroy not only us, we are just an obstacle to it, he wants to destroy the whole world, we can't prepare for him Time, we must catch it today, this battle is different from the past, Ultron must have an army of robots waiting for us, and we have to control the battle within the area of ​​the castle."

"Can't we evacuate the residents of Kosovia?" Bruce Banner asked.

"No, we don't have the right to do this, and at the same time, they are not friendly to us. Everyone has the right to go ahead and use all our strength. All the teams directly under everyone and the operation department of the headquarters are all dispatched to attack us and be responsible. And they are responsible for establishing a line of defense between the city and the castle, this time it is our first large-scale operation, everyone must be prepared to sacrifice." Wesley said a little heavy, but everyone did not flinch.

"However, how do we transport our many personnel and equipment?" Bruce Banner asked.

"I've got Maria Hill. A space carrier is coming now. We will use an air carrier for transportation this time, and we will also have our own means of transportation in the future."

"Then what about the local government in Kosovia?" Natasha Romanov asked.

"Contact now, let's talk to them together. Elizabeth, contact the local government for me." Wesley said directly, everyone was stunned, I didn't expect Wesley to talk now, this is not giving the other party a chance.

Elizabeth directly connected to the local government agency in Kosovia town, and the town mayor received a call inexplicably, "Hello? Who is it?"

"Hello, Mr. Mayor, this is the headquarters of the Avengers. I am 'Sir' Wesley Gibson. I am requesting a video call now," Wesley said.

"The Avengers headquarters? What do you want to do? Last time you raided the castle, you didn't say hello to us in advance. What are you going to do this time?" the mayor roared angrily.

"Oh, then can you tell me why you have a Hydra stronghold there? Don't cut a large number of armed people by your side, and you have been inactive, I can understand that you and the Hydra Did the snake cooperate?"

"Don't slander, we don't know anything about it."

"Really? So now it's being used again. Why didn't you clean up the things there? We left them all for you. Can I think you kept them intentionally?" Wesley directly put the big hats one by one Deducted.

"We haven't had time to clean up, so we don't need the video call, what do you want to do?" The mayor gave in, and he couldn't catch such a big hat.

"Attack again, this time we dispatched a lot of personnel and equipment. First of all, we need to establish a line of defense between the castle and the town. We don't want the townspeople to be harmed. You can stop the evacuation. The Avengers will compensate for any loss. Do you think there is a problem?"

"Well, it's difficult to evacuate, so let's build a defensive line when you attack." The other party hung up the phone.

"Okay, the problem is solved, we'll be dispatched directly." The alarm sounded, and all the fighters began to organize their equipment. The heavily armed fighters gathered on the lawn outside the headquarters, and then waited for the arrival of the air carrier.

The air carrier arrived in time, and then began to descend, and the huge air current swept the surrounding winds, but the fighters were excited one by one, and the commander of the air carrier was Victoria Hand, "Meet again. Wesley."

"Hello Victoria, I didn't expect you to be the commander of an air carrier now." Wesley shook hands with her.

"Yes, I have also been promoted to the ninth-level detective now. After the civil strife, there was a serious shortage of people, so I was also promoted. I supported the commander of the No. 2 air carrier. Phil could have also commanded one, but he He likes field work more, still likes his plane, and now he's very free."

"Freedom? I don't think so. I don't even have time to date Skye right now. They're so busy."

"Yes, the appearance of aliens has given us new opponents, but we know too little about them, but once they commit crimes, it is very troublesome."

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