New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 321 Prison Break

Drax got up and then asked, "I could kill her, why stop me?"

"You can kill her, but you basically can't live. She is just a person who betrayed Ronan. You and her to die together have no effect. Now that you have proved your bravery and determination, you can Join here, come along." Wesley turned back to the single cell, now joined by another strong man.

Gamora and the others all came back, and the guards closed the door of the cell again. They had seen enough and needed to rest. Wesley sat down again and said, "First of all, it's the issue of escape, little raccoon, you Come deal with it, we will cooperate with you to complete it, and then I will give you the exquisite ball."

"What? Are yours really for us?" Peter Quill asked in disbelief.

"Yes, I will give you the Exquisite Ball to sell, Gamora, how much did your buyer pay?" Wesley asked.

Gamora hesitated for a moment, then said, "Four billion."

"What? 4 billion?" The little raccoon jumped up. Yongdu's bounty was to catch two people, and the reward was only 80,000, but now there are 4 billion.

"Yes, if I sell it, I will share it with you." Gamora looked at Wesley.

"Why are you two divided? What about us?" Peter Quill hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

"The Delicate Ball is his, the buyer is mine, and at most this raccoon is responsible for escaping the prison, so what can you do?" Gamora looked at Peter Quill and asked.

"I... my spaceship is here, you need flying tools." Peter Quill said.

Wesley interrupted them directly, "The Linglong Ball will be given to you directly, I don't want it, just take the money and share it, then I will be separated from you." Wesley's words made them stunned.

Peter Quill looked at Wesley and asked, "This is your plan, then what?"

"This is my plan, and then you don't need to know, you can do what you want? I'm going to do my own plan." Wesley didn't say much, and his plan was just to let the original It just happened, so it would be nice if he disappeared after the jailbreak.

"What kind of plan is this? How do we do it? Just sell the Exquisite Ball?" Peter Quill looked blank.

"Don't you want money? 4 billion, okay, go to sleep, we have to escape from jail tomorrow morning." Wesley lay down and went to sleep.

After a night of silence, the prison began to distribute breakfast the next morning. This is an independent prison in the universe, but there are still work and rest times, which are arranged according to the work and rest time of Chaida star. Wesley got up and took out the food. He wouldn't eat anything from the prison. He came to this strange star field, which is said to be part of the Milky Way, but the earth has never found that there are alien life forms here, and he does not know Which part of the Milky Way is this in?

After eating, they all walked out, and then the little raccoon started the escape plan, "First I need the control panel on the guard's arm, and see there? I need it, I need it to get into the control center."

Gamora asked, "How did we get it, that position is too high, and the guards will stop us if we want to get it."

"Maybe they look at you differently? Hehe..." The little raccoon laughed darkly, but at this time, Groot walked over, stretched his arms to open the box, and then took out the battery.

Wesley had to remind them, "Groot has it, I think your plan needs to be said a little faster."

"Oh, no, it seems that we have to do it first." The little raccoon said speechlessly, "I still need that person's prosthetic leg." After finishing speaking, a prisoner who happened to pass by them had a robotic prosthetic leg.

Peter Quill nodded directly and said, "I'll get it." Then he looked at Wesley and asked, "What about you?"

"I'll take care of all the armed droids." Wesley then stood up. Drax didn't have a mission, but he also stood up, and then looked around. At this time, six flying armed robots surrounded Groot, and the prison guards in the monitoring center began to shout through the loudspeaker.

"Prisoner, immediately put down your equipment and go back to the cell."

Groot looked at the robots around him, and it yelled, "I'm Groot." Wesley gave up hope for its language ability, watching that Gamora had gone to get the control panel, and Peter W. Quill goes for the prosthesis, and Drax stands by his side, and the raccoon tries to get close to Groot.

"It's time to perform real skills." Wesley said suddenly, Drax and the little raccoon were taken aback, and then saw Wesley's body suddenly appeared a set of dark steel armor, a pair of huge energy gun.

"My God, how did you do it?" The little raccoon and Drax were stunned. Wesley didn't answer. He raised his dual guns and fired continuously. All six flying armed robots were shot down.

"Let's do it!" Wesley said, and then the armor took off and went directly to the control center. The little raccoon climbed onto Groot's body, then took the battery and started to work directly, while Groot walked under the monitoring center and his body began to grow.

The prison guards rushed in with their weapons, and then prepared to target the little raccoon and Groot. At this time, Drax rushed over and directly fought with them. These prison guards were not his opponents at all, and they were thrown like toys by him. Go out and grab a weapon.

Gamora and Peter Quill came one after another, and Drax also climbed up along Groot's body. Everyone gathered. The little raccoon used the battery and the arm controller to open the door of the monitoring room. The only prison guard inside was He raised his hands honestly, and was then thrown out by Groot.

"Hey, your body is so handsome, we can kill it directly." Peter Quill looked at Wesley's full body armor and said.

The armor disappeared, Wesley said: "How is it? Earth's technology is good, right? We are going to build a steel army, even if there is an alien army next time, we can still deal with it, but now there is a lack of flying troops, so I Need a destroyer aircraft. Oh, is this a Zida weapon?" Wesley looked at the weapon in Drax's hand, then took it and began to study it, and the little raccoon began to do it, it kept on the console fiddled with.

Another prison guard entered, and they were carrying weapons that looked like bazookas. Wesley asked, "Why don't they use energy weapons?"

"This is a prison. These weapons are enough. In the face of unarmed and protected prisoners, gunpowder and weapons can kill the most." said the little raccoon. Wesley continued to study the assault rifle in his hand. The three barrels were alternately shot away from each other, and the shooting speed was faster. At the same time, the amount of ammunition was large, which was very suitable for use on Earth. After seeing it, he put it away.

"Boom" a rocket hit the bulletproof glass of the control center, and the glass began to crack.

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