New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 33 One-shot kill

"Oh, the fight was really intense. I don't know if they hurt or not, but it shouldn't hurt. Otherwise, I would have died." Wesley muttered to himself boringly, which is much more interesting than watching a movie. Completely live.

Cars on the road began to rear-end constantly, and car accidents kept appearing. Wesley was very excited to see it, but it didn't take long, Iron Man began to fly upwards continuously, Wesley picked up the telescope and began to observe, but the more he rose. High, the telescope is no longer enough.

After waiting for a while, the two tin men in the sky began to fall. The big one came down first, but he didn't fall directly to the ground. When he was about to land, he turned on the propeller to slow down a bit, and then came Iron Man. , his energy is estimated to be not enough, he fell down and turned it on once, which saved a lot of energy, but finally fell on the roof of the energy center.

Wesley moved his shoulders, then looked carefully through the scope, and his opportunity was about to come.

Tony Stark's energy is running out, and he is making his last effort, "Pepe, I need you to overload the electromagnetic arc reactor immediately and blow the entire roof off."

"Then what do you do?" Pepper asked.

"Go and turn on all the power switches immediately, and I'll let you know when I leave the roof. Hurry up." Tony Stark hid to the side, waiting for Pepper to be ready.

Pepper hurriedly wanted to enter the energy center, but Phil was bringing out the two injured agents here. He brought five people, three dead and two injured.

"What are you going to do?" Phil asked.

"Tony is going to blow up the whole roof, I'll prepare." Pepper said nervously.

"No, I want to talk to Mr. Stark, hurry up." Pepper hurriedly gave him the phone.

"Mr. Tony Stirk, now you just need to take off that big guy's helmet, and ours will take care of him."

"Who are you?" Stark asked curiously.

"The Homeland Defense Attack and Logistics Service, we've seen it, at the dance."

"Yes, I have the impression, do you mean someone is pointing a sniper rifle at my head now?"

"Not yours." Phil pointed out Stark's language sickness.

"Okay, I'll give it a try." Stark began to wander. There are small advantages to being small. He can hide himself by the surrounding environment, only Wesley can see it clearly. Stark went around behind Obadiah and jumped directly on his back. The wires behind the helmet were all destroyed. Then Stark was thrown out, and Obadiah took off the helmet.

Apple's voice sounded, "The muzzle velocity of the bullet is 853 meters per second, and the distance to the target is 2,545 meters. It takes at least 3.5 seconds to hit the target."

"Phil, inform Stark to attract the other party for 4 seconds." Wesley shouted directly, then began to aim, the muzzle was constantly adjusted, and the heartbeat began to speed up and everything slowed down.

"Mr. Stark, talk to him and keep him still for four seconds," Phil said immediately over the phone.

"Damn, why don't you get the snipers closer," Stark complained, then took off his helmet. "Obadia, you stupid guy, even your new clothes."

"I never said I liked my new clothes." Obadiah's helmet lost its link and opened directly. For a huge reason, almost all of his upper body was exposed after opening, and Wesley aimed directly at it. up his chest. "But I have to say I really like this armor."

"Bang" Wesley pulled the trigger, the bullet flew out, and a second passed, "You have no beauty at all, and your workmanship is rough, those engineers can't compare to me, if you hadn't taken it away My energy, then I have already won." Two seconds passed, the bullet was not far from Obadiah, and Obadiah was just about to lift his leg and walk forward when Stark shouted, "Stop. "

"What..." Obadiah's voice disappeared. He opened his mouth and lowered his head in disbelief. There was a fist-sized gap in his chest, and his body wanted to fall backwards, but the support of the armor remained. His balance, and then the body rebounded by inertia, leaning forward.

Stark breathed a sigh of relief, and then slammed down, his energy was not much. Wesley packed the firearms, then walked down with the box, "Someone will handle your surveillance system, this matter is not allowed to be said casually, don't keep surveillance backups, or you will be in trouble, thank you for your cooperation ." Wesley said as he walked, then returned to his car and drove directly to the energy center.

"Apple, the energy center hasn't exploded, will the stock fall?"

"It should be. The death of one of the founders and the Iron Man War will always affect it. The specific impact is not clear."

"Well, we should pay attention to stocks when we go back. If it matters, then we need to buy one million shares before Stark's press conference, so I will have five million shares."

Wesley counted as he drove, and then came to the energy center, "Phil, find someone to handle the monitoring of that building, how are you here?"

"Okay, no problem, but let's figure out how to get Mr. Stark off now."

"I'll go." Wesley climbed directly to the roof, watching Stark lying there, the energy in his chest was no longer bright. Wesley went directly to Obadiah's steel suit, took out his energy, and then came to Stark.

"Hey, are you putting it in yourself, or do you want me to help you." Wesley tapped his steel suit.

"Oh, I don't have the habit of letting men change my clothes, but you fired that shot just now?" Steck's breastplate opened, and he began to change the energy source.

"Yes, thank you for stalling him for four seconds," Wesley said.

"4 seconds, you are using Barrett, 853 meters per second, you are at least 2,500 meters away from here, you can't choose a closer place?" Stark changed the energy source, and the steel battle suit regained its vitality. .

"We don't know the specific situation, and the mission has no clear information. I can only stay away from here. If it is too close, I might be discovered. As soon as you appeared, I knew that armor-piercing bullets may not be able to penetrate your armor. ."

"Wise choice, but your marksmanship is really good, fortunately you are not a killer." Wesley smiled after hearing this. Although the time was short, he had really been an assassin.

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