New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 336 Moon Base

The work of the three people is very efficient. Finally, the photosynthesis is simulated. Plants are a good choice. The key is whether they are enough.

"How many people are you going to arrange on the moon?" Tony Stark asked.

"It's hard to say, the key is how much combat power we need." Wesley rubbed his chin and thought.

There is a question Wesley has not figured out all the time, that is, if Thanos invades the earth, will he bring his younger brother? The Chitauri army, or what else did he have? It wasn't clear to Wesley what Wesley knew, and it wasn't clear to him whether the Kree would join in.

"How about taking the Battle of New York as a reference?" Bruce Banner asked aside.

"That kind of situation can't happen again. The space channel limits the number of Chitauri's landing troops. If they come from the universe, we can't stop them. Last time I had to say that we were lucky." Wei After Sley finished speaking, he asked Elizabeth to show the situation of the Battle of New York, and at the same time broadcast the picture of her battle armor record.

"This is the mothership of the Chitauris. They were caught off guard by a sneak attack, and I destroyed the mothership directly, but if my 'accurate barrage' is still in use in the universe, it is unknown. There is plenty of room for the army to spread out. These are the ones that were recorded by my armor in the Battle of New York, this is the mothership of Chitauri, you can calculate its size."

"Don't forget, it looks like a giant, and you have no distance here, and you can't calculate the specific size, but looking at the number of Chitauri people waiting to enter the channel in the universe, we know that we don't I can't stop them." Tony Stark said with a frown.

There was silence in the laboratory for a while, and the gap in military power was too great. Even if the combat power of each of them was extraordinary, what was it in the vast universe? In the face of the huge military power of the other party, they are powerless, and the lunar base is the front line for the Avengers to face the alien invasion. Once a war occurs, the result will be extremely tragic.

"No matter what, we have to do it. I can increase the number of Steel Corps, and the number of fighters can be less." Wesley said.

"Yes, but the Iron Legion needs to be equipped with enough weapons. Dan's simple energy shock attack mode is not suitable for space combat." Tony Stark looked at Wesley after saying that.

"Yes, especially my energy sniper rifle, but in this way, the combat time of the new element reactor is very limited, and we need a large number of miniature new element reactors."

"There is no problem with this, the production line has been completed and can be mass-produced. We are not about to go into battle, we can completely reserve, and the Iron Man outer armor you designed for me, Veronica, can also be taken out, and the Iron Legion can Dividing the combat mode, melee mode and long-range attack mode, the tactics can be much more flexible accordingly.”

"Just do this, then the lunar base can be divided into several areas, the central one is the ecosystem, this needs to be built on the high surface of the moon, increase the light time, hemispherical design, and use the pattern of trees, so that the production of oxygen will be large. , building a lake is also a must," Wesley said.

Tony Stark also said: "A dedicated area for the Iron Legion, where automation can be used at times to reduce oxygen consumption, and fade in as an area."

"Material storage can be independent, and personnel can be concentrated in the living area and the factory area." Bruce Banner finally added.

Then, with the help of Elizabeth, the final design was made in the evening. The entire lunar base was divided into five relatively independent areas. The central ecological area and the living area of ​​the personnel were placed on the surface, while the other factory areas, material areas, and steel corps areas were placed on the surface. put it on the ground.

The engineering is not small, especially the problem of excavation in the universe. The mass of the moon is small, and the gravitational force is only one-sixth of that of the earth, so the excavation equipment needs to increase in weight, but these are some small details, it is difficult for the three of them. people, and the key issue is the worker issue.

There are no experienced workers working in the universe, so the first problem is the construction of fighter jets, which requires a large number of transport fighter jets, and the production line of fighter jets is booked in a vast area outside the headquarters. In order to save time, the factory is not designed underground. Instead, the construction was carried out directly on the surface. The vast area behind the Avengers headquarters was bought, and then Stark Industries was responsible for the construction of the production line, using a large number of automated production lines, and Elizabeth was responsible for production, keeping secrets to the greatest extent possible.

Wesley's Pym Technologies company manufactures the electronic components, which are then sent here for assembly, which maximizes cost savings.

The preliminary work has already started, and Wesley finally has time to go home. After a few months of being away, Wesley directly opened the door of space and returned home. The family went out, and Wesley turned to give Si Kay makes a call.

"Hey, honey, I'm back." Wesley was asking if Skye had become a shock girl, but there was a bit of silence on the other side of the phone.

"Just come back, I'm busy here, I'll hang up first." Skye hung up the phone, Wesleymon, what's the situation, the voice and mood are very problematic, Wesley can hear it, he Sitting on the sofa in the living room, he thought for a while, and called Phil Coulson directly.

"Wesley?" Phil Coulson asked uncertainly.

"Yes, Phil, how are you doing?" Wesley asked.

"There's nothing wrong, but I lost my left hand, and now I have a mechanical arm, and my strength is much stronger."

"Lost your arm?" Wesley was puzzled for a moment, and then remembered this matter. The awakening of aliens needs something, the Terrigan crystal. If there are Cree genes in the body, then after the crystal bursts, there will be an ability generated, which is caused by the Cree experiments on the earth.

And the first successful experiment was the creature worshipped by Hydra. It can control all aliens. Wesley thought a lot at once. It seems that a lot of things happened during his absence, but Skye What's going on? S.H.I.E.L.D. has not been banned, why is her mood not very good?

"What happened to Skye? Why do I feel that her mood is not very good, and even I and she are reluctant to say anything?" Wesley asked directly.

This matter is very complicated. I need to give you a message slowly. If you have time, you can come to the headquarters. We are having a meeting at the headquarters now.

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