New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 339 Plan to go bankrupt

"I won't give up the interests of the clan because of my husband. I hope you are clear about this, so I think they can leave here first." Jia Ying said very calmly. She has lived for a long time, and she has experienced problems. More, and immediately thought of a countermeasure.

Wesley didn't care. He was ready and waved his hand to express his agreement. After he entered the room, he never spoke to Daisy, and the two remained silent.

Daisy left here with her father, and Wesley observed Jia Ying only now. There are still scars on her face, which were left when she was dissected. She is Chinese. Wesley was originally concerned about this. Point is still very happy, but her thoughts are too dangerous. Wesley has to be careful about this kind of woman who has suffered tremendous pain and is psychologically distorted.

"What will S.H.I.E.L.D. decide to do?" Jia Ying asked.

"Register all aliens. Of course, I have different opinions on this title. You are still human, but there are some subtle changes in your genes, so that you have some unique abilities. But there are abilities in this world. There are a lot of people, and you are not the only ones like the Avengers, there are also a group of people like that." Wesley took a breath.

"Registration is like a citizen's identity document, this is a reasonable requirement, and their lives will not be destroyed, of course if they commit a crime, then I can find them based on the results of the registration, the law is fair, Because everyone needs to abide by it, I don't think you have any meaning on this point, right?" Wesley looked at Jia Ying after finishing speaking.

"Yes, in order to show our sincerity, I am going to give you a gift, our history. This kind of thing has always filled our history. I don't think there is a better gift than this." A cloth-wrapped item was taken out from the shelf.

Wesley knew what it was, but he still didn't make the slightest movement. The space gem rejected all the properties of energy, and the Terrigan crystal couldn't hurt him, so he still sat there smoking.

Jia Ying took out her things and said: "Because I have lived a long enough time, I have met many people, and I will record their differences. And why do you record these? Because of fear, that's right. fear."

Jia Ying's words had no logic, and one of the neurotic ones said: "We have five sacred relics, which are inside, the 'Terrigan' crystal, which is the source of our strength, but the number is too small, once it disappears Our tribe will lose the chance to mutate, and our race will be extinct. So we try to make it ourselves, it won't hurt us, but it's very dangerous for humans." She suddenly smashed the crystal in her hand. On the desk, a visible wave spreads across the room.

Jia Ying looked at Wesley with a smile and said, "I hope you make one of us, oh, by the way, I forgot to ask your name?"

Wesley felt a surge of energy rushing towards his body and wanted to penetrate it, but the space gem completely rejected it. Even if Wesley had Kree genes in his body, he couldn't do it. Mutation, and Apple has already checked, he does not have the gene.

Wesley continued to smoke and looked at Jia Ying, and then the energy that was rejected from outside began to spread all over the body. The journey was a kind of sturdy shell. Wesley did not move, but let these shells wrap himself. Jia Ying suddenly took a step forward. , before the shell wraps Wesley, reaches inside his jacket and pulls Wesley's gun directly out.

This gun was carried by Wesley on purpose. Knowing the other party's plan, he naturally had to bring a pistol to show the other party, but this pistol was an ordinary Glock 22, and Wesley did not carry the two in his collection.

"You humans dissect me, take out my organs, put me in a bottle, and then throw me away like garbage, I want you to taste the same pain." After she finished, Wesley was completely covered. , but these are also a shell, and Wesley is not damaged at all.

Jia Ying shot her left shoulder twice with a pistol, then threw the gun on the ground, covered her shoulders and walked out of the office, and only then did Wesley move. With the movement of the body, the shell shattered and fell to the ground. Wesley shook his body. The fragments of the shell made him a little uncomfortable. Then he picked up the cigarette and lighter on the table and smiled slightly.

Jia Ying came to the plane, and Daisy and his father, who heard the gunshots, hurried over, "Mom!" Daisy shouted.

"SHIELD wants to kill me, they want to kill me, this is... war." After saying this, he fell to the ground. Daisy ran over to help her mother up, but she was puzzled, it was easy for Wesley to kill her mother, and Wesley wouldn't do it, she knew it well.

Daisy Johnson asked directly, "Where's Wesley?"

"Who?" Jia Ying asked suspiciously, she never asked Wesley's name.

"The one who negotiated with you."

"He shot me, but because of my ability, he didn't kill me. I took out the Terrigan crystal, and he was petrified." Jia Ying lay on Daisy's legs, slowly said.

The aliens began to gather constantly, while Daisy Johnson was in a daze. Is Wesley dead? She is very clear about this crystal, if there is no special gene in the body, it is completely petrified. Wesley is so powerful, so he died?

The personnel of S.H.I.E.L.D. also began to gather, Simmons and Melinda stepped forward to ask, and at this time, the door of the office opened again, and Wesley came out.

Jia Ying was a little puzzled, "You made our people?"

"Hehe, okay, stop acting. This little injury shouldn't be of much use to you. You are Daisy's mother. I originally planned to let you go this time, but now it seems to be impossible." Wes Li said this sentence with a smile, but his mind was extremely painful.

"Wesley, what happened?" Daisy Johnson asked.

"Don't listen to his sophistry, he just shot and wanted to kill me, but I didn't expect you to be one of our clansmen. The Terrigan Crystal didn't kill you, but now the war has begun." The aliens around heard this It is also very doubtful, what is the release, really want to start a war horse?

"I don't need to say anything. I have a record of what happened just now. Do you want to see it?" Wesley took out his lighter and knew how things were going. How could Wesley not prepare and come in to smoke in order to put this The special lighter is placed on the table.

Wesley took out a micro memory card from the lighter, and then took out his mobile phone and inserted it. The special mobile phone has holographic playback technology and started projection playback directly, and Jia Ying's performance was all presented.

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