While waiting, everyone resisted the cold invasion, and finally a ship received a call for help and came here. They were connected to another passenger ship, and this is where most people want to escape.

Wesley changed his identity, although his name did not change in the slightest, but his body had been replaced by an 18-year-old boy, and Apple sorted out the other party's memory and arranged a good cover for Wesley's future actions.

Learning can make inventions, especially in this era, inventions are endless, as simple as eating and drinking, and Wesley has to accumulate huge wealth and technology, if this is not the Marvel Universe.

The passenger ship that rescued them arrived in New York, the United States, and Wesley was down-to-earth again. This trip was unforgettable for his life, but now it was all for the purpose of going home, and now the ultimate goal is to go home. This body's family status is also good, and he owns a shipyard, but he went to the UK to study after getting into trouble with his family, and he studied shipbuilding.

However, because of conflicts with his family, he only took the third-class cabin, and his parents had just passed away, suffering from typhoid fever. The disease was quite dangerous in this day and age, and Wesley came home straight from memory.

New York in 1912 could not see the appearance of future generations at all. For a hundred years from 1900 to 2000, the world famous has undergone rapid changes. The changes are amazing. The power of science and technology has been maximized. This century is quite exciting, and Wesley is now standing at the beginning, and he can experience this time period almost completely.

But now the most important thing is to go back home. In my memory, there are only my parents at home, and the shipyard is not very big. It is a medium-sized shipyard. It produces some freighters, which is considered a small asset. After all, many things are bought and installed, and the real profit is not much, and there are only four docks, which are not very large. There are about 300 workers, and the tonnage of the freighters produced is not large.

The house in the family is not a villa, but an apartment that has emerged in recent years, located on Fifth Avenue in New York.

"Do we really have a relationship with Manhattan?" Wesley sighed and got off the carriage, which was hired at the dock.

And standing downstairs in the apartment to greet him is the deputy manager of the shipyard, and also a partner of the shipyard, "Wesley, you are finally back." The deputy manager said with a sad face.

"How did they both die at the same time?" Wesley had been a detective for a long time and was skeptical about some things.

"Your father worked at the shipyard for a month in order to progress the shipbuilding. He finally contracted typhoid fever and had to be treated at home, while your mother was infected by taking care of her."

"Where are they now?"

"It's been buried. After all, you also know about this disease. Although the weather is still cool, we don't dare to take the risk. Let's go, go home first. You are suffering this time too. Fortunately, you are all right." Titanic The matter of the number has been spread all over the world, it is shocking that such a sea is difficult, and the White Star Company is now in a turmoil.

After Wesley entered the apartment, there was a familiar feeling here, and he frowned. This is the reaction of his body to him, which made Wesley a little depressed. It's very difficult.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, the deputy manager and Wesley began to talk about something, "This is the proof of your father's deposit in the bank, this is the proof of his shares in the shipyard, this is the proof of the property..." A pile of proofs Putting it in front of Wesley, Wesley glanced at it. It was similar to what he remembered. It was too specific to be clear. After all, this body was mainly used for studying.

"What are your plans for coming back this time?" the deputy manager asked. The deputy manager is John Lister, and he and Wesley's body father have been friends for many years. The two co-founded the shipyard, but the scale is smaller, and they are considered middle-class, and they are very resistant to risks. Poor, an economic crisis can bring their shipyards out of business.

Wesley thought about it for a while. Shipbuilding is all about making money, and he has no shortage of skills. What he lacks now is money. Although he got a lot of pounds and jewelry from the wreck, he can use pounds but not jewelry. , after all, the Titanic has just been silent, and a lot of rich survived, they can easily recognize their own things.

"Are the shipyards on orders now?" Wesley asked.

"It's okay. We only have four docks, all of which are 5,000 tons. They are medium-sized and have more than 300 workers. Many things are ordered and installed from outside, so there is not much profit, and we lack technology." John Lister said.

"Understood, let's complete this batch of orders first. I have to do something first, and then the shipyard needs to be upgraded. The current shipyard is too small."

"Are you going to make additional investment? The cost of expansion is not low. Your father and I are still going to wait a few years before taking action." John Lister said.

"Don't worry, I will use real money to start the expansion directly. In addition, if you don't want to dilute your shares, you can sell all your shares to me directly. Of course, as the general manager of the shipyard, I will expand a lot of business. So I need someone I can trust to manage the shipyard."

John List looked at Wesley in amazement and said, "The time you have been out for three years has changed a lot. Let's talk about it later. Let's rest today, and tomorrow I will take you to see your parents' cemetery. "

"No, let's go now, but I don't have any clothes that fit. Can I go this way?"

"No problem. In the future, the main thing is to look at them first. You can visit them often by yourself in the future."

Worship in the United States is just a matter of holding flowers, which saves time and effort. Wesley didn’t feel any sadness, but after all, it took up his son’s body, so he also bought a bunch of flowers and put them under the tombstone.

It was already evening when he returned home again, and he had a dinner with John Lister, and he just said goodbye, and Wesley was alone at home sorting things out.

While arranging things, he said: "The body is a little uncoordinated. Apple will transform the body as soon as possible. These supporting documents will have to be signed by the law firm tomorrow. You can sort them out." Wesley.

Wesley has a lot of industries to be involved in. Now he is not trying to make money, but to accumulate capital. In the future, he will occupy a part of the high-tech field, so that he can concentrate on researching the problem of crossing. He wants to find a way home. At the same time, in order to confirm whether this place belongs to the Marvel Universe, he has to enter the military. He also needs to consider the matter of seeing Gu Yi. If Gu Yi exists, he does not know him, and Gu Yi is very strong. Wesley is no match for the space gem.

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