New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 375 Congressional Speech II (1200 monthly tickets plus more)

When they were almost consumed, Wesley said again: "We all know the concept of consumption. Only by consumption can we make money, and people need the ability to consume, and of course the time to consume."

"The times are changing, and we must also change. The war in Europe gives us opportunities, but it is also the most dangerous time for us. I think after the war, many people will desperately produce things and sell them. Who? Does the country have the ability to pay? What if they are defeated? Can the money owed to us be recovered? Have you thought about these questions?”

"What will you do after the war? If you don't have an order, you will lay off the workers? Then they lose their spending power? The money is suffocated again, how many of you will go bankrupt? So you won't make any money at all, you will just stare at your eyes. "

A congressman suddenly said: "After talking for a long time, you just want to expand the army."

"Isn't it wrong to expand the army? Look at the Philippines, it has been increasing its troops, and it has been increased a few times to stabilize the situation. Why? Isn't it the army? Don't say we defeated Spain, they have been defeated many times, and it is not worth it at all. Show off, if you have the ability to fight with the UK, you must see that we drove them away before, and now you are still afraid of them, why? They are an empire on which the sun never sets, and you have no such idea, the UK is making money from all over the world , and you can only stare at your pockets."

No one speaks down below, glorious isolationism, Wesley's complete incomprehension of their thoughts, a symbol of a sick brain?

"Okay, that's all I've said, you can decide for yourself. I don't care about it. I will sell it if the United States doesn't buy it. Some people want to buy my arms. Why? Because it's good, the reason is that simple. , is there anything in my G group that can't be sold? Hehe..."

Wesley picked up his military cap and turned around and walked out. When he walked out of the door, a roar came to mind in the hall, "Expand the army."

Now many people shouted, the army has driven a lot of industries, especially the US military. When Wesley watched Company of Brothers, the soldiers of Company E packed up their belongings before boarding the plane.

what are these? Do they really need it? Whether they really need it or not, it's all money, and with the shouts of expansion, Wesley knows it's done and it's time for a promotion.

From the very beginning, he belittled these congressmen, and then threw out the idea of ​​making money. Of course, expanding the military is not so simple. There are many things that really need to be prepared, and there are also eight-hour work problems, which cannot be completed in a short time.

First of all, the military needs to conduct demonstrations, and then set up experimental units for training and exercises. All arms need experiments, especially the setting of brigade-level troops. There are many interests involved, most of which are military, but expanding the military means that Promotion, but new tactics also need to be studied and promoted. The two wars in the United States were temporary conscription, and then they were thrown out to fight after training.

The U.S. military had nothing but firepower during this period. It was a victory that cost money. If Germany and the United States switched, then the world would be completely changed.

Wesley didn't go back to the military academy directly, but went back home first, inspected the group, gave instructions, and then threw it to John Lister before returning to the military academy.

And his promotion order also arrived at this time. The battalion commander of the Marine Corps major, but not affiliated with the Navy, traveled alone to an experimental battalion. The military camp was located in a National Guard barracks by the sea in New York State, and the personnel selected by themselves.

Wesley went straight to the headmaster, "Mr. Headmaster, I'm leaving to form my ideal army."

"Young man, you are amazing, our American military is about to rise, and I hope you can succeed." Clarence said to Wesley with a smile on his face. For this student, although the school did not teach him, But it was West Point after all.

"Don't worry, I will succeed." Wesley saluted and left, packed his belongings and went directly to the military camp, and the first appropriation of Congress has been determined, 100 million US dollars for the early stage funding for the Army's restructuring, Wesley Sley received 5 million, including the purchase of equipment, and Wesley then threw 1 million to his arsenal first, and the equipment of a battalion began to be produced directly.

And he himself embarked on a long journey, selecting personnel from the existing U.S. on-track force. It was a meticulous job, and Wesley was patient, the Marines he was going to patrol the forest in the way of later generations, and then he would ask for a name alone.

This day, I came to a troop for selection again. Two rebellious soldiers were stared at. He was really familiar with these two people, or he was familiar with them in the past. Wesley finally knew where he came. One of them was named Logan and the other was named Victor.

These two names may be ordinary, but their other two names are famous, Wolverine and Saber-toothed tiger, the brothers are actually in the army. Wesley watched them discussing the Wolverine plot. They did participate in a lot of wars, and they were hesitant to die. They were like a duck to water in wars, and the punishment for them was to be shot for ten minutes.

Wesley laughed. The mutants are also from Marvel, but the copyright was sold in the early days, which made the mutants and the Avengers not meet each other, but they met in parallel universes.

"Apple, it will be called the Marvel Universe from now on!"

"Why is it called that?" Apple wondered.

"Easy to distinguish, I remember that when I read X-Men and Spider-Man in the early days, they were all translated by Marvel Comics, and then it was called Marvel. I got it wrong at the time. I thought it was two comic companies, and A D.C comic, I always thought D.C was amazing, and now they are divided into two universes, so let's call it that, our original universe is set as the origin universe."

"Understood, now we know three parallel universes, but unfortunately we don't know how to locate the three universes, and we are still blind when we travel."

"Let's develop technology now. We can't rely on us alone. Even knowing the specific spatial coordinates is useless. Anyway, I'm not afraid to travel to strange universes."

Wesley was talking to Apple here, but Logan and Victor quit, being stared at like that, and didn't speak, "Hey, little white face, what do you mean by looking at us like that?" the irritable saber-toothed tiger roared.

Wesley looked at him, the guy was violent in the past, "Oh? Is there a problem? And that's how you talk to your superior?"

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