New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 379 New Destroyer (1400 Monthly Ticket Plus Update)

Thanks to Wesley's efforts, the new destroyer took three days to draw all the drawings. It would be great if there was a computer. Wesley complained about this. Although he can invent computers now, it is not good for the industry as a whole. , so Wesley will have to wait.

The new destroyer was improved by Wesley based on the American Keeling-class destroyers in the late World War II, and this time he directly built four ocean-going destroyers. Benson did not say that at the beginning, then he built the ocean-going model.

Keeling-class destroyer full-load displacement: 3480 tons; main dimensions: total length 119.02 meters, total width 12.50 meters, draft 3.81 meters; speed: 32 knots; crew: 367 people; main guns: Mk. 3 guns; torpedoes: 1-2 five 21-inch torpedo tubes (all removed later); anti-aircraft weapons: 2 quadruple 40mm Bofors cannons, 2 double 40mm Bofors cannons , 11 single-barrel 20mm Oerlikon cannons.

This is the original data, but Wesley changed it directly. The tonnage has reached 4,000 tons at full load, and the main scale is basically unchanged. The use of gas turbines and diesel engines has increased the carrying capacity of fuel, and the maximum speed can reach 38 knots . The main gun is only the front main gun dual-mounted 155mm naval gun, and the rest are equipped with 8 Gibson 40mm dual-mounted cannons and 12 Gibson 20mm quadruple-mounted cannons. There are two Shuanglianzhuang fish launch tubes, and two depth charge launchers are placed at the rear, equipped with twenty depth charges.

This is an epoch-making destroyer. Although the armament looks very weak, it is actually just right. The battle between destroyers is not fierce. The key is the speed problem. Wesley's design has only one chimney, and the superstructure is more towards the center. The position of the ship is concentrated, and the design of the spherical nose bow and the flying shear bow is used. The main destroyer is not only beautiful in appearance, but also simple and practical.

This kind of destroyer can be used for decades and will never be outdated, especially the dual-power configuration, which is suitable for both low-speed and high-speed sailing modes, and diesel engines and gas turbines can only be produced by Wesley's Power Company. .

Although Wesley can also produce gasoline engines, he has invested in Ford Motor and became a major shareholder, which is directly ceded to Ford, while Wesley himself produces trucks and off-road vehicles, all of which are for military use.

When the battleship started, Wesley directly regretted the barracks and continued the training, but this time he did not care about the production of the battleship, because the result had already been set.

Under such circumstances, the time quietly came to 1914. The troops trained by Wesley had already achieved good results, which was relative to the current army, and Wesley also had the confidence to introduce the test, although the equipment was very good. The lack, especially the problem of landing ships.

The destroyer has completed construction and has been delivered to the Navy for sea trials. The results are satisfactory, but there are some differences in armament, especially the application of depth charges, which the Navy believes is completely unnecessary.

But Wesley just smiled, and then asked, "Do you want me to build a submarine to attack you?"

This sentence made the Navy shut up. This man is a big inventor, and the speed of invention is super fast. He applies for patents one by one. Moreover, the role of the destroyer was described in detail by Wesley again, and the Navy recognized the role of this kind of warship.

There are many functions, but it will not be used as a main battleship, but the number of needs is large, especially the coastline and the fleet need this kind of destroyer, and Wesley directly told the Navy that this kind of battleship can be used for decades, and according to Apple The data of the Keeling-class destroyer has been used in the 1980s, of course, it has been modified many times.

The Navy got a new toy, and they were excited to test it with four destroyers. William Benson came directly to Wesley's barracks. This time he came with a large order. Those shipyards began to wait. When it comes to work, he is not Wesley, and he can wrestle with his colleagues at will.

"Wesley, allow me to call you that, your design is amazing, especially with that speed, how about the subsequent battleships?"

"General, the navy has not placed an order, how can I design it?" Wesley said directly with a spread of hands.

"It doesn't matter, there are four of the same three types of warships under me. As our experimental ships, other shipyards need to start construction, but in order to accumulate their experience, they all start from destroyers. Anyway, we need a lot of them."

The quantity is indeed a lot, not to mention the two main fleets of the east and west. The long coastline, naval bases and colonies are all needed. It is necessary to order a large number of destroyers, and this kind of ships is not expensive. about. Wesley's production costs were low, mainly for technical reasons, and at the same time the money was very valuable in this era, totaling a price of £200,000.

The Navy plans to build the first batch of 32 such destroyers and distribute them to two fleets. At the same time, the Navy plans to sell all the existing ships. They are interested in those backward warships. Anyway, it is the time to renew the ships. Just sell it, if you can't sell it again, and this matter must be kept absolutely confidential.

"It can be general, but I have conditions."

"Of course you can say this, we can discuss it!"

"The first one is that I need the first order of four destroyers. After all, my slipway can't be idle, and it just so happens that I don't have to rush work now, and for the remaining three models, I need to slow down. First, there are two cruisers. The construction of the battleship will have to wait, after all, the slipway is not finished!"

"Okay, that's it."

Still did not use Wesley to take out the blueprint, William Benson had absolute confidence in Wesley's technology, and he could see the whole picture at a glance, so he was very confident.

Many shipyards divided the remaining orders, got the design drawings, and began to place orders with Wesley's Power Company and Arsenal, and the US Navy issued a warning to each shipyard, that is, confidentiality.

Now the smell of gunpowder in Europe is getting stronger and stronger. Americans are gearing up for it. Many people agree with Wesley's judgment. Once this war starts, it will be a few years, and it will be a certain time to make a fortune. And the Americans don't want their actions to stimulate Europe. It is wrong to calm them down. This war must be fought, otherwise we will not be with us.

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