New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 391 Infantry 'Blitzkrieg' Part One

After the plan was deployed, all the troops entered the preparation stage, but the heavy artillery brigade was still carrying out shelling tasks every day. And Haig is working out how to use the U.S. military.

"What does the United States mean, with such a young general, and their first echelon does not even have a lieutenant general, although they took over part of the defense, but only 20 kilometers." Petain said.

Haig didn't take it seriously, "This is normal. The U.S. troops are all recruits. They have never experienced war. Although there are fifty divisions and twenty brigades, their establishment seems to be very small, with only 10,000 people in each division. , not even half of us, but their weapons are pretty good."

"Well, it's true. It's impossible to count on them, but where do the troops we replaced need to be replenished?"

"Add the front line of the Marne, how about trying to attack again at the end of the year?" Haig really wanted to attack.

"This..." Petain had to think about his predecessor, who was dismissed because of too much loss in a battle, so he hesitated and changed the subject, "I heard that the Americans are shelling every day now, they are Isn't there any action?"

"How is that possible? What can their recruits do? Well-equipped doesn't mean they are capable of combat."

The two did not know that Wesley had deployed an attack, and at the same time did not notify the headquarters, the espionage war of the dual release has been going on, Wesley did not know whether the news would be leaked, so he did not notify at all, although this has great drawbacks, It is possible for the U.S. military to fight alone, but Wesley doesn't care about this at all. His troops have enough strength to deal with it, even in the face of two million enemies.

On September 27, 1917, the first battle here will be different. At six o'clock in the morning, the heavy artillery brigades started shelling again, this time ten heavy artillery brigades, plus fifty divisions of 105mm howitzers, this is a human battle. For the first time in history, rapid-fire guns were used in a large-scale mass assembly. This is not comparable to the French 'Miss 75', and it is not on the same level at all.

"Boom boom boom" the 20-kilometer German defense line fell into a sea of ​​fire, and the troops of the First Army were already preparing, and they would cooperate without running. After an hour of artillery shelling, the shelling began to extend, and then the soldiers jumped out The trenches were divided into three combat groups, and their tactics were completely in accordance with the new infantry code of conduct.

These soldiers are recruits, but they are recruits who have been training for two years. There is no problem with the tactical movements, but the soldiers who have never seen blood are recruits after all, and this is their first time.

The leading troops of the three divisions were concentrated on three points, and the follow-up troops were still following up. The artillery had been replaced by 75mm rapid-fire guns, and the heavy guns were all extended. This was to prevent accidental injuries, and they were 500 meters in front of the local position. The mortar group began to be deployed. When the soldiers arrived 200 meters from the local position, the shelling stopped, and then a large number of machine guns began to prepare, and the soldiers charged.

The German positions were in a panic, and they didn't know if the enemy was attacking, but the observation post could finally see the situation ahead. The whistle was commonly used in World War I, and it was very useful for conveying messages.

The Germans took up their weapons and came to their combat posts, but at this moment, a piercing scream came, "Bombardment". Mortars have been used in World War I, but they are not used very much, but these soldiers have endured different shelling for two years after all, they are used to it, but this time they miscalculated, because there are too many mortars, The swarms of 60mm, 80mm, and 120mm mortars landed directly in the trenches, and now the trenches are not zig-zag.

In a straight trench, the lethality of a single shell can be maximized. After five minutes of shelling, the infantry had moved to a position 100 meters from the front line. They prepared grenades and the shelling stopped. distance, and then the grenade was thrown.

"Boom" exploded again, and the German army was about to collapse. A week of artillery bombardment, then today's more large-scale shelling, and then another shelling, and now they have no idea what it is.

"Bang... da da da... chu chu chu" different gunshots sounded, the U.S. military has already entered the front line, the power of automatic weapons is fully exerted, "continue to attack and move forward." The troops of the first three divisions have no other tasks, that is, The attack advanced, they were like a duck in the water in the trenches, a grenade opened the way from the Gibson submachine gun, and under the cover of automatic weapons, they were like a broken bamboo.

And agreeing to the time, behind the German defense line, on the coast of the North Sea, a fleet suddenly appeared, followed by shelling, but it seemed that nothing was shelled, and the landing craft began to move towards the coastline continuously.

This is the marine brigade that Wesley trained himself. The troops of four brigades are deployed one brigade at a time for landing, and their position is in the rear of the German army. This is Wesley's killer. He wants to drive the German army out at one time. Belgium, while eliminating the enemy's living forces as much as possible.

The dark fort is the most terrifying, because of the existence of machine guns in it, which is a nightmare for the infantry. The U.S. military encountered a large number of dark fortresses, and they found some of them through artillery investigation, but there were still many undiscovered, but once the dark fort opened fire, they would see A terrifying weapon, flying over with white smoke.

Bazooka instantly became the favorite of soldiers. There were not many concrete offensives. Most of them were dark fortresses composed of civil engineering and sandbags. They were completely incapable of resisting the attack of bazooka, especially the attack of armor-piercing projectiles.

How could Wesley not pay attention to the dark fort? This is the most troublesome problem, and the main function of the bazooka is not to fight tanks, because the tanks in World War I can only respond with 'hehe', and the US military sent a few tanks. , which was developed by Ford.

The American 1918 tank, which should have appeared in 1918, appeared ahead of schedule, because Wesley cooperated with them to produce cars, and the power company produced new engines, both gasoline and diesel engines, so the power problem of the tank is not a problem.

However, Wesley was not too advanced, so Ford's tanks did not change much. Wesley said directly after seeing it, "Throw it."

Need a tank he won't design it himself? The current conditions are not mature. It does not mean that you have the skills. It requires a large number of industrial workers to learn skillfully. The factory workers in Wesley are undoubtedly the best workers, because the new technology is the earliest.

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