New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 395 Equipment Development

The Versailles Palace in Paris was crowded with people, the media from all over the world gathered outside, and negotiating delegations from various countries arrived one after another. Wesley knew very well that the preparation time a few days ago was the time for countries to reach an agreement in private, and the United States basically been excluded.

The veteran powers headed by the United Kingdom will not watch the rise of the United States helplessly, and what the United States can get is basically what it has already obtained before the end of the war, especially in terms of funds. At the beginning, the expansion of the military was to develop the economy and prepare for the possible European war, but now through the war, selling a large amount of arms and materials, the United States not only paid off its debts, but also suddenly became a creditor country.

The two major archipelagos in the Pacific Ocean provided the United States with forward bases, and the military force would expand to Asia, and Wesley became the most famous general and businessman in the United States.

During the meeting, the Americans, who had foreseen the development of the meeting, adopted Wesley's plan, tried to help China and Germany win, and spared no effort to suppress Japan. Later, he expressed indignation that this contract is unfair to Germany, and it is also unfair to China.

After the contract was signed, the United States directly returned Qingdao to Huaxia, which received a lot of praise from Chinese people, and the purpose of the United States was achieved. In the future, American products will be very popular in Huaxia.

Wesley also left France contentedly and returned to the United States with the last troops. In New York Harbor, he was warmly welcomed by more than 100,000 New Yorkers, and many others came from other places. Just to meet him, Americans are infinitely longing for heroes. It stands to reason that heroes should not be worshipped in a country that shines through freedom and democracy.

Wesley came to Washington again. This time he came back to report on his work. At the same time, he stated the problems encountered in the war. There was a lot of work after the war, and there were also equipment problems.

"Gentlemen, this war has changed the concept of world war." In another speech, Wesley faced the presidential team and the generals of the Navy and Army. These generals were not brought by Wesley to fight the European war. The major brigadier generals. "The development of science and technology will bring different forms of warfare, and the development of equipment in the future will be leaps and bounds, such as tanks and planes. The emergence of these two weapons, the traditional army's combat mode of artillery, although the number of people is still important, it is not Not the most important thing, there will be massive tank engagements and massive aerial engagements.”

"We must master these two weapons, establish new arms, and now start to cultivate troops in this area and study the latest tactics." Wesley said here, and someone spoke below.

"Lieutenant General Gibson, I heard that you put aside the tanks you sent from China and didn't use them, so why do you respect them so much?" Wesley glanced at him, he knew this man, the cavalry unit's Lieutenant General.

"It's a good question, because the current tank just has such a concept, and it is not used on the battlefield at all. At best, it is just a shield for soldiers, and my tactics rely on speed, so I can't use tanks. "

"Isn't the tank just useless? It can only be used for defense?" said the lieutenant general of the cavalry.

Wesley laughed, "Is this general worried about tanks replacing cavalry? Then I can tell you right now, yes! Tanks are actually not an accident, they are designed to break through trenches, but its The future is not just about trenches."

"The tanks designed and produced by Ford this time are not good, because they didn't discuss it with me. I'm more enthusiastic about this. After all, I'm also a shareholder!" Wesley's words made many people laugh.

"To put it bluntly, such tanks are rubbish, useless, and there are many problems. The best engine is the engine produced by my power company, but they chose a gasoline engine. The best thing is still wrong. , so I had to throw away the tanks that were sent to the front because they were of no use."

President Wilson said at this time: "So, what kind of tanks should we use?"

"This is up to me. I already have a plan to design tanks and aircraft. I think we should cancel the cavalry and change the cavalry to armored troops. At the same time, the Air Force will be formed separately, and the Air Force will be established to configure the Army. Army aviation, and naval aviation for the navy."

The lieutenant general of the cavalry spoke again, "Cancel the cavalry? Do you know the role of the cavalry in the war? Can tanks be replaced?" There was anger in his tone.

"Of course it is clear that we can use tanks and cavalry for this exercise at that time, the facts will tell everything, in the face of steel tanks, cavalry with sabres? It is obvious, tanks with artillery and machine guns, Hundreds of tens of tons of behemoths are hedging against cavalry, using oil, and theoretically able to move forward, no matter what, it is a victory for tanks, I don’t think anyone will object to this, right?”

The people below stopped talking, and it was Pershing who spoke, "Wesley, what about the Air Force? Since there are Army Air Forces and Naval Air Forces, why should the Air Force be a separate army?"

"Secrets, the rest of what I'm talking about is secrets. Before we form an army, we need to keep them secret. This is the future direction of the army's development and needs to be mastered by a few people."

Wilson nodded, "Okay, that's it for today, Pershing and Benson, come with me to hear what Wesley said next, and the content of today's meeting is confidential." After finishing speaking, he glanced at the cavalry lieutenant general.

"Please rest assured, Mr. President, even if the cavalry is really useless in the future, then I will retire, and I will never say what should be kept secret." The general was very tough.

In the President's Office, after the four sat down, someone brought coffee, and then Wesley said: "Tanks are the king of land warfare, and this is inevitable in the future. No human being can fight these steel monsters, and with the development of technology, Then the performance of the tank will get better and better."

"We don't deny that, but development takes a lot of time, right? Does it need to happen right away?" Wilson asked.

"Mr. President, there will be a Great Depression in the post-war economy, which is inevitable. Even if we make preparations, a large number of factories will lose orders. Although they have not expanded their production, the European war will make people poor. We have to find a way to sell again.”

"Does it matter?"

"Of course it does, new equipment brings a lot of orders, especially the cost of tanks and aircraft is not cheap, and the production of warships also needs to start again, and then the market development of Germany and China, all of which can be linked to economic conflicts. ... But the economic crisis was avoided, but not now, but a few years from now."

"So, the development of new equipment can also effectively solve the economic problems?"

"Workers can only consume when they have money, and they can only consume what the factory earns. This requires a cycle. Only when this cycle develops in a healthy way can the economy be stable. But we are a capitalist country. We can't do anything in this regard, so we can only work hard."

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