Wesley stood on the podium in the congress hall and began to settle accounts directly, "Over the years, we have achieved outstanding results in developing China's market, especially during the economic crisis, we sold a lot of goods in China, because we Our friendly attitude has been recognized by the other party, and we have squeezed out products from other countries to the greatest extent, which has made us a lot of money.”

"But now Japan has launched a war. They directly destroyed our market, plundered our wealth, and then allocated a part of it to us to buy things. It seems that we have not suffered a loss, but in fact? We have lost a lot Well, they're ruining the good image we've built and destroying our market, and all they're buying is scrap steel and oil, gentlemen, and we're losing money."

Wesley's words made the congressmen talk a lot. They felt that they had indeed lost money. Compared with the lost market, what they got was only a small part.

"And please pay attention. What I said at the beginning is that Japan will attack Britain, and then they will also attack us. Why? Because of the problem of war resources, if they occupy China and get China's resources and manpower, Then they are no longer small countries, they will seek more things, like the Philippines."

"There is rubber and oil there. These are things that China does not have, and they are huge strategic resources. At the same time, it is possible to open up ties with Germany. At that time, it will be a disaster. If they want the Philippines, then the first thing they have to do What is it? The first target is our Pacific Fleet, and the second target is our two major archipelago bases in the Pacific Ocean. You must know that their navy is stronger than their army."

"Gentlemen, I think everyone understands what I said. First of all, we need to kill Japan, defeat them directly, and then do business with Europe. This is the safest way. There is no need to worry about the future, and our Huge market, you must know that at this time other countries will not have goods entering China, because they themselves do not have enough."

"I've finished my speech. I think everyone should know how to choose." Wesley left the podium and returned to his seat. Harold R. Stark of the Navy asked in a low voice beside him.

"Are they really going to attack the Pacific Fleet?"

"Of course, once they can't find a way out, they will take reckless risks. For example, the Russo-Japanese War and the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War of 1899-1895 were both big and small. At that time, their domestic economy was on the verge of danger several times, and the psychology of gamblers was undoubtedly evident. gone."

"Well, that's true. It seems that I will strengthen the security of the Pacific Fleet."

Roosevelt came to the podium again and said: "Gentlemen, Admiral Wesley Gibson taught us another lesson, and now I need to know your choices."

"Fight, beat those little guys." A congressman roared, and then someone followed, and the atmosphere at the scene became heated. They called this 'freedom'.

A meeting directly passed the war proposal, and then Roosevelt ordered the army to start preparations, and then the United States issued a diplomatic note to stop business exchanges with Japan and boycott their invasion of China. This incident made China reaffirm the friendship of the United States, and Japan began to panic.

The commander-in-chief of the three armies in this battle was Wesley. He was the oldest general at the moment. After all, he was a general after World War I, and he was not comparable to Marshall and the others.

And Wesley has matured in his age, and everyone still remembers his infantry "blitzkrieg". Now most of the equipment of the army, navy and air force is designed and arranged by him, and no one is more suitable than him.

The world boiled for a while, and the United States cut off trade with Japan. This suddenly caused problems with Japan's strategic reserves. Their reserves are limited. If they can't buy them, they can only use the reserves. But warships once The resources needed to start are massive, how long can they last?

Japan was caught in a dilemma, and then went south or went north directly, causing controversy in advance, and the Nomenkan battle was launched directly, and the two sides fought quietly, but this kind of thing cannot be hidden, and countries around the world will soon understood. And Japan also understands that they can't beat the Soviet Union, especially on land. If they can't get through on land, they can only go to sea.

Wesley is preparing for war. The latest eight aircraft carriers are all heavy-duty aircraft carriers above 60,000 tons. The latest design of the inclined deck allows fighter jets to take off and land at the same time. In addition to the original two medium-sized aircraft carriers, a total of The strength of ten aircraft carriers was concentrated. The Atlantic Fleet will not be strengthened for the time being.

The rest are four 36,000-ton treaty battleships, four first battleships of World War I, sixteen heavy cruisers, hundreds of light cruisers and destroyers, which are the main force of the entire Pacific Fleet. .

Naturally, preparations for World War I did not happen overnight. It took time to prepare, so that there would be no suddenness of the war. After all, the United States is not Japan. It has not been preparing for war.

The actions of the United States caused an uproar in the whole world, and Germany was anxious. Hitler expressed concern about the actions of the United States. He was afraid that the United States would join in as it did during World War I. Germany would not be able to beat the United States. After all, the United States surpassed Germany in terms of economy, resources and technology.

And Japan is even more anxious. After all, the United States is obviously coming for them. The assembly of the Pacific Fleet is hidden from the Japanese. Their spies are all over Hawaii.

A chain reaction, the butterfly's wings began to flap here, and Wesley flapped his wings on a large scale for the first time, which was stronger than during World War I, causing a lot of variables, and Wesley sat firmly on the Diaoyutai. Preparations were made without haste.

First of all, the Pacific Fleet began to be divided, with four heavy aircraft carriers as the main force, plus four treaty battleships and eight heavy cruisers as the main force. The first task force was established and sailed directly to the Guam military base. A medium-sized aircraft carrier, a heavy-duty aircraft carrier, and two battleships from World War I constitute the second task force. The same configuration formed the third task force, while the remaining two heavy aircraft carriers formed the fourth task force.

The second, third, and fourth task forces directly blocked the Pacific route. At the same time, the submarine force was dispersed. Huge cigar-shaped ocean-going submarines were scattered in the Pacific Ocean, blocking all waterways, and at the same time sneaked into the vicinity of Japan for investigation.

The atmosphere of the war is getting stronger and stronger, and the delegation formed by the US government is going to China to communicate with China. This battle still needs China's participation, and at the same time, the exchanges between the two countries will be deepened.

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