Huaxia learned of this, and Wesley issued an invitation. As a country, it is inevitable to make its own voice heard internationally. Taizu naturally readily agreed, and Huaxia sent Duke Zhou there. Wesley He is also very happy, he has been fascinated by Duke Zhou's charm for a long time.

With his personal charisma and political wisdom, Duke Zhou made an international alliance and opened up a difficult situation for China. How can such a person be disregarded? Moreover, when he died, many foreign countries lowered their flags at half-mast, which shows his achievements.

Churchill went to the United States on a warship, and Wesley naturally didn't think about flying, but used a squadron to return with an aircraft carrier as the flagship, and Duke Zhou led the team to accompany him.

"General." Duke Zhou and Wesley walked on the deck.

"Duke Zhou just call me Wesley." Wesley said with a smile.

"Okay, Wesley, the military power of the United States is indeed strong. As far as this fleet is concerned, only the British fleet can match it?" Duke Zhou said something.

Wesley smiled proudly, "The British fleet is not comparable to that of the American fleet. After all, they do have more battleships than us. Although they are similar in performance, they have an advantage in numbers, but they are far behind in terms of aircraft carriers. Now, more naval battles are done with carrier-based aircraft, and the same will be true for future naval battles, so if we really want to fight, I will easily eliminate them."

"So that's the case. Huaxia is too far behind, and I hope that the American allies can help a lot." Only then did Duke Zhou express his thoughts.

"This is natural. Since the alliance is formed, the United States will not ignore China. The shipbuilding industry must develop. I said that Asia needs a strong China, just like America needs a strong United States. State-to-state exchanges focus on interests, but I believe in the morality of Chinese people even more, and our two countries will work together to maintain the best situation in world peace." Wesley said that he was disgusted, but that's what he meant Meaning.

"That's right, our two great powers will surely be able to maintain world peace together. The rise of China is inevitable. We are also confident about this. What do you think of this meeting?"

"The purpose of this meeting is to form an alliance. It is an alliance between our Pacific Alliance and the Allies. This is inevitable. It is impossible for us to watch Germany and the Soviet Union defeat the United Kingdom. It is not in our interests, but we need to discuss how to fight. Moreover, China is bound to join the war, and it is imperative to reorganize the army. Your equipment is very chaotic now, which is not good for logistics. I think we should make a good plan and cooperate. The official common weapons and ammunition calibers of China and the United States are a good choice. After all, as allies , there will be a lot of cooperation in the future, and it is necessary to simplify logistics."

"It should be so, but..." Duke Zhou couldn't open his mouth. At the beginning of the founding of the country, a lot of waste was waiting to be done.

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhou, the aid team is almost ready, and the cost will be paid by the United States. This is free aid. We will talk about it after the war. Now everything is based on the premise of war, and we will not suffer." Wesley smiled cunningly , but Zhou Gong also understood that this was to find it from the defeated country, so he was relieved.

All the way back to the United States without incident, the Huaxia delegation received a warm welcome, and then the party went to Washington, and Churchill also arrived, and the tripartite talks were about to start.

Naturally, Wesley would recommend Duke Zhou to Roosevelt, and since China and the United States are allies, the two sides also need to discuss their respective bottom lines. Then it is better to talk to the representatives of the allies. Although the allies have many countries, they are all small countries and are useless. Only the game of great powers can be done.

After the two sides drafted the content of the negotiation, the three-party talks began. Churchill, a big fat man, sat smoking a cigar and sat on one side, while China and the United States sat together, expressing their attitudes. Churchill was very unhappy about this. The situation changed suddenly. Britain now has no influence in Asia except for its colonies. They don't care about the colonies at all now. With the alliance between China and the United States, China will inevitably rise. It is foreseeable that it will occupy the right to speak in Asia. I keep thinking in my mind, But Roosevelt spoke first.

"Mr. Prime Minister, what is the purpose of coming to the United States this time?" I asked knowingly, but China and the United States would not speak first about cooperation, and Churchill knew that he could not stand it, so he could only respond.

"The alliance between Germany and the Soviet Union is not good news for the whole world. I think it is time for the United States to join this war, otherwise the whole world will be disturbed." Churchill said.

Roosevelt smiled, "The United States is a peace-loving country, and so are our allies, and the Soviet-German alliance poses no threat to the two states of America and Asia."

"Is there really no threat? Will they let the United States continue to grow? They want to rule the world. Even if their navy is not good at present, they may not be able to do so in the future. After all, Britain still has a deep understanding of the navy." Churchill is also a bachelor , threatened directly.

Wesley said on the side: "The British navy is not very good in my opinion. The US Navy dares to say that it is the number one in the world. Your Excellency may not believe this, but we don't care about it, and it is well known that Hitler was afraid of the United States. It's not unreasonable."

"The general is indeed a genius. If the Allies are defeated, the huge sum owed to your country will be gone."

"This is really a problem." Wesley rubbed his chin thoughtfully. These are just exercises. Now we are getting to the point. Duke Zhou didn't speak. He has never experienced national negotiations, so he naturally has to learn, but there is no righteousness now. Instead, he directly talked about money, and he also saw it. "It seems that in order to protect the interests of the United States, we really need to join this war, and our Chinese allies still have a lot of land occupied by the Soviets. We cannot allow this, and we must take it back."

Churchill thought for a while, and then said: "Naturally, there is no problem with the Allies."

"The Azores is very important to the security of the United States. I think your Excellency the Prime Minister understands this, and the United States needs a transfer point to transport supplies and troops to Europe. This is very suitable." Wesley said again.

This time, Churchill had to think clearly. Just now, China took back the territory. The distance was too far. They couldn't control it at all in the UK. It was not a condition, but the Atlantic Islands needed to be considered.

"Okay, but we need American assistance."

"Yes, since we have to fight together, it is inevitable to help friends." Wesley said, the two sides reached a consensus, and then came the specific bargaining, and both sides want to form an alliance, so it is inevitable to reach a consensus in the end.

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