New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 420 Recruiting Soldiers

Recruiting people is something that urgently needs to be done now. A new type of brain domain amplification device can amplify Charles' ability, allowing him to search and find the evolutionary hidden among ordinary people.

Charles and Eric started to gather people non-stop. They also found Wolverine, but they were scared away by a word, but as soon as they left, Wesley arrived, and then walked into the bar.

"Logan, you are still the same." Wesley sat beside him, and Logan looked over impatiently.

"You are?" Logan asked suspiciously.

"Remember that time when the Marine Corps selected soldiers? We met at that time, my appearance changed, but you didn't." Wesley asked for a glass of wine, then took out a cigar and lit it, slowly pumped up.

"It turned out to be you, you are already so old, how time flies!" Logan picked up his glass and drank it down, and Wesley ordered another glass for him.

"Yes, time has passed so quickly, but you are still the same, but your personality must have changed, and you are no longer in the army, which is very good."

"What's the good thing? Many things have changed. What's the matter with you coming to me? Those two little guys just belonged to you?"

"You can put it this way, but they don't have the energy to guide them anymore. All they can rely on now is themselves. You are right, many things have changed now, and there are more and more people like you, and I need to do something So now I want to recruit you again, what do you think?"

"Conscription? I have been conscripted once, but the result is not very good. Do you want me to keep killing?"

"Of course not. It's impossible for you to know me. I like peace, don't I?" Wesley said with a smile.

"What's that for?"

"Those children need a good leader. Maybe you are not outstanding, but at least you can give them some help. Living for a long time is also a kind of capital. It is not too much to be well-informed. I became an organization. X War Police. The two children just now are the future leaders. They need the help of a veteran, and you are the most suitable candidate. Of course, you don’t need to make a decision now. They need to hone their skills. Now is my test for them. .”

"Aren't you afraid they'll screw things up?"

"Don't be afraid, because I'm still alive, so things won't go wrong, but I will always die. Although I will prepare a new supervisor for them, it will take time. How about it? Instead of wandering around like this, why not join Come in, after all, this matter is also for your own future."

"..." Logan was silent. Wesley didn't recruit him and his brother back then. Would he agree now? What if they could be under Wesley's hands back then? "Why didn't you recruit us back then?"

"Are you worried about this matter?" Wesley took a sip of wine, and then said: "I can see that you were wild and unruly at the time, and you needed time to sharpen. You wandered away from home when you were young, and your The family inheritance problem is very serious, and there is not enough time to wash everything away. Aren’t you tired of killing now? And the sword stabbing tiger is not tired of it, if I recruit you, you can only hide the killing, which is not good.”

"You know us well?"

"If you want to, there will always be clues. The world is so big, and it's easy to handle with power. How about it? How do you think?"

"Okay, finally there is a job, I have no reason to refuse, but there is a guy who will keep watching me."

"I know that this person thinks he is very concealed and uses the power of the army, but why doesn't he think about it, is there anything he can hide from me in the army? But now is not the time to deal with him, and someone will deal with it in the future. You can rest assured."

"Okay, then I'll go with you now."

"Very good, you go with me first, those children need to be sharpened, it will be better if you join after this time, can you have another drink?"

After the personnel were convened, a group of different young people gathered together to demonstrate their abilities, but they used the CIA's research institutes in a mess, and they didn't realize it, and suddenly they could show their abilities in front of others. They vented their depression in their hearts, but they ignored the damage they caused to the surroundings. Charles was very annoyed by this, and he also understood why Wesley wanted to set up the X-Men Headquarters.

Just like ordinary people need the police, ordinary people still have a lot of crimes, not to mention the evolutionary talents with extraordinary talents, once they commit crimes, how much harm will they do, then what the X-Men need to do is to arrest them and try them according to law . But now it is necessary to educate them so that they can correctly recognize their abilities, what they can do and what they cannot do, and the establishment of a school is imminent.

After educating these ignorant guys, he left, but what he didn't expect was that Sebastian Xiao led people to raid here, took away the angel, and killed one person.

Wesley didn't make a move. Since it was a test, he needed it. As a general, he knew it very well, just like Phil Coulson's sacrifice back then.

"Isn't this a little cold?" Logan asked from the side.

"Cruel? Maybe. As a general, I know soldiers will sacrifice, but I can't think about it. If I'm afraid of their sacrifices, then more people will die. What should I do about it? What about choices? There is no absolute justice in this world, and some are just my own judgment. This is my judgment. I said I would not make a move, so I will not do anything. Everything depends on them. However, I can only change candidates."

"I can't tell you, if they don't pass, who are you going to choose? Mutants... Oh, no, they are called evolutionists now, do you have anyone else to choose?"

"Yes, but I don't want to choose him. He is destined to leave. If I choose him, things will be very troublesome in the future." Wesley was talking about himself, this is the best choice, But he is destined to go home. Once he leaves this universe, the evolutionary will be a big problem. Although this is not Wesley's home, after all, he has lived for too long, and he doesn't want to leave a mess.

"Who made you trust so much?" Logan asked suspiciously, because he had always only trusted himself, and Wesley did trust himself, but it's not the time yet, the identity he prepared for himself was an illegitimate child, Although it was a lie, others couldn't expose it, he couldn't let Ruan Lingyu know it, and he couldn't let her know it for the rest of his life.

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