New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 424 Present and Future

"Can you describe it in detail? What kind of abilities do evolutionaries have? And is the future direction of human development clear?" the reporter asked.

"Oh, this really needs to be talked about. Evolvers have various abilities, Eric, let everyone see your abilities, and the noise should be smaller." Wesley said to Eric beside him.

Eric nodded, then picked up a pen on the table and flew to everyone's faces, "Oh, my God, is this a special function?"

"Okay, everyone, please be quiet. This is the ability of evolutionaries. Each of them is gifted and possesses a variety of abilities. Then this brings some problems. Some people will hide themselves and Don’t want people to know they’re different, but there are people out there who want to use their abilities to do bad things, and we need a special agency to deal with that.”

"The X-Men exist for this. The first candidate for the director is Charles Xavier who is next to me. He is a professor of genetics and an evolutionary. The one who just performed is The Deputy Director, Mr. Eric Lanshere, at the same time, the X-Men Headquarters will set up a school to educate those teenagers who have had X gene mutations, so that they can make good use of their abilities instead of being afraid of them, It's talent, and they're the first ones."

"General, are you sure they are pioneers, not aliens?" A male reporter suddenly asked loudly, which caused many people to discuss, but Wesley was not surprised at all, and looked directly at the other party.

"Do you think so because you want to find some news? Or do you think they are aliens and want to stir up racial issues? Or do you want to start a war? Now you answer me." Wesley stood up and asked directly , the following was silent.

"I... I'm just guessing." The reporter stammered.

"Guess? The press is free, but you can guess at will? Is there any difference between their bodies and humans? Most humans have X genes in their bodies, so these people are aliens, can I think so? Because their Among the children, there is a high probability of inheriting this gene, so are those without this gene considered human or alien?"

"Some of you are afraid that the world will not be chaotic. Do you know what the consequences of instigation are? It is a war, a huge internal war of attrition among all human beings. None of you will be spared. This is the result of your guess. Do you want it?"

"No, no, general, this is not what I want." The reporter was forced to cry by Wesley.

"So what do you want? I established the X-Men Headquarters because of people like you. Some people ignore the future for the sake of immediate interests. The number of evolutionaries has been increasing, especially with the development of technology. Then in the future Evolvers are constantly increasing, and their abilities are all kinds of strange, and ordinary people will feel scared, which requires correct guidance, otherwise the consequences are unimaginable." Wesley said heavily.

"Under the deliberate instigation of some people like him, what will be the consequences? Will there be wars? We can foresee this. Humans will start to kill their own future because they are not one of them. They are afraid. After some simple Then they are likely to be more radical. So what are the consequences of the war? The evolutionary gene is in everyone's body, this will not disappear, people continue to wage wars, and suddenly find that the evolutionary around them is constantly increase, and then they keep killing?"

The reporters were silent. If what Wesley said was true, then such killings would be endless, and it was very likely that they were their own children or their children.

"Okay, this is the end of the press conference. I hope you will show the sense of justice of the journalists, write the content of this press conference seriously, and tell the public that this is not terrible, just like we have the police to deal with different people, X The war police will deal with the criminals of the evolutionists, and those children who have changed can be sent to us for education, and all the students here will be evolutionists."

After finishing speaking, Wesley turned and left. He had finished what he wanted to say. This world is not his home, and he will do everything he can, but to what extent it will develop is beyond his control alone. He has great prestige and power, but people's hearts cannot be controlled, and there is only so much he can do.

All the newspapers reported the incident the next day, and the reporter who was so frightened by Wesley that he almost cried didn't know what kind of thoughts he was holding. He still said in the report: "Are they human? Or are they aliens?" ? Where is the direction of mankind?" Although there were not many of them, they still sold his newspaper once. What can Wesley say about this?

In the X-Men Headquarters, Wesley is sitting in the main seat, and below are all the personnel, including the original members of Hellfire. No, this is what I call a crisis, some people don’t think about the future, they only look at the present.”

"So, you need to do a lot in the future. People must have a correct understanding. The evolutionary is human beings. The only difference between them and human beings is a little ability, but these abilities are not invincible. Your current personnel are still Too few, the school should be set up as soon as possible, Charles, I have improved the brain domain amplifier, which can help you complete the search for personnel, the White Queen needs to join, she will not come, she has good abilities, and can help you. "

"Understood the general." Charles said.

"Well, the other is the issue of equipment. The equipment you need will be shipped here later. There are vehicles and weapons. This weapon is your regular weapon." Wesley took out a pistol, which is the frozen weapon in the Marvel universe. The gun can paralyze and stun people.

"This is a freezing gun. Its function is to paralyze people. You must learn to use firearms. The ability can only be used when necessary. This weapon has no lethality and can only make people stunned. It is very suitable for you. Of course, lethal weapons There will be, but try to use it sparingly. People are afraid of evolutionists, and what they are afraid of is your destructive power. You have to think about this, so you must pay attention to this point during missions. Agent McTeggett, you are responsible for recruiting Normal people getting into X-Men Headquarters, which currently requires a lot of normal people to do the paperwork."

"Understood, I will start doing it right away."

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