New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 427 Establishing a Bank

Why did the Secretary of Defense start a war? Because he wants to eliminate Wesley's influence in the army, people are forgetful, as long as there are new things that divert their attention, they will immediately forget the past and find things to focus on again.

And what is this war for? Not only to divert attention, but also some consortiums are behind the push. Many of the resources in the United States are occupied by the G Group. If they want to develop energy, they can only look abroad, and this is the most important point.

The discussions in Congress were intense. Someone quietly notified Wesley, the current helm of Group G, that the chosen person made everyone very curious. Regarding the war promoted by the Ministry of National Defense and major financial groups, Wesley just He sneered for a while, and then ignored it.

For a greedy person, no matter what you say to him, it is difficult to listen to your opinion, not to mention that Wesley is not the same as before, and no one will follow his advice, so let these pretend to be bloody .

On Wesley's side, G Group started to sort out the shares. On the other side, the major consortiums not only promoted the war, but also began to use their own contacts and relationships to investigate G Group's monopoly issue.

The Supreme Court was a bit hesitant about this, but the Constitution is the Constitution, and they have not acted in the past because of General Wesley Gibson's contribution to the country.

It's different now, the mountain is gone, and many financial groups have protested against the monopoly of G Group, so the Supreme Court can only start to implement it, and directly issued a subpoena to G Group. Wesley needs to pay attention to this. Although his actions are fast, it still takes some time to complete. What he is doing now is to let the lawyer team delay the time. This is what lawyers like to do most, and I am happy to accept it. Task.

Wesley has accelerated the speed of the group's shareholding reorganization. Many companies established overseas, especially the investment in countries with major markets, have confirmed a large number of investment projects. At the same time, the progress of computer miniaturization and simple systems has also been accelerated. Many, many banks were acquired at the same time to be restructured, and money began to move.

Naturally, such a large-scale action cannot be concealed. Various consortiums are anxiously waiting for news from the court, but the team of lawyers sent by Wesley began to make continuous detours with professional legal knowledge, and fought guerrilla warfare with the support of the law.

Carlos and Minty didn't panic when they heard the news. They always believed that their father had never missed him. They firmly believed that Wesley could do a good job, so they kept doing their own things quietly.

They all have their own businesses, just like many children want to prove themselves to their fathers, and they are all doing well now, and their companies are not under the name of Group G, so it is convenient for Wesley to split the equity A lot, cross shareholdings with their companies.

In a short period of time, Wesley split the G Group, but the shares were still in the hands of the Gibson family. At this time, Wesley went to the Supreme Court and showed the proof of equity information. However, the information of many shareholders is confidential because G Group is not listed.

The major consortiums are very depressed. Their actions are slow. It seems that the other party has long been prepared to split the group's equity so quickly, and the division is very wide. However, they want G Group to go public. But G Group is not short of funds, and there is no need to go public at all, and if it goes public, the price of the shares will be difficult for them to bear. Even if they buy it, they won't be able to buy much. It is completely an act of giving money to others.

It's as if Hollywood and Las Vegas are both the private domain of the Gibson family. Both places are places where golden eggs are laid, which makes them extremely jealous, but they are helpless.

Just when Wesley drove these consortiums away, Congress actually passed the war proposal on the grounds that the other party had weapons of mass destruction. Wesley laughed, very heartily, and then ignored it.

What he has to do now is to let G Group make a global layout, especially in Huaxia. The relationship between the two parties is still very good now, but things in the future are unpredictable, so Wesley is investing in the layout now to prevent the relationship between the two parties from deteriorating in the future. Time to reinvest is difficult.

Wesley's large-scale investment has attracted the attention of various countries. Such a large-scale investment has made all countries salivate, and Wesley's direct investment in China, and the acquisition of small and medium-sized banks around the world, such actions have made many people Understand that G Group is developing towards internationalization while establishing a bank.

Wesley's investment was very fast. The choice of industry, geographical location, investment size, and investment projects were all clear and clear. At the same time, banks were acquired all over the world, and then Gibson International Bank was established with a single order. The bank will be a comprehensive bank for business savings, credit, investment, etc., because it is spread all over the world, so it only needs to add some business offices.

The press conference of Gibson International Bank, which has become the world's top bank, was very powerful. Wesley introduced the concept of networked office, rapid information transmission, and efficient speed of cross-regional transfer business. This is accompanied by the miniaturization of computers. here.

Only at this time did everyone understand why G Group did not operate as a bank before, but now it suddenly makes a series of acquisitions. This is the reason. Those financial groups were a little scared. They felt that they couldn't understand the dead general at all. Is this the big layout he left behind? And who is this Wesley Gibson who succeeded him? Is it really an adopted son?

"What should we do? If this continues, we will be under the G Group for the rest of our lives." In a country villa, the helmsmen of ten consortiums gathered together and discussed in secret.

"How else? Now they even have a bank, and foreign investment can be said to be fast, accurate, and ruthless, which is no different from the general at the time."

"Then can we kill him?" Someone said suddenly.

There was a silence in the room, and then someone said disdainfully: "The general was assassinated countless times when he was young. Do you think he would not have thought of it? Will he leave behind to protect his heirs?"

"You have to try it? Aren't there many evolutionaries now?"

"You don't know who established the X-Men Headquarters? We will all be unlucky if we don't make it right, so this kind of thing should not be done well."

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