New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 429 The X-Men Come

"Eric, we have to calm down. The motion proposed by the military is indeed necessary, otherwise the parliament will not pass it. After all, the number of evolutionaries is increasing, and there are not many people who are willing to come to our school. Some of them want to live the lives of ordinary people, and we can only record their information." Charles was much calmer.

"But what they did was obviously targeted. They targeted General Gibson. Now that the general is gone, they began to overthrow what he left behind. Look, as soon as the general left, they launched a war."

"I know this very well, but the general said that he will send someone to continue to help us. I think it should be Wesley Gibson. His adopted son has the same name as him, and I can't see him thinking something."

"There is such a thing, let's go see him, he hasn't contacted us since he appeared."

"Well, that's fine, let's go see him."

The two went directly to the G Group Building in New York. Wesley smiled at the sudden arrival of the two, then let them take the elevator that went straight to the top floor, and greeted them at the elevator door.

"Welcome to the two bureau chiefs. I don't know how the two busy people have time to come to me?" Wesley said with a smile, and then poured them something to drink.

"Mr. Gibson, I think we should come once. After all, the general said before that someone will continue to help us. I think that person is you. Am I right?" Charles said straight to the point.

"Yes, it is indeed me, but do you need help now?" Wesley asked.

"Of course it is necessary. The military has become a new institution, and the evolutionists are summoned to enter. Isn't this aimed at us?" Eric said.

"I've heard about you, Eric, your thinking is still so radical. You still haven't figured out whether evolutionists are human beings. If evolutionaries are completely integrated into ordinary people, then what's the use of them entering the army Question?" Wesley asked looking at him.

Eric was suddenly shocked by Wesley's aura, which was the same as the general he faced in the past, which made him a little surprised, and then said: "But this situation has not happened yet, and there are still many Evolvers just want to live the lives of ordinary people."

"There is still a problem with your words. They all make themselves ordinary people. Why do you have to make them different? You have always had problems with your thinking over the years. Director Charles, you have an inescapable responsibility for this. Wesley said, looking at Charles.

"Uh... I'm sorry about that, but some damage isn't something that can be repaired quickly," Charles said.

"Harm? There are many people who have been hurt in this world. The difference is that they don't have special power, right? If they have power, they can do what they want, regardless of whether it is right or not? The army of a country, recruiting citizens Is there any problem with serving? This is a matter of time, but the X-Men General Administration was established earlier, and now it can only be regarded as some achievements. Do you think you are doing the right thing?"

"Did we do something wrong?" Eric said unconvinced.

Wesley took out a document and put it in front of them, "How did you deal with the criminal evolutionaries? Many of them didn't get the punishment they deserved."

"Things are not their fault, you can't see the attitude of the people around them towards them." Eric said.

"Hehe, so the people around them broke the law? You have forgotten what the general said, and how did you become the chief of the bureau? Do you know that these things will become the means for others to attack you? Stupid, arrogant, arrogant .” Wesley said very excitedly, he gave the two a chance at the beginning, but they didn’t do well.

Eric has been protecting the Evolvers over the years, so there are many problems in the process of breaking the law. Wesley did not intervene in this, but now that they have found them, Wesley has to say it.

And Eric's face was red and his ears were red, and his emotions began to agitate. The metal around him kept shaking. Charles hurriedly grabbed his arm and said, "Control your emotions. We have done a lot of mistakes over the years. Now we need to calm down." Thinking."

"Huh!" Eric snorted coldly, and stopped his ability.

"Hehe, I'm not convinced, do you think your abilities are very powerful?" Wesley smiled disdainfully, "You can try, the general was able to deal with you back then, and now I can do the same. I really think how amazing my abilities are. ?"

These Erics were completely irritated, looked at Wesley, and the metal on Wesley's body jumped, but immediately fell silent again, Wes used the energy of the space gem to wrap his body, and Eric's ability can't play any role. Wesley strode up to Eric and grabbed his neck with one hand as fast as lightning.

Afterwards, he lifted the whole person up, "I told you that you are stupid, but you still don't believe me, since the general asked us to take care of your affairs, do you think I have no ability? It's too easy to clean you up, and you put yourself up It’s too much, is the evolutionist invincible? The power of technology is unimaginable to you, the technology possessed by the general has far surpassed this era, but he still promotes the progress of the world step by step, do you know why?”

"It's too much, you don't understand such a simple truth." Wesley swung Eric with one hand and threw Eric onto the sofa.

"Ahem..." He could only breathe at this time, and the feeling of almost suffocation just now made him very frightened. For so many years, he has almost forgotten the feeling of fear. As for the thoughts in his heart, Wesley doesn't care. Such a guy can either take it honestly, or rebel, and Wesley won't keep his hands when the time comes. The character of Magneto is more like a shit-stirring stick in the X-Men.

"Okay, go back and do your own thing. Law enforcement must be strict. The law is not a decoration. If you make the same mistake again, then you don't need to continue to lead the X-Men Headquarters."

Charles turned and left in silence. Eric took one last look at Wesley, and then followed behind. Wesley also felt a headache. Charles was still in his role, which made Wesley speechless. He is not paralyzed now, and the specific cause of the paralysis is unknown. There are two theories in the movie, one is injury and the other is disease, but it seems that there is no sign yet.

Does it mean that Wesley wants him to be paralyzed, and the paralyzed Professor X is very mature, does it mean that he only knows how to cherish it when he loses it?

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