New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 431 Comprehensive Laboratory

After Wesley finished talking with Logan, Logan left worriedly, and Wesley began to choose a location. Some islands not far from New York came into his sight. These islands could be private, and Wesley was hesitating The question of whether to choose to be in the United States.

But in the end, he made up his mind that the distance doesn’t need to be too far. After all, convenience is the best, so he directly bought an island, only a few square kilometers, and then the construction team entered to start construction. The design drawings were provided by Wesley.

While he was busy, a piece of news came into Wesley's sight. William Stryker took people to call for a meteorite. Is this the prelude to the advent of Adamantium alloy? Wesley is very concerned about this. It seems that the material used for his spinning throwing ax is this alloy, but it is not sure yet. Let William Stryker do the work for himself. Wolverine has not yet lived up to its name. Woolen cloth.

The size of the small island is not large, but the underground part can be used to build laboratories, while a pier and two runways have been built on the ground, and resort facilities have been built. This is Wesley's design, where space and time issues will be studied, although There is not much information, but there is no shortage of mad scientists. They will continue to have ideas. What Wesley needs is clues.

The equipment in the comprehensive laboratory needs Wesley to build some by himself. After all, although he has promoted the progress of science and technology, it is like a computer. a period of time.

The number of scientists concentrated in G Group for so many years is also a huge number. It is also a time-consuming job to select the talents needed. But fortunately, computers have been popularized in G Group, and Apple can handle these problems.

This is a huge project, which has attracted the attention of many people. They are all wondering what this place is for. Secrets can never stop someone with a heart, especially in the United States. The anti-Gibson alliance is very sensitive to Wesley's actions. Sensitive, they gathered together to discuss again.

"Everyone, this place is said to be a super laboratory, and the main body of the laboratory is below the ground, and it is currently being excavated. What do you think?" the first person asked directly.

"It's just a laboratory. Their G Group has a lot of laboratories and recruits a lot of talents. Many scientists like to go to G Group because they will invest a lot of money in them."

"This seems very different. Wesley Gibson is personally responsible for the project. Do you think it will be very simple?"

"Then what do you say? We have just started construction now, and we don't know how long it will take until it is completed. It is difficult for us to find out the news."

"We need to send people to sneak in, what should be the arrangement?"

"This seems to be difficult. I don't know what method they used, but they can always find out our spies."

"If it's difficult to get it, we have to do it, otherwise we don't know anything. Think about the return. What kind of figure will the profit be?"

"Okay, anyway, it's just a few people disappearing."

"Then it's decided, but the people sent this time need to be scientists, otherwise it will be difficult to get in."

"Let's choose this person together."

An infiltration evolution has formed, Wesley still doesn't know anything about it, but he doesn't care if he knows, these people are just consuming his patience, Wesley also knows that such people will never disappear, That's the way the world is.

Everything seemed to calm down until 1973, when the laboratory was finally built, and Wesley directly stuffed the selected scientists into it, and basically all the equipment here came from his own hands.

"This, is this real? I have never seen these devices." A scientist shouted in surprise.

The others also took action immediately, but Wesley stopped them, "Everyone, this is the most advanced laboratory in the world. The equipment here is decades ahead of the world. The manual is ready, and you can debug it according to the manual." If you don't understand the equipment, you can ask me directly, and what I want to say now..." Wesley looked around everyone, "What I want to say is, your mission is to study space and time."

"What?" Everyone was surprised, is this something that can be studied now?

"There are some space data and time conjectures, you need to verify, and I need your wisdom, I need your conjectures, no matter what it is, we can verify it a little bit."

"Really or not, there are space data, I want to see, I just study this." Some scientists hurried to go, their enthusiasm for science is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people, maybe it's just that if you are not crazy, you can't survive mean.

Wesley stopped talking and asked them to get acquainted with the equipment directly, and he was responsible for answering questions. It took a long time to get familiar with the equipment here, but some people first went to understand the space data. Their interest in this Bigger, which is what Wesley needs to see.

For a month in a row, Wesley stayed here, and finally got this place on the right track. Everyone found what they wanted to do, and the small island where hundreds of the best scientists were concentrated became the focus again.

"The information cannot be passed on, and the people inside have no way to get in touch with the outside. They have only been in for a month." The anti-Gibson coalition gathered again.

"Hundreds of top scientists gather together, no matter what they study, they are all epoch-making, this is profit!"

"Then we continue to wait for news?"

"Why can't we keep it for ourselves?"

"What's the meaning?"

"We have funded the military for a long time, now it's time for them to pay back, let that special force attack here, Wesley Gibson is still inside, as long as he is killed, then the Gibson Group is over, and the remaining two Gibson is not enough to worry about."

"It's dangerous, and they have X-Men Headquarters."

"I know this, but the X-Men Headquarters is responsible for protecting only Carlos Gibson and Mindy Gibson, not Wesley Gibson."

"Are you sure? How come?"

"I don't know, but the news is true. It's not convenient for me to disclose how it came about, but it is indeed true."

"So we can take the risk?"

"Even if we fail, it won't have much impact on us. After all, those evolutionists will just find them after they die. As long as we provide them with funds, there will be no problem at all. They are very clear about this."

"Okay, let's give it a try. Over the years, we have been suppressed too much, especially the banking industry. Gibson Bank is too powerful, especially since they were the first to use small computers for office work, and our efficiency and safety have increased by a hundred times. "

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