New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 441 Prioritize

Eric Lanshere played the CIA all the way, and then contacted Azases and others. With a few people, he officially left the X-Men Headquarters. With the mobility of the red devil, Azases, They can go anywhere, but first of all they are hiding.

"Eric, what should we do in the future?" The White Queen asked, basically they were all members of Hellfire at the time, their ideas were very similar to Eric's, and now the Red Devil, White Queen, Angel, and Torrent followed Eric Ke fled together.

"Let's hide first, and then find the guys behind the scenes. I want to let them know how powerful the evolution is, and then call more companions." Eric had just said this, and there was a sudden change in the distance.

A purple light group suddenly appeared, and then the light group opened, and a few people walked out, Eric and others became nervous instantly, "Don't be nervous, my children, I really didn't expect that so many outstanding people gathered here .” En Sabah Nur walked over slowly.

Eric stood up and faced him, "I don't care who sent you, it's best to take your people away now." Eric mobilized the metal around him.

"It's very beautiful, but these are not enough. Your talent has not been fully tapped, and you still have a lot of room for improvement. Now let me tell you what to do." After En Sabah Nur finished speaking, Looking at Eric with white eyes.

And Eric obviously felt the change in himself, powerful, extremely powerful, something in his body was constantly being activated, his control ability was improving, and the metal he controlled just now began to deform, becoming metal spears one by one .

"Who are you?" Eric finally asked.

"I am God, I come back to lead you to destroy those who resist God, they made God suffer humiliation, come on, my companion, and destroy those false gods with me, they are not worthy to rule this world. And you, you all It will be even more powerful." The Archangel and Psylocke brought by En Sabah Nur, one has a pair of wings on the back, and is now fully metalized, while the other can be realized as a weapon.

If it wasn't for Wesley's appearance, then there should be Storm in their team now, but Storm was discovered in advance and was taken directly to the X-Men school, but the number of them joining now is much more than in the past.

En Sabah Nur is now powerful, and with the addition of a group of evolutionaries strengthened by him, their strength cannot be underestimated.

At the same time, William Stryker is ready to act. Now that the X-Men Headquarters has been shut down, Magneto led people to escape. Now is a good opportunity for him to do it, and the X-Men School has a large number of evolutionaries.

"Hey, Mr. Minister, I need manpower to attack the X-Men School. Now is the best opportunity." William Stryker called the Minister of Defense directly.

"This... this is a little difficult. After all, it is a school in the middle school, and it is a group of children. Once it is exposed, the military will find it difficult to do it." The Minister of Defense is not stupid, he dare not issue such an order, after all, it is the X war The affiliated organization of the Police Headquarters is also recognized by the government, and it is a school.

"Minister, there are not many opportunities. If these evolutionaries enter the military, it will be very rare for us. Our X weapon plan needs a large number of evolutionaries, but most evolutionaries are more willing to choose the X-Men instead of Not the military."

"Let me think."

"There is no time, Minister. If the X-Men calm down, then our affairs may be discovered, and we will not have the strength to fight back."

"Well... well, I don't want to see casualties, there is a school, pay attention to your ways."

"Understood, we will raid at night and use narcotic weapons to attack, please rest assured." William Stryker put down the phone, and then laughed. He could imagine how powerful he would be in the future, With so many evolutionaries to be his minions, he can do as he pleases.

Immediately convene the troops, ten helicopters are ready, dozens of soldiers equipped with narcotic weapons board the plane, William Stryker set off with Deadpool and Saber-toothed Tiger, but their actions have been discovered, Wesley received Notice.

"It's really restless. I wanted to wait, but it seems that I can only deal with you first." Wesley said to himself, and then left directly to open the comprehensive laboratory. This time he used the gate of space , appeared directly outside the X-Men School, and then waited for the arrival of the other party.

But what Wesley didn't know was that Eun Sabah Noor came to the X-Men headquarters just now, and they took Charles away, and they took Charles away silently, even Ruiwen who was outside the director's office Did not notice.

Things all started to look different, and Wesley also waited for William Stryker when night fell. The roar of the ten helicopters was not small, and the formation flying, suddenly the plane began to lose control and kept falling.

"Damn it, is Magneto back here?" William Stryker yelled in panic.

But the one below is not Magneto, but Wesley. He only used the magnetic force circle to pull the helicopter directly to the ground. Magic can do many things, especially the magic circle with elements as the core.

"Boom" the helicopter was pulled to the ground, but Wesley controlled the strength of the magic circle so that they did not crash, "William Stryker, you are so courageous that you dare to lead people to attack X War Police Academy." Wesley's voice sounded like a magic voice to Wein Stryker, and he frantically looked in the direction of the voice.

"No, it's impossible. How did you appear here? I deployed a lot of eyeliner outside the island to stare at you. Why did you appear here?"

"Oh, it seems that you have prepared a lot? But you want to monitor my whereabouts like this. You are too whimsical. I originally planned to deal with you last, but now it seems that I need to put you first." Wesley After speaking, he immediately started to act, his heartbeat accelerated, his speed increased, and afterimages appeared one after another.

Wade Wilson pulled out his double knives. This time he didn't want to lose again. After the transformation, he became much stronger. He directly used his ability to see Wesley's movements clearly. But seeing clearly is one thing, and it can be reflected Coming over is another matter. He could see very clearly, but his body couldn't keep up with the opponent's speed. He watched Wesley's fist focus on his face, and then his body spun and flew out.

And Victor didn't move at all, he didn't have the slightest affection for William Stryker now, he just stood there and watched.

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