New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 455 The Lord of the Rings Expedition

"I will use my sword to protect you all the way to Mount Doom. Before you are hurt, then I must have died in battle." Aragorn came directly to Frodo and knelt on one knee and said.

"And my bow and arrows." Legolas stood up.

"And my axe." Jinli said not to be outdone.

"You bear everyone's destiny boy, if this is everyone's decision, then Gondor will support it." After speaking, he stood up.

"I am willing to assist you, Frodo Baggins." Gandalf originally did not want Frodo to participate, but now there is no one more suitable than him.

Three eavesdropping hobbits rushed in. They happily expressed that they would go together, as if it was a happy journey, and they could not imagine the danger and hardship involved.

Wesley stood up, "You use the most complicated way to solve the problem. In order not to conflict with you, then I can only accept it, and I will also participate until the Lord of the Rings is destroyed or handed over to me." Seeley's words made everyone nervous.

"I am glad you are willing to pass, and I believe the Ring will be destroyed," said King Elrond, rising.

"I also believe that it's just a waste of a lot of time, but it hasn't changed much for me. Destruction is also a way. Then I'll start as soon as possible. Time is very tight." Wesley didn't continue. He had come up with an idea, as long as it was done quickly, he didn't want to waste too much time.

The elves began to prepare the things they needed for their expedition. Wesley asked for a suit of leather armor. The distance they had to walk was very long, and they were not going to ride horses, but all on foot, so they needed a suit of light leather armor.

Looking at the luggage in front of him, Wesley directly took all of it into the space in his body, which surprised everyone, "Don't be surprised, you will be surprised by many things in the future, does anyone need me to help you bring something? "

Legolas was very happy, "If you can, please bring me some bows and arrows."

"No problem, you can bring as much as you want, I can fit it." Wesley helped Legolas bring a lot of bows and arrows, and helped the Hobbit bring a lot of food, fresh vegetables and meat.

This allowed the expedition team to travel lightly. Gandalf smiled at this, but his eyes were still vigilant. This Wesley Gibson is too weird, but if the other party really contributes, it will definitely be good for them. The ten-man expedition set off.

"We have been going south along the west side of the Misty Mountains. If we are fast, we can reach the Pass of Rohan in about forty days, and then head east to Mordor from there." Gandalf is very familiar with the geography of this world, even if the map is still So, as he walked, he began to explain the way forward.

Wesley finally got a map. Although it is an abstract drawing, he still understands the distribution of Middle-earth, but there are no other distances and other things. Only Gandalf, who lives for a long time Guys will really understand.

Instead of walking on the main road, they walked on the edge of the mountains, so sometimes they had to climb mountains. Wesley fixed the sword behind him with a leather suit, and then walked with ease, not feeling tired at all, and always He didn't express any opinions on the road at all, and followed the team all the time. He walked all the way for more than ten days without any obstacles at all. After nearly half of the journey, things began to change.

This day they were resting by a pile of rocks. The Hobbit gardener Sam was preparing lunch. Wesley handed the food to him, and then just waited. , which made Sam very happy, and he gave Wesley a fried sausage, bread and vegetable soup, which was simple but delicious.

Wesley admires Sam very much. In the movie, this hobbit accompanied Frodo to the end. He is a loyal friend and a brave hobbit. Wesley thinks he is more important than Frodo. strong.

The elf Legolas was standing guard. He saw a dark cloud in the distance, but it was moving very fast. It was the scout 'crow' of the white-robed wizard Saruman. They roared and screamed, Gandalf Let everyone hide.

"The road going south has been monitored. We must climb over Mount Kalamras, which is the Red Horn Peak, and go to the eastern foot of the Misty Mountains, so as to avoid Saruman's surveillance." Gandalf decided to change the road, and Wei Sley still didn't express any opinions, you can go wherever you want, he doesn't care.

Putting the sword into the body space, then took out the cloak given by the elf, put on the hood, and Wesley followed the expedition team and began to climb the mountain. There was a lot of snow on the top of the mountain, and the blizzard did not show signs of stopping, making it difficult for the group to move.

"We should go to Moria, and from there through the Misty Mountains, where there is no snow to bury us, but instead, there are hot roast meat and good wine." Jin Li was complaining, he preferred to go to the land of the dwarves, but Gan Dolph has seen the greed of the dwarves, they can dig very crazily, and even dug out the ancient Balrog, they are really a group of terrifying miners.

The blizzard was getting bigger and bigger, which was very abnormal. Gandalf was vigilant, but then there was a huge chanting sound, which was the wizard chanting a spell, "It's Saruman."

"Gandalf, we must turn back, this road will not work." Jin Li said again.

"No, I won't go to Moria unless it is absolutely necessary." After finishing speaking, he stood up directly and walked to the side of the road. There was a cliff below him. He also began to chant, fighting against Saruman. , but now the gap between the two sides is very large, Gandalf is not Saruman's opponent, the top of the mountain is struck by lightning, a large-scale avalanche occurs, and everyone presses their bodies close to the mountain.

In the end, they had no choice but to return, which wasted a lot of time, and then went south again not far, and they came to the back door of Moria. Dwarves like to prepare a back door for themselves, and when it is closed, it is invisible. If they forget this, then they can't find the entrance there. They are really masters at preventing theft.

The back door appeared in the moonlight, but Gandalf kept trying how to open it. He couldn't find a way to get in, until Frodo guessed the riddle, and Wesley kept looking at the lake behind them. This is a good opportunity to try out your own magic longbow.

There is no living creature as a target. This is where Wesley has always been depressed. Living creatures are always needed to test the true power of the magic longbow, so that it can be more intuitive.

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