New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 460 Fighting Thousands of Armies Alone

Wesley pulled the reins of the horse, and the horse stopped. Wesley looked into the distance, and Saruman's army marched out on foot in a neat line. Day after day.

There is nothing wrong with what you said. The strong orc army of more than 10,000 people on the other side is indeed very imposing, and it is overwhelming, but most of them are infantry, which makes Wesley very happy, and the fast-moving troops of the orcs Warg' did not appear in the team, and it is estimated that he has already set off first.

"A good formation, especially when I attack, we will attack this army first, and then go to Saruman. Magic practice requires a sufficient amount. Now my affinity with the wind element is still too low." Weiss Li sat on the horse and laughed, then pulled the reins of the horse and turned away. He would not attack at Isinger's gate, but was going to wait a little earlier.

Towards the southeast, Wesley rode his war horse for half a day, and then began to camp to rest. The opponent wanted to advance here at least a day's journey, so he could fully rest and prepare for the first ambush here.

The war horse went to find the grass alone, while Wesley started to camp, lit the bonfire, set up the tent, and then made himself a rich dinner, but his bonfire attracted the attention of a nearby cavalry unit , The sound of rumbling horseshoes came quickly. Wesley took a look and didn't care. It was the sound of horseshoes of war horses, not of wargs.

The dust was flying, which made Wesley very dissatisfied, "Do you want me to eat dirt?" Wesley looked at the other party and asked.

"Report your name." The other party asked.

"Hehe." Wesley smiled, and then stopped talking, and the spear in the opponent's cavalry hand instantly pointed at Wesley. Wesley didn't care, but continued to work with his own food. The sausage prepared by the elf was sizzling in the frying pan, and the fragrance continued to emit.

The chief knight dismounted, took off his helm, and said, "We are the cavalry of Rohan, and my name is Eomer."

"Wesley." Wesley said at this time.

"Why are you here? It's very close to Isengard, it's not a good place right now." Eomer asked again.

"I am preparing to ambush the army that came out of Isengard. There are more than 10,000 of them. There are many orcs among them. This is the army sent by Saruman. Their goal is you Rohan, but I am going to keep them. Come down." After Wesley finished, he began to enjoy the fried sausage.

"An army of more than 10,000 people?" Eomer was surprised, and the target of the opponent was their country. "Are you sure what you said is true?"

"Is it good for me to lie to you?" Wesley looked at Éomer and asked back.

"I understand." Eomer didn't care about Wesley's statement that he wanted to fight alone, which was obviously impossible. He was now eager to verify the authenticity of this matter, and hurriedly got on his horse, and Wesley hurriedly sent The food was protected, and the dust flew up again.

"It's really rude." Wesley waited for the dust to clear before starting to enjoy dinner again, and his steed ran back after eating and drinking.

Prepared hot water for himself, Wesley took a hot bath, then put on clean underwear, got into the tent and began to sleep, but in the middle of the night, the rapid sound of horseshoes made him get up again and walked out of the tent , Eomer's cavalry has arrived in front of him.

"Thank you very much for your message. You should leave here quickly. They will arrive here tomorrow morning." Eomer left without waiting for Wesley's answer. Wesley raised his eyebrows at his back. Twist the middle finger, and then go back to sleep.

Early the next morning, after stretching himself, Wesley got up to prepare breakfast, then put on the armor of the elves, and now began to fight officially. The leather armor is no longer suitable. Clean up the traces here, get on the horse, and Wei Slee chose a high ground beside the road and waited immediately.

The footsteps of the "Boom" army were orderly and heavy. Wesley had the sword of the Elf King on his left waist and a magic longbow in his hand. His legs clamped the horse's belly lightly, and the horse ran down in small steps. Tupo then stopped on the avenue, blocking the way of the army by himself.

The distance between the two sides was still hundreds of meters, and Wesley pulled the bowstring, "The elf in the wind listens to my call, I need sharp arrow feathers to pierce the enemy's chest, I need the sharpness and speed of the wind, the arrow of the wind .”

"Hoo!" The arrow of the wind flew out, and the distance of hundreds of meters blinked, directly piercing the chest of the first orc, and then kept going, the orcs in a straight line were killed, and then fell down , which made the army a little confused, but the second arrow has arrived.

The leader of the 10,000-strong army pushed aside the crowd and came to the front, but what greeted him was an arrow of wind that flew past his ear, and he hurriedly shouted: "Attack, attack quickly."

The front line of the army began to move forward rapidly, Wesley didn't panic at all, he was still firing arrow after arrow, the armor of the orcs rattled, but Wesley didn't seem to see them running Same as coming over.

Hundreds of strong orcs had already been shot, and the striker was still a hundred meters away from Wesley. At this time, Wesley's horse started to run slowly, and Wesley was on horseback. Turning around, an upside-down horse came, and the magic longbow in his hand was constantly being pulled.

"The elf in the wind listens to my call. I need sharp arrow feathers to pierce the enemy's chest. I need the sharpness and speed of the wind, the arrow of the wind." Every time Wesley sang this elf language, Wesley could feel it. The wind element in the air was approaching him, and the more times he got closer, the space gem did not block it, because the wind element would not enter Wesley's body, and would not become his strength, but affinity.

The chanting became faster and faster, and Wesley felt the wind. He was wrapped in the wind, and his body seemed to lighten up. The effect was really good, and practice makes perfect. He is happy here, but the orcs are a little scared. They can't catch up with Wesley, but Wesley's attacks keep shooting them. usefulness.

"Hmph, kite flying is my favorite." Wesley said happily, and then continued his plan, facing an army of ten thousand people alone, so as long as he was not surrounded, he could continue go down.

The leader of the orcs could see clearly from behind, "Blow the horn and call the Warg Knights back."

"But they may not be able to hear it, they have been away for too long."

"Try it, we can't be suppressed here." The orc's horn sounded, and Wesley could hear it clearly, but he didn't know what it meant, and even if he knew it, he wouldn't care. Not afraid of these guys.

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