New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 464 Occupy Isinger

Aragorn was silent for a while, while Gandalf frowned a little. He didn't expect that Aragorn would let Frodo take a gardener on the road. Although he did this as a precaution, Gandalf was very optimistic about it. Wesley's strength, now the relationship between the two parties can be said to be froze.

At this moment, the guard of the gate hurriedly ran in, "Your Majesty, Eomer has returned with the hussars of the Kingdom of Rohan."

The king looked at the guards in surprise, and then asked, "You mean that Eomer came back with the hussars? How is this possible? They won't come back without orders. I'll go and see."

"Eomer?" The king saw Eomer walking quickly as soon as he came out.

When Eomer saw the king, he was no longer as old as before, "Your Majesty, I am very sorry, but I came back without getting an order."

"What happened?" The king never doubted the other party's loyalty, but Éomer was very grateful.

"Essinger dispatched an army of strong orcs, are they still here? An army of more than 10,000 people has already marched towards this place three days ago, why hasn't it come yet? I knew this situation immediately and called the hussars to rush back Yes." Eomer said also very puzzled.

"Isengard? The white-robed wizard Saruman? But it is true that his army did not arrive here, so the other party must have diverted to another place, right?" The king did not doubt that Eomer's words were false. Oumer is his nephew, and he seemed to let him inherit the throne.

"Impossible, we could see clearly that it was the direction of the Kingdom of Rohan, and a ranger named Wesley told us that Isinger's army was coming towards us. I didn't believe it at the time, so I took someone to check it out." , as a result, the direction of the army has been determined, and it should have arrived at the speed of the orcs."

"Wesley? You mean Wesley Gibson?" Gandalf asked hastily.

"He only said his name was Wesley, and he also said that he would keep the half-orc army. If he really made a move, then he is probably gone now, but I don't think he will. No matter how powerful he is, how can he fight against it? The enemy's army." Éomer didn't believe Wesley's plan to leave the local army alone.

"No, if it's what he said, it may not be impossible. The half-orc army you saw is the strong orc army made by Isinger. If it is over ten thousand, the Kingdom of Rohan may not be able to stop it, but Wesley can .”

Gandalf's words made Eomer very dissatisfied. Couldn't the cavalry of one of their countries be worth one person? However, now that I think about it, are there other possibilities? He also felt unbelievable thinking of this, but he would not believe it until he saw it.

After Gandalf thought for a long time, "Your Majesty, now that your hussars are back, please send troops to Isinger. Now may be the time to pull out this cancer. The white-robed wizard Saruman has fallen, and Isinger is here The northern part of the kingdom, now is a good opportunity to get rid of it."

The king didn't hesitate this time, no matter what happened to the opponent, now is a good opportunity to attack, "Okay, Éomer issued the king's decree to summon the hussars of Rohan to return to the king's command, and they will fight for Rohan again. fight for the Kingdom of the Khan."

When the Kingdom of Rohan began to summon hussars, Wesley was soundly asleep, and the orcs who were about to surround him had already begun to approach his camp. But how could Wesley be unprepared? He was camping alone in the wilderness, facing the enemy's base camp, if he was not prepared, then he would be a fool.

There was an explosion with a "boom", Wesley slowly got up at this time, then stretched his waist, and then there were explosions one after another, Wesley tidied himself up slowly, it seemed that the other party didn't want him to sleep peacefully up.

There are magic traps around the camp. This is the magic transformation recorded in the book of elves. Wesley didn't really sleep directly at night. He started to set up the traps on the first day of the camp, which happened to be a good opportunity to practice magic.

After he finished cleaning up, he rode directly on the horse and started the slaughter again. The orcs who came to attack were all wiped out. They couldn't run even if they wanted to. The magic trap that was triggered would not let them leave at all, and Wes Li came to Isinger on horseback. He had lost the idea of ​​continuing. He could destroy this place. The arrow of the wind was ready, and it did not point to Isinger, but to the mountain next to Essinger. A huge dam blocked the original waterfall.

"咻咻咻" the arrows of the wind shot out continuously, the dam was riddled with holes, and water continued to flow out. The last arrow broke the supporting giant tree, the dam collapsed, and the huge water flowed along the rapids of the mountain. Down, rushed to Essinger.

Saruman was originally standing on the mage tower looking in the direction of Wesley's camp, but in a series of explosions, he saw traces of magic. The opponent was prepared, and the sneak attack might not be effective if he thought about it, and then Wesley once again He came over and attacked the dam on the mountain, which made him very nervous. When the flood stayed, he knew that Essinger was finished.

"Boom" where the flood said, except for the solid mage tower, everything else was washed away, the huge underground base was directly submerged, everything seemed to be purified by a flood, and Wesley rode Looking at everything with his horse on his back, he was not surprised at all.

Essinger seemed to be soaking in water, only the mage tower stood there alone, Wesley rode his horse slowly to the tower, looked up at Saruman, and Saruman was about to collapse, " Who the hell are you? Why are you doing this?"

"It's nothing. I'm just a target who needs to practice magic. You are right here, but since you will sneak attack me, you will also run away, so I think it is better for you to end up. At the same time, I am interested in your mage tower." Big."

"Okay, I will give you the mage tower, how about you let me go?" Saruman asked hastily.

**********That's it, Wesley is not very interested in killing Saruman, but this kind of guy can do anything, so Wesley decided not to keep him, in his hands Suddenly, his magic longbow aimed at Saruman who was high above, and the arrow of wind was shot straight away. Saruman couldn't believe that someone could kill a white-robed wizard so easily.

The corpse fell from a high place and landed directly on the water. Wesley rode his horse directly into the mage's tower. This was his destination. After looking at it on the first floor, there was nothing of value here. How many lives With the rooms and items used, Wesley went directly to the second floor, where books began to appear.

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