New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 468 The Ancient War (1000 Monthly Pass Plus Update)

The army lined up, although the number is actually not large, but both sides have already exceeded 10,000, and Mordor's army is estimated to be about 20,000. After taking into account yesterday's losses, Wesley doesn't care about this number of people. If the war is nothing more than a medieval battlefield similar to the origin universe, Wesley will definitely not participate in it. Now he is just here to experience it.

The army lined up. Wesley didn't let them form a square formation casually. The elves' army was in the middle and directly adopted the form of a square formation. They will be used as archers first, and Rohan's cavalry will be divided into two by him. The left and right guarded the flanks of the bow and arrow phalanx, led by King Rohan and Éomer respectively.

Wesley was riding a war horse at the forefront. He looked at the orc army, and they were still assembled in phalanxes. This time their trebuchets were gone, only infantry, and at the end were huge war elephants. Well, Wesley doesn't care about this kind of guy, it's not a problem for him to shoot one arrow, it depends on when the enemy sends out.

The drums and horns of the half-orcs sounded, and then the phalanx in front began to advance, and then the phalanx in the rear advanced one by one. It was decent, and Wesley did not give an order. This kind of infantry charge is not very powerful, even if There is no effect if there are too many people. They are not fast and cannot form an effective impact. He is now looking in the direction of the White City, where he has already sent people, the purpose is to let Gandalf send troops to attack the enemy's rear after receiving the signal, and if he agrees, he will give him a signal to respond, but it has not waited until now. .

"This Gandalf, can't he be happier?" Wesley said dissatisfied.

Hadihar, who was beside Wesley, said: "I heard that the regent of Gondor is a little crazy. Maybe it will be difficult for Gandalf to explain clearly to him. What should we do?"

"I hope Gandalf can think clearly. After all, the current war is related to the entire land of Middle-earth. If he can't be more decisive, then he should be very clear about the consequences. But don't worry, even without them, we will not The only thing I lost was that I wanted to reduce the casualties of the soldiers, and I hope they can bear my anger after the war." Wesley said murderously.

Hadihar also trembled in his heart, this one really doesn't care about anything, his anger must be directed at Gandalf and the King of the Capture, the identities of these two people don't like this one at all!

Finally, a signal flag appeared above the White City. Gandalf used his wand to knock the Pretender King unconscious, and then took over the command of the White City. This is the power of wizards, and their prestige is too high.

Seeing the agreed signal, Wesley smiled, and the half-orc army was still 500 meters away from them, "Archers prepare, cavalry line up." Wesley gave the order, Hadiha Er hurried to signal.

The first row of the elves' bow and arrow phalanx drew their bows directly, and the half-orcs ran "boom boom boom". Their footsteps began to be very neat, like thunder, but then they began to scatter. After a distance of two hundred meters, Wei Slee swung the sword in his hand.

"Hoo!" The elves in the first row released their bows and arrows, then turned around and walked backwards until they became the last row, while the elves in the second row raised their bows and arrows, and Wesley swung his sword again.

The rain of arrows was like a wall, and it hit the forefront of the orcs at once. The impact formation of the orcs was obviously paused from a distance, and then they moved forward again and encountered another wave, and they paused again. , The distance of two hundred meters is actually a bit far away.

The orcs in heavy armor were not fast, and the elves' bows and arrows were indeed powerful. Otherwise, Wesley would not have used this tactic. After all, there were no defensive phalanxes such as shields and spears in the front row.

This stalemate won't last long, but Wesley doesn't really care about it. After all, the archers are not the point. They just kill the opponent's impact speed, and the formation of the cavalry has been completed. "Signal, the cavalry began to charge, cross Shock."

The cavalry on the left and right flanks began to accelerate. They charged from the two wings of the half-orc formation. At the same time, their impact formation was conical. Each row of cavalry gathered about 100 meters. As cavalry, this distance is not far away, and the horses are just a few steps away. , but the impact can form waves.

"Kill, fight to the death." The king of Rohan and Eomer each led their cavalry to charge, and the speed had already increased. The first wave of cavalry hit the half-orc's flank, and then began to advance. They will not turn back. Instead, they kept moving forward until they hit the opposite side, and two huge openings were torn out of the half-orc formation, and then the second wave of cavalry arrived, followed by the third wave.

The enemy's formation was shattered, and the power to attack the elves' phalanx was reduced, so they became the target of the elves to shoot and kill, and they were cleaned up very quickly. "The bow and arrow phalanx, prepare to throw."

"Yes." Hadihar went to order again. The target of this projectile was the half-orcs in the distance. They were separated by the cavalry. Now they are piled up together, which is the best target to attack and shoot. The throwing distance of the attack is very far, enough to complete this attack, and the orcs in front of the elf have been eliminated, and now they can move forward.

"Om..." The bows and arrows thrown shook the air, and a dense rain of arrows fell directly. Because of the sight line, the half-orcs couldn't see the throwing action at all. The first wave was caught off guard, and before they could react , the second wave has arrived.

The cavalry hedge was completed, and the cavalry on the left and right flanks completed the hedge, exchanging positions with each other, and the loss was negligible. They excitedly lined up on the two wings again, while the elf phalanx moved forward, and the impact of the half-orcs was completely broken. The formation was scattered and began to retreat.

Naturally, Wesley would not give up this opportunity. He ordered again, and the elves started to shoot and kill, but the opponent fled quickly, and the elves had little success. However, in the previous battle, the opponent lost thousands of people, while their own side suffered a huge loss. At least, they began to be in awe of Wesley.

The deformed leader of the half-orcs was very irritable, "Let the war elephants go to the front and use the war elephants to attack their lines. I'll see what they do."

"Leader, is that human being still there yesterday?"

"I don't care about him. I don't believe that he can shoot a war elephant. Immediately let the war elephant attack, and the army is ready to rush behind."


"Boom!" The ground roared, and the war elephants walked forward with huge strides, and came directly to the forefront of the half-orc army. The beast tamers began to line up the war elephants. There were not many war elephants, only a dozen or so, but Their size is too huge, standing directly at the front is too much pressure for the soldiers, and Wesley clamped the horse with his legs and walked straight forward.

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