Master Yoda was very hesitant, the other party was unwilling to tell the story, and his spiritual power test had no effect at all, obviously the other party's spiritual power was very strong, even he couldn't break through.

Master Coleman Thabo felt the force, but now he can't feel it, and the other party has restrained, which made him doubt the problem even more. There are only two kinds of people with the force, one is the Jedi knight, and the other is the Sith warrior of the dark force. Master Yoda suspects that Wesley is a Sith warrior.

Whether or not it is necessary to keep him now, then just stay, "Yes, I am very honored to teach you personally, you can become a Jedi Knight, and I will talk to you in detail later."

"Then it would be great. It happens that I don't have a penny, so I depend on you for food and lodging." Wesley clapped his hands and said happily, but the faces of the people next to him twitched. This guy wasn't trying to cheat Did you come here because you ate and drank?

This is the case with the Jedi Knights, they will not arrest people for no reason, even if the other party is unwilling to tell their origin, then use this method to keep him, how to teach is their own business.

This idea of ​​Master Yoda can be said to be correct, but the effect on Wesley may not be useful, and Wesley will not believe that the other party has trusted him, more to keep him here for surveillance.

Wesley didn't care about this. If he could stay, then it would be up to them to think about it. He followed Coleman Tabor out of the Presbyterian House, and instead of taking the elevator, he took the stairs down a few floors, and then was assigned a room.

The room is nice, not too small, with a bedroom, living room, bathroom, and kitchen. Wesley is very satisfied, "Thank you very much, I am very satisfied here." Wesley said to Coleman Tabor with a smile.

"As long as you are satisfied, you can rest first, and you can familiarize yourself with the equipment in the room, and I will leave first." Coleman Tabor's words were obviously to let him stay in the room and not to walk around casually, but Wesley had no problem with that.

Sending the person away, Wesley turned around and finally found a control panel in the living room, then put his finger on an interface, and Apple directly entered the system.

"How, can it be invaded?" Wesley asked.

"No problem, the technology here is very advanced, but the level of artificial intelligence is the same as Elizabeth, not very outstanding, more in the development of hardware, but it is not much different from the Marvel Universe, I hope the information here You can provide some references, otherwise the only gain may be that you become a Jedi Knight."

"Hehe, that's not bad. Improve your strength little by little, and finally have enough strength to fight against the crazy Titan Thanos. This is my current thinking. As for the future, I will go home first. , Control their monitoring system, I'm going to learn it secretly."

Wesley is here to steal a lesson, while the House of Elders is continuing the question just now, "Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, you two are responsible for protecting Padmé Armida La Senator’s safety. After she arrived here, the technician in charge of maintaining the spaceship found some problems. Her spaceship was tampered with, and some things were installed, but it was dismantled again, which is very confusing.”

"Master Yoda, are you saying that someone wants to harm Padmé?" Anakin Skywalker asked hastily.

"Don't worry, child, we are not sure about this right now, and you have to call the councilor." Master Yoda said.

"Yes Master." Anakin Skywalker hastily apologized, his behavior made his teacher Obi-Wan Kenobi frown. But he didn't say anything, and then the two left, and the Senate began to discuss Wesley's issue again.

"Master Yoda, why did you keep that person? His background is very suspicious." Mace Windu asked directly.

Master Yoda said unhurriedly: "I know, that's why I kept him. I can't break through this person's spiritual power, and I can't check his thoughts. At the same time, Coleman Tabor has felt his force , but I couldn’t feel it just now, he is very powerful, I can’t let him wander freely outside, it’s better to keep him and observe.”

"Could he be a Sith warrior?" Mace Windu asked nervously.

"I don't know, Sith warriors haven't appeared for a long time, so we have to be more careful, and now the Senate is discussing the issue of military development. He appeared at this critical time. I have to be on guard. I am responsible for teaching Him, see if he chooses the dark force."

"Isn't this very dangerous?" Master Ki Adi Mundi asked beside him.

"It's really dangerous, but I can only do this. The Jedi Knight's creed must be implemented. We can't do anything without evidence, we can only observe."

"Then please be careful." All the masters present reminded.

"Don't worry, I will be careful." Master Yoda nodded solemnly, then jumped off the chair and left with a cane, while the others were a little silent and then dispersed.

Master Yoda came outside Wesley's room, knocked on the door, and Wesley opened the door after a while, "Do you want to start now?" Wesley looked at the other party and asked with a smile.

"No hurry, we can have a chat first, wouldn't it be great to get to know each other? Would you like me to sit in?" Master Yoda calmly responded to Wesley.

"Of course, please come in." Wesley stepped aside, Master Yoda strolled in, Wesley closed the door, and the two sat in the living room.

"Sorry, I'm not familiar with this place yet, I don't know how to get something to drink, so I can only neglect it." Wesley spread his hands, expressing his helplessness.

"This is not necessary, you can take your time."

"Too slow is not in line with my personality. I hope as soon as possible. After all, I am a traveler. This is not my end. I really want to embark on the journey as soon as possible and continue to complete my exploration."

"Oh, where have you been?"

"Many places you haven't heard of. My travels are very special, so you don't need to explore anything. I don't know much about the Force, and what Master Coleman Thabo feels is not the Force of the Universe, but something else. I really want to know how the Jedi Knights control their power, so I followed. Otherwise, I would have left a long time ago. Are you satisfied with what I said, Master?"

"It's really good, but every Jedi knight is very powerful. We have to patiently test his character every time we train a Jedi knight." Master Yoda finished speaking and looked at Wesley.

Wesley shook his head, "Are the Jedi Knights really powerful? I am willing to fight your Jedi Knights to see how good I am, so that you can rest assured that I don't have to be a Jedi Knight , but want to know the way to control power."

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