New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 484 Origin Universe?

Wesley drove the spaceship to the front line, where the clones had already gained an advantage. Master Yoda led the 200,000 completed clone army, and defeated the robot army of the Trade Federation.

This is also the early time for them to make a move, otherwise it would be impossible for them to win after all the troops of the opponent's forces are assembled. It would be more effective to cut off one finger than to hurt their ten fingers.

When Wesley brought Duke to Master Yoda, Wesley clearly saw that Master Yoda breathed a sigh of relief. What was the reason for this relief? Wesley is probably because of the speaker's problem, but he doesn't care about it now, and he should leave when things here are over. Just now, he defended against Duke's attack with his mind, and the box that was thrown was blocked, so it would be useless for him to stay any longer.

"Have you controlled the clone army?" Wesley asked directly.

"Yes, the Jedi Knights really should change." Master Yoda's tone was quite dull.

"That's good. I don't think I'll be needed for the interrogation?"

"Of course, only you can capture Duke so easily. How about ending your journey and joining the ranks of the Jedi Knights?"

"This is not possible. My hometown is still waiting for me to go back. There are still powerful enemies there. I need to constantly strengthen my own strength."

"There are powerful enemies you can't deal with? Where are you from?" Master Yoda looked at Wesley in horror, but he was destined to be disappointed. Wesley didn't speak, but looked at the sky and wondered what.

At the end of the war, the clone army suffered a lot of casualties, but overall it was a success. They cleaned up the battlefield, and then began to return to the capital planet. Our Speaker is now agitated, he really wanted to escape, but in the end A glimmer of hope kept him there, and it turned out that he had no hope at all.

When Master Yoda led the Jedi Knights to surround him, he knew that the situation was over, but it was not what he wanted, so he took out the laser sword to prepare for the final resistance.

Wesley left his last legend and took out the laser sword directly. Everyone's eyes were blurred, and the speaker was already decapitated. Only then did they know Wesley's horror.

"My tuition is paid in full, and the rest is up to you." Wesley put on the armor directly, and then flew into the air and disappeared. The Jedi Knights who were relieved looked at each other, and they only reacted at this time Come here, but only with a long sigh.

After flying into the clouds, Wesley directly summoned the "Destroyer" fighter, then entered the universe, flew according to the previous record, and returned directly to the universe that he traveled through, and then changed the aircraft and traveled again.

Wesley was really happy when he passed the space barrier again and returned to a desert. He had already succeeded twice, so the basic crossing of the parallel space was considered stable. Let Apple connect to the dedicated satellite overhead, and then check the records. The time he left was shorter than last time, less than a month.

"Yes, our exploration speed is so fast, so let's start the next time!" Wesley couldn't wait to start the next time, but at this time, his heart suddenly beat a few times faster, Wesley's hand The movement stopped.

"The heart is beating abnormally, and a physical examination is underway." Apple's voice sounded immediately, but Wesley knew that it was not a problem with his own body, but a kind should I put it? Premonition?

"There is no abnormality in the heart, should we rest for a while?" Apple asked.

"No, this is not a problem caused by time travel, but the original force. I didn't expect to have this feeling after practicing for less than a month." Wesley said while sitting in the aircraft.

"So what do you feel?" Apple asked.

"I feel like I'm going to go for a long time this time. I don't know if this feeling is right, but I have to make some preparations." Wesley put away the aircraft, then left the desert, and returned directly to New York.

This time he came back not to meet anyone, he didn't need to meet anyone now, but to prepare for a long time travel, although the things he brought were very complete, but there was still one thing he didn't bring, and that was money.

He has never had the idea of ​​bringing money, because there may be differences in currencies in different universes, and his skills do not require money, but other supplies. But this time is different, he has a premonition that the place he is going to will take a long time and will need money at the same time.

This kind of premonition is unclear, and Wesley won't pay too much attention to it. Since it's not a big deal, it's good to bring money. But banknotes are not acceptable. He opened the small vault he had prepared. This was a spare vault prepared in the past. There was a deposit of one billion dollars in it. Wesley directly exchanged $500 million in gold and took it away.

When I was about to cross again, I didn't feel anything anymore, and then I looked at the desert here with nostalgia, and then crossed directly.

Passing through the space barrier, Wesley looked around for the first time. Is this the sky? Then Apple said: "It's right above the city, take cover immediately." Wesley didn't dare to neglect, and put away the aircraft directly, and then his body began to fall freely, and there was a building below.

He was not very far from the roof of the building, about 100 meters away, his body was directly close together, his head was facing down to control the direction of his fall, and then he rolled forward the moment he landed, losing his strength.

"Huh... have we been found?" Wesley said.

"I don't know, I need a laptop now. I need to connect to the surrounding network to check, and then check the satellites in the sky." Wesley directly took out a laptop, using the battery and wireless network card to connect to the network. Power and network cables are required.

After a short time, Apple said: "This is basically the same as the origin universe, and no abnormal information has been found."

"Origin Universe, are we coming back? Have you checked the news from Huaxia?" Wesley asked hastily.

"Not yet, the power consumption is too high, it's too late to check, let's leave here first, the surrounding surveillance didn't find us, and we don't have satellites above our heads, this place is the United States." Apple introduced the information it got just now .

"That's good. Since it's a modern society, let's go and see if this is the origin universe." Wesley changed into a casual suit and walked into the building lazily.

This building is an office building, and many companies have settled here, but Wesley didn't see the famous ones, so he took the elevator directly to the first floor, and then walked out of the building.

"Huh? This place is not bad!"

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