New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 542 The Coma Barry Allen

The launching ceremony was full of attention. The S.T.A.R. laboratory is also the interstellar laboratory. Time, which made Wesley look forward to it very much.

However, there will be a lot of problems when traveling, especially the problem of time nodes and time branches. This is a headache for Wesley. Time travel will bring many problems, especially Wesley is worried about Barry Allen. His time travel will affect him, and it is unknown what kind of consequences this effect will cause.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the particle accelerator is about to start, let us witness this exciting moment together." After Dr. Harrison Wells announced, the particle accelerator started, Wesley looked for a corner, and then waited The occurrence of the accident.

The development of the matter did not disappoint him. Less than ten minutes after starting up, an accident occurred, and the particle accelerator began to become unstable. The strong vibration caused the entire S.T.A.R. laboratory building to vibrate, followed by a strong The energy shock spreads, especially the weather outside, when it is officially stormy, the energy spreads and radiates the whole city.

Wesley's tall and straight body accepted the impact of energy. He controlled the space gem and did not resist the impact. He wanted to try to see if he could have an extra ability, but the result was disappointing. He didn't Changed by impact.

"Sorry, your body strength and immunity are too high, this kind of energy shock is completely useless to you." Wesley was a little disappointed by Apple's words, but this is not bad, after all, he already has X Genes are also activated at the same time.

"Okay, let's go see what's going on with Barry Allen, but let's do an interview first." Wesley smiled teasingly, and then took out the camera. In order to prevent the camera from being damaged by the energy impact, he Put the camera into the body space.

The scene was chaotic, people fell to the ground after the initial impact, but then got up and ran out, they kept bumping into each other, why people's performance before the disaster was so unbearable, Wesley stood in a He sat on the chair, glanced around, and then found the person who had fallen on the podium. Although he knew that he was pretending, Wesley would not provoke him now, this guy was very fast.

This guy's nickname is 'Reverse Flash', a super villain from the future, who specializes in fighting against the Flash, because he wanted to kill the Flash, so he traveled through time to this time node, but later found that he couldn't go back , can only stay and wait for The Flash to grow.

And Dr. Harrison Wells is his impostor, the matter is more complicated than many people imagined, and Wesley is now close to him, "Dr." Wesley called him, Dr. Zhou gradually 'woke up'.

"Oh, it's you? How's the situation now?"

"Doctor, do you have any explanation for the current accident? Are you completely defenseless?" Wesley took out the video recorder and started the interview.

"You... don't you know that the most important thing now is to check the situation?" He pushed Wesley hard, and then wanted to stand up, but his legs seemed to have lost strength. Wesley knew he was faking it, but Still came up to help him.

"My legs..." Harrison Wells pretended to be very similar. Wesley really wanted him to be paralyzed and unable to move, but the opponent's speed was too fast, and his own movements might not be effective, but Apple still invaded each other's memory.

The memory of reverse flash is very important. It contains a lot of things about the speed force and theories about time. These theories are the most important things for Wesley. There is a ratio of speed and time in it, which makes Wesley happy Crazy.

This was something he dreamed of, and he didn't expect to get it so easily. A smile appeared on his face unconsciously. He didn't feel it himself, but the reverse flash next to him noticed it. He continued to perform quietly until rescuers arrived, while Wesley continued his reporter work.

Wesley didn't know that the other party had doubts about him, and even Apple didn't pay attention to it. The key issue was that Reverse Flash, as the Flash's old opponent, had the fastest speed now, and Barry Allen was now the fastest. Still in a coma.

After leaving the scene, Wesley went directly to the Central Police Station to see if the other party was really unconscious.

The police station is now in chaos, a lot of equipment is out of order, and the city is in chaos. Basically all the police officers have been dispatched, and Barry Allen has also been sent to the hospital.

Wesley used his identity as a reporter to wander around. Now the city is full of reporters, and they are frantically collecting materials. At this time, Wesley's phone rang, "Wesley, how are you?"

Keira's voice came, full of concern, "I said you shouldn't go, how are you doing now?"

"Don't worry Keira, I'm fine. It's just an energy shock and it won't cause any harm. However, the electronic equipment in Central City will suffer a lot. If I sell electrical appliances, I will get rich." Wesley said. Just kidding.

"It's good that you're fine, when will you be back?"

"Don't worry, I will go back soon, and I have sorted out a lot of materials." Wesley felt that he was being watched when he spoke, and then said: "Okay, this report must be a sensation, I hang up gone."

Wesley hung up the phone, and then he was a little puzzled, he hadn't been here for a long time, who would be staring at him? And this feeling of being stared at is a bit erratic. Now that he is near the hospital, there are many people here, and the other party may not make a move, but in order to find out the other party, Wesley began to walk towards the place where there are few people.

He called a taxi, and then let the car drive out of the city, and this gaze never disappeared. Wesley was probably sure who the other party was, and if he could keep up with the speed of the vehicle, it must have been flashing backwards, but this Why is the guy looking for himself?

In doubt, he came to a place close to the outside of the city, stopped the taxi, and Wesley walked towards the outside of the city on foot, while the reverse flash behind him also followed.

In an empty space outside the city, Wesley stopped, then turned around, but he saw nothing, but he still said: "You should come out after following me for so long, don't make it clear, let me Die so stupidly?"

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