New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 82 Opportunity

Wesley is now certain that Hydra planned, and it should be a temporary plan, but it is also certain that he is under the surveillance of the other party. The children fight and then lead out the gangster father of the non-mainstream girl. This time is too short. If it really happens, it will be tomorrow, but as soon as Mindy finished beating someone, Scarface brought someone here. This speed is not too fast. almost.

The police didn't show up, which was to be expected, but after calling for reinforcements, why didn't anyone from S.H.I.E.L.D. come? Who else is this if it's not a Hydra? Do you want to test your own strength or do you want to get rid of yourself?

Wesley is thinking a lot now, but this does not affect the movements of his hands. There are not many thugs left, and there are less than ten. Wesley is a little too lazy to pay attention to them, and walks directly to Scarface.

The remaining big thugs feel a little like being amnesty, but their boss is locked up now, what should I do? Some clever thought of Mindy, the little girl caught, then the man must be caught without a hitch, and three of them ran to the sports car immediately. The surrounding melon-eating crowd exclaimed loudly, this juncture was obviously not good for Wesley, but Wesley still walked towards Scarface as if he hadn't heard it.

Mindy doesn't want anyone to destroy her brother's car. She likes this Audi R8 very much. Although it's not a fancy sports car, it's very beautiful, and it belongs to her brother. Mindy is carrying Wesley's Beretta 92 when she thinks of it. Get out of the car, this gun is not as beautiful as the M1911, but it is very suitable for her, after all, it is not that big, and the recoil is much smaller.

Little Loli got out of the car with a pistol in her hand. This picture was a bit inconsistent. The surrounding melon eaters expressed that it was very dangerous, and they began to step back. The three thugs around laughed, can a little loli with a pistol threaten them? What are they doing? The three of them said that they were not panicking at all, but instead accelerated to surround them.

"Ah..." Some girls were already screaming, and it was hard for them to imagine the next face change. How could that guy who beat dozens of handsome guys not pay attention to his sister? What if the handsome guy is bullied? His looks are indeed very useful. Although Wesley has been in the news, he is not as famous as Tony Stark now, so most of the people here don't know him at all, especially the students.

Some parents looked familiar to him, but couldn't remember it for a while, and very few remembered it. This is the chairman of the Alliance Game Company, but how can he fight like this?

With a different mentality, the people who eat melon said they would sit and watch the development of things. Scarface is a little scared now. The other party is obviously not easy to mess with, and the guy who encouraged him to deal with him is probably not easy to mess with. He is the one in the middle now. He squashed. He can only hope that his three subordinates can catch the little loli, so that his current situation can be changed. Since he can only accept one side, he can only make the man in front of him disappear.

After he made up his mind, he began to look forward to it, but how could things develop exactly according to his will? After Mindy got out of the car with the pistol, he looked at the three adult men rushing over. He loaded the pistol with his small hand, then aimed the gun at the three with both hands, and then fired three shots in a row. , the surrounding melon eaters seemed to be frightened and screamed.

"Ah..." With a series of screams, the three besieged thugs fell to the ground, covering one of their legs in unison. Mindy didn't kill anyone, her brother obviously didn't want to kill anyone, so she aimed directly at it. Shot in the leg.

Mindy blew the gun smoke from the muzzle, smiled innocently, and then hurried back to the car, saying that he was a good boy.

Wesley didn't watch what was happening over there, but heard the gunshots, it was his own pistol, the Beretta 92, which he put in the car just now for Mindy's use, and now the gunshots sounded, proving that Tee is not in danger.

Looking at the nervous scar face in front of him, "Tell me, who asked you to come, if no one notified you, you would not have come so quickly, and the police did not come, it seems that this person The power is not small." Wesley asked with a smile.

"Uh... It seems that you know, this is really not what I want to trouble you, someone forced me to come." Scarface is indeed an old fritter, admitting that he didn't discuss it, he said directly, "The thing is Like this, I don't know who the other party is, I really don't know!"

Wesley was sure that he didn't know, how could such a mysterious organization as Hydra let you know, but this was not his excuse to let him go, and he punched him directly, knocking off the scarred face with one punch. A few teeth, "Can your daughter transfer school now?"

"Turn, turn immediately." Scarface covered his mouth and said inarticulately. If he didn't have this scar, then he did look like a successful person, in a suit and leather shoes, smoking a high-end cigar, and he was completely in the style of a successful person, but this scar completely destroyed his momentum, and now a mouthful of blood , is indescribably embarrassing and wretched.

"Whoa... Whoa..." There was a siren sound in the distance. It seems that the police are always late. They are only here now, or rather, they just appeared. The timing was so coincidental that Wesley walked right back to the car, re-holstered, put away the gun, put on his suit jacket, put his ID in the outside pocket of the suit, and took out on the phone.

The police car was approaching, Wesley ignored it and made the first call, "Philip?" Philip, a lawyer at Alliance Games, has now resigned from his New York law firm to become the director of the legal department of Alliance Games. , responsible for the formation of the legal department.

"Yes boss."

"Has the legal team been formed?" Wesley asked directly.

"It has been done, because of your new strategy, boss, and now we are forming a team of lawyers in the international part."

"Very good, bring someone to New York, and I'm going to sue the NYPD."

"Yes." Philip didn't ask why. It's too common to sue the police station, especially in a place like the United States, where a direct prosecution is all it takes. There's no need to ask any more questions.

The second call was made again, but the police had already got out of the car and started to surround the place, "Phil? I sent a distress signal today, but there was no response from the New York precinct, I think you can intervene and investigate, When the time comes, let me know, and I'll do you a favor."

Phil Coulson listened to Wesley's words and immediately understood that someone was going to deal with Wesley Gibson, but it was unsuccessful. At the same time, he provided his own side with an excuse and opportunity to clean up the New York branch of SHIELD. Sley agreed to help, and it was up to him whether he could dig out the enemy inside.

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