New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 86 Underrated

"Boom" Wesley just left his original position, a grenade flew over, the riddled car jumped up, and all the vehicles in the parking lot activated their alarms, which directly affected Wesley. Slee's hearing.

"Apple, can you filter these sounds?" Wesley asked.

"No, the sound is transmitted through the vibration of the air, and the ears rely on the vibration of the eardrum to receive. I have no way to filter it. I can only choose to listen or not to listen." Wesley frowned, then looked around, and all the vehicles in the parking lot were in the parking lot. All are premium vehicles, each with bright paint.

With the effect of the reflection, Wesley began to check the surrounding situation. Because of the explosion, the ambushers lost Wesley's position. They began to approach here cautiously. There were not many people, and fifteen people were in the parking lot. Ambush inside, and now there are only three people left.

Wesley did not dare to be careless, these people are obviously not enough, there must be a group or groups of people ambushing in other positions.

He didn't know. In fact, there were so many people here, and there were no more ambushers. The other party didn't know much about Wesley, and it was completely an ambush design based on the assessment results.

Wesley came from the Assassin Brotherhood. Hydra knew it very well, but they didn't know how powerful Wesley was. Nick Fury brought Wesley's information to the headquarters, and Maria . Hill is in charge of the custody, so it is difficult for them to get first-hand information. The source of everything is just a little bit of a phone conversation with the Assassin Brotherhood, and an assessment record of the New York branch of S.H.I.E.L.D.

The fifth-level agent Alice they sent last time died inexplicably. After the body was found, they didn't make a sound, but quieted down. The purpose of sending Alice was to absorb the Gibsons into Hydra, but it didn't seem to work well, so they fell silent. Wesley thought that the other party had given up, but he did not expect that they had been monitoring him, and the means of monitoring must be the use of technological equipment, otherwise he and Apple would not have found out.

It seems that he is still very weak in this regard. Apple is a biological computer, and the link to hardware has some drawbacks. We need to think of a solution.

Wesley didn't know the specific number of people outside, and now he saw three people, the other party was constantly approaching him, frowned and thought for a while, then turned around and stepped back a few steps, and then his arms swung, two bullets one. Left and right flew out from the sides of the vehicle, and they flew in the gap between the vehicles.

Two people fell again, and the remaining one was a little panicked. He turned around and ran to the gate of the parking lot. There was another person there to meet him. Wesley got up and looked at it. It felt a little wrong. If If there is still someone on the other side, then this person should not run away directly, obviously his mentality has exploded.

After a moment of doubt, Wesley ran out, the person in front ran in panic, and ran directly to the entrance. A man in a security uniform pressed his right hand on the holster, ready to draw a gun at any time.

Seeing an accomplice running in panic, he felt that things might not be going well, and then saw Wesley behind him and drew his gun directly.

Wesley also raised his gun and shot, the bullets met and collided in the air one by one, and "sparks flew" between the two. The camouflaged security finally emptied all the bullets, and Wesley still had a gun. He raised his gun and shot, killing the camouflaged security guard, and then shot the last ambush.

"Don't come here, don't come here..." The last person was obviously frightened. After being shot in the leg, he couldn't run, and could only continue to crawl forward on the ground. Wesley came over, stomped on him, and Apple started hacking into each other's brains.

It didn't take long for Apple to report directly that the data collection was completed, and Wesley shot the last person out, "Tell me, why are there only so many people here?"

"They don't know much about your information, so they think you are just a top assassin, and they want to recruit you because your father and son's assassination skills are what they need, but last time they thought you wouldn't Join, so I've been watching you until the opportunity arises this time."

"The school incident is an emergency. They think there is a chance and let the gang deal with you first. However, those people did not bring a gun and were directly defeated by you. The next step is to erase your firearm information, but since you showed it. If you have a SHIELD certificate, then they can only assassinate. A total of 16 people participated in the operation, and they thought it was enough. They surrounded you at the elevator entrance and then shot, there is no possibility of survival.”

Wesley thought for a moment, then asked, "Don't they know what I'm capable of?"

"I know, but there is no intuitive concept. Even if your ability is powerful, they have never seen it. They don't know how strong it is."

"That means I'm completely underestimated, no wonder they dare to send so many people to do it, I thought there were still a few groups of people, really..." Wesley was a little angry, and he underestimated his strength so much. Unable to bear it, I took out the phone directly.

"Phil, where are you now?" Wesley called Phil Coulson.

"At headquarters in Washington, I am organizing personnel, but the personnel are not very good choices. I don't know who is credible. Is there anything?" Phil is now worrying about the operatives, because this time he went to New York to clean up the interior The problem, there may be a firefight, but who can trust him is starting to worry.

"Bring someone here. I'll help you tell the difference. I was ambushed just now. There are sixteen people in total, all of them from the New York bureau. I don't know how things will develop."

"Can you tell?" Phil Coulson was surprised.

"Yes, one of my abilities. Now we need to clean up the New York branch as soon as possible. At least we must ensure that the personnel of this branch do not belong to the other side, otherwise the losses will be too great in the future."

"According to what you said, they have completely penetrated all aspects of S.H.I.E.L.D., so will my actions in New York alert them?" Phil didn't dare to do it now.

"They don't know my abilities, so it doesn't matter. We will use this incident as our starting point. The reason is absolutely enough. We only focus on this incident under the banner of rectification, as long as they don't know my ability. There will be no action, and you should not tell anyone about this."

"Okay, I understand. I'll take people there directly. I hope you can tell the difference accurately. There must be solid evidence for them to speak. Otherwise, the whole team will be scattered.

"Don't worry, we can directly conduct this investigation in batches, and ask the personnel of the sub-bureau one by one, so that I can completely distinguish them."

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