New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 88 Interrogation

Phil Coulson waved his hand directly, and the detectives he brought immediately took over the scene, and at the same time controlled the team of detectives from the branch.

"Agent Phil Coulson, what do you mean? Although we had a conflict with Agent Wesley Gibson just now, this is not the reason why you arrested us. At most, we had a conflict of orders." S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are not simple, and a conflict of orders can cover up their actions, but Wesley is not a vegetarian.

He looked at the other party and said, "I didn't ask for support this time, so how did you know the situation here? The support I asked for didn't arrive in the afternoon, and you didn't come here at night, so I have reason to doubt your intentions, for the time being. The seizure is for investigation."

"You are just a fourth-level agent, what qualifications do you have to investigate us?"

Phil Coulson said with a smile: "He didn't, but I have. Detective Wesley is my subordinate, and I have the right to intervene in the investigation. Now I ask you to cooperate." Then he confronted the headquarters agent he brought. Said: "Disarm them, take away all their communication equipment, temporarily detain them and wait for us to examine them one by one." Headquarters agents rushed forward, directly disarmed the other party, and then pressed them into the security guard of the apartment The lounge has been requisitioned here.

"How are you going to review them?" Phil Coulson turned to Wesley and asked.

"You'll know in a while, and now check the information on these ambushers." Wesley was still wearing the armor, which made it a little inconvenient to move. "I'll go back and take it off, it's in the way." Then he flew directly, and then took the elevator to go back down again, but this time he put the upgraded version of 'Black Sir' into the internal space, and he will fight at any time tonight. of.

Came downstairs again and entered the security lounge directly. Twelve branch agents were detained here. Wesley and Phil occupied the office of the security director directly, and placed two chairs behind a desk. There was a chair in front of the front, and then began to interrogate one by one.

The first person to be brought in was the Level 5 agent who led the team. He should know the most. He was directly handcuffed to the chair in front of the desk, and Wesley began to question.

"Did you explain it yourself? Or did we use some means? Or do you think we know nothing about you?" Wesley's opening remarks did not have any characteristics or skills, and were the most common opening remarks in interrogation. It's useless to detectives. The other party even looked at Wesley contemptuously, but Wesley didn't show the slightest anger. Instead, he stood up and walked behind him, grabbing the back of his neck with one hand.

Wesley pinched the back of his neck, then bent down and said in his ear, "You don't think my interrogation has any skill, and you dismiss it, don't I know myself? Then there are two It's possible, I won't interrogate, do you believe this?" Wesley asked rhetorically.

The fifth-level agent was stunned for a moment. Wesley was not trained by a subordinate organization of SHIELD, but he participated in the training of the New York branch and had the best grades. He would not make such a mistake. There is only one possibility, then, that he is telling the truth and not frightening himself.

Thinking of this, he was a little hesitant, and it was difficult to judge Wesley's thoughts, but Wesley no longer needed to be interrogated, and he knew everything he should know. They came to a total of twelve people, all of whom were Hydra staff, but their level was not high. Some are low, others don't know much, this fifth-level agent is the one who knows the most.

"Okay, have you decided what to say? Or are you not ready to speak?" Wesley let go of his hand and returned to his seat. Now he is just giving the other party a chance. , then Wesley is welcome.

After some psychological struggle, the other party still didn't mean to speak, but asked Wesley, "You frame your colleague like this, I will report your matter, even if your identity is special, but here is S.H.I.E.L.D., whether you are No one is of any use."

Wesley laughed after listening, "Yes, since you bet I don't know, then I'll talk about it!" Wesley looked at his eyes and said carefully, word by word: "Your organization is called Nine The head snake, parasitic in S.H.I.E.L.D., am I right?" Wesley said with a smile, and the other party was struck by lightning. It is now known.

"I don't know what you're talking about, what Hydra? I've never heard of it." He was a little anxious, and he was stunned after saying this, knowing that he was completely exposed. The organization Hydra is the earliest opponent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Those who enter S.H.I.E.L.D., especially those who are trained in a subordinate organization of S.H.I.E.L.D., their first lesson is to understand Hydra.

Of course, S.H.I.E.L.D. does not have a lot of information on Hydra, mainly the group of people headed by the Red Skull during World War II, and there is not much historical research no matter how early it is. And now he said that he didn't know about Hydra, but it was too fake, but he said it in a hurry. A fifth-level detective like him wouldn't make such a mistake if he wasn't too shocked.

"Why didn't you say it?" Wesley still looked at him with a smile. "Did you realize that you made a stupid mistake? Actually, it doesn't matter whether you say it or not, what I just said was just a beginning. But now that you have spoken by yourself, then I will not go on. All twelve of you are members of this organization. Today's actions are completely aimed at me, and your boss is a sixth-level detective. "

"How do you know? How can you know something that S.H.I.E.L.D. has not known for decades?" The fifth-level agent is no longer disguised. The key is how does the other party know such a secret? Their organization has been lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D. for decades, and there is no evidence even if someone suspects it, and now the other party has said it casually.

"If you want people to be ignorant unless you do it yourself, this is an old Chinese saying, maybe you don't understand it, but it doesn't matter, I'll explain it. It means that if you don't want others to know, unless you really haven't done it, otherwise No matter how deep you hide, it will still be exposed. Now give you a chance, as long as you abandon the dark and turn to the light, then we will give you a chance to make meritorious deeds." Wesley wanted to induce the other party to be a tainted witness, after all, his ability did not want to be exposed, At the same time, it is not very persuasive.

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