"Then let's pay the original price."

In fact, although Ke Minglang is a child of a big family, he is not a playboy, and he does not like to bully others.

"Go get the elixirs," Ke Minglang took a long breath and walked to the shelf, "Boss, do you have a few more elixirs here?"

"Eighty Spiritual Crystals! What kind of elixir is this?"

Since he is a guest, Qi Le will naturally explain the efficacy of the elixir patiently.

"Three small courage pills, two small wind speed pills, four healing pills, and one intermittent pill."

Ke Minglang and his party of four quickly picked out what they wanted.

Because there are no magicians in their team, they must purchase this kind of buffing elixir.

"Chenghui, one hundred and seventy spiritual crystals."

"Bring me your money bags." Ke Minglang shouted to the other three people.

He didn't even have that much money with him.

The three people who formed an alliance were also heirs of their families. Although they didn't have many spiritual crystals on their bodies, they pieced together one hundred and seventy spiritual crystals.

"It's a pity that Lott will never come out of the Cloud Forest again."

Ke Minglang took the elixir and thought of his allies who died in the cloud forest. He felt a little sad for a moment.

However, the academy's freshman trial is cruel.

The sudden appearance of the dark-cloud spotted tiger was even more unexpected.

"But how could the monsters in the depths of the cloud forest come to the outside?" Ke Minglang frowned and glanced at the pill in his hand.

"Three brothers, how about we go to the Cloud Forest again and complete our freshman trial with excellence."


Ke Minglang and his party are the last wave of guests today.

After finally waiting until the store closed at night, the system finally made a sound.

System: "The store manager system has been upgraded, the store manager level has been improved, and the store manager's share has been increased to 5%."

System: "The first-level trial room is opened, and the reward is a chance to draw from the purchasing channel."

"Trial room? What is a trial room?" Qi Le listened to the prompts in his mind and carried forward the good habit of asking questions when he didn't understand.

System: "The trial room can open the trial space and conduct trial battles to obtain the seal of trial. The first-level trial room can conduct the brave trial."

"What?! You can actually have a trial battle!"

Qi Le's eyes suddenly widened.

As mentioned before, every level in this world requires a trial battle. If you succeed in the challenge and obtain the Seal of Trial, you can continue to upgrade and become stronger.

But this trial battle cannot be carried out casually.

Instead, you need to enter the trial space and complete your own trial.

As for the trial space, you need to hunt down the alien beasts of the corresponding level and collect the crystals in the alien beasts before you can open it up.

And regardless of whether the trial is successfully completed or not, once the trialist comes out of the trial space, the trial space will collapse and the crystal will be broken.

This strange beast is not a monster.

In this world, alien beasts are extremely rare. Their bodies do not condense magic cores, but condense crystals.

Crystals are divided into trial crystals and skill crystals.

Trial crystals, using special methods, can open up a trial space.

The skill crystal is a rarer thing than the trial crystal. The function of this crystal is to be embedded in the seal of trial and condensed into skills.

Skills, unlike martial arts and magic, are abilities blessed by the power of the world.

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