New Story of Lv Bu

: : This battle is definitely not going to go on

Everywhere in front of me was the Jingzhou sergeant who were running away, holding their heads, and the northwest wind whizzing in their ears, sometimes mixed with the sound of Bingzhou cavalry swinging and cutting off the great heads, Huo Jun couldn't help but feel sad! I bother! If it weren't for that **** Huang Zu, how could my steps collapse so fast? Huang Zu, even if you cast the iron of Kyushu, it is difficult to eliminate your sins!

However, his stride has already collapsed in an instant, and that Lu Fengxian is already close at hand. It is useless to say that it is more serious to escape as soon as possible! Thinking of this, Huo Jun looked and saw that the three of Lu Bu, Dianwei, and Xu Chu in the southeast were only more than two hundred steps away from him. Behind them were the trapped camps waiting for them. The west was a dead end. East break through.

"Follow me! Break out to the east!" Huo Jun waved the spear in his hand and roared loudly. At the same time, he put his feet on his horse's belly, his horseshoes thumped, and he took three or four hundred soldiers and went straight to the east. Huo Jun's stride is about seven or eight miles away from Yishui in the east. If the horse is galloping, it will take less than a quarter of an hour to reach the shore. Then gallop against the clear water, and you can reach the anchorage of the Jingzhou navy. Huo Jun is a general in the Jingzhou army. If you don't look at the face of the monk to see the face of the Buddha, presumably Liu Jingzhou will also send a small boat to rescue.

Dreams are always beautiful, full of beautiful spring light, but reality is always bloody, full of thorns and traps everywhere. In an instant, Huo Jun had an excellent solution. However, he had a thousand fortunes, but he forgot about one person, and that person was Dasima Lubu! Lu Bu was furious, hurriedly chasing after his horse, thinking about capturing Huang Zu alive, but unexpectedly he was blocked by Huo Jun's stride, and Huang Zu escaped in the midst of this lightning and stone fire. This lingering air, which had accumulated for a long time, hit Huo Jun's body. Seeing Huo Jun galloping and fleeing desperately, Lu Bu knew what idea he was fighting.

"Where to go!" Lü Bu roared, the whistling red rabbit horse galloping like electricity under his hips, and his horseshoes clattered, chasing up where Huo Jun was. Lu Bu's horse was fast, and drove with all its strength. In a flash, he caught up with Huo Jun. The two horses made a mistake. Lu Bu waved his right hand and Fang Tian smashed his head towards the back of Huo Jun's head! In panic, Huo Jun quickly used an iron bridge, leaned back on the horse, pressed his hands, exhaled continuously, clenched the spear in his hand with both hands, and slammed upwards!

Lu Bu's Fang Tian painted halberd slammed down with the pressure of Mount Tai, and it happened to hit the spear in Huo Jun's hand. With only a loud sound, the spear in Huo Jun's hand was cut in two immediately, and Fang Tian's halberd's halberd tip took advantage of the trend and smashed directly between Huo Jun's chest and abdomen! That's it! Huo Jun let out a long sigh and closed his eyes tightly. It seems that he is about to die today!

At this moment, countless fragments flashed in Huo Jun's mind, like sparks and fire, clear and clear, as if vividly in the eyes. However, the severe pain that should have come one after another did not last for a long time, perhaps after a moment, or perhaps 10,000 years. Suddenly, he felt that he was flying up like clouds and fog. "Next!" With a roar, he fell heavily from mid-air, seeming to fall between several pairs of powerful arms. Then, after a moment of dizziness, Huo Jun finally fainted.

Huang Zu fought his horse and galloped, bypassing Huo Jun's stride, and rushed straight to the south gate of Wancheng. Almost all of his soldiers were there. As long as he joined them, he would have a way to escape. On his left and right, there were hundreds of cavalrymen, oncoming Bingzhou cavalry from time to time brandished the sharp swords in their hands, cutting down the cavalry on his left and right. A terrible cry suddenly sounded, and he was immediately thrown behind the horse. From time to time, several cold arrows were shot, and they were all shot down by the soldiers on his left and right swinging knives. Huang Zu was on the horse, and continued to run forward regardless of recklessness. At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind, escape!

Finally, the sound of fighting in the ears got farther and farther. In the howling northwest wind, Huang Zu rode alone and ran ahead. After a fierce battle, there are not many soldiers behind him. However, Huang Zu still galloped his horses desperately, even if all the soldiers were dead, as long as he could successfully rendezvous with the Huang She Department, his Huang Zu would have the power to fight!

Suddenly, the horse under his hip suddenly uttered a mournful cry, and two front-hooves stood up, and then fell heavily to the ground, as if a hill suddenly collapsed. Huang Zu is worthy of being an admiral who has experienced many battles. When he was caught off guard, he quickly jumped up, hovering in the air, and landed steadily on the ground. At a glance, the war horse hit three arrows in the chest.

"Shijun Huang, don't come here unharmed? Zhang Liao has been waiting here for a long time!" A lazy and leisurely voice rang in his ears. Huang Zu glanced intently, and in front of him was a magnificent young man. Under his crotch was a tall and sturdy Xiliang horse, with a hook and sickle hung on the victory hook, with a bow and arrow in his hand, aiming at him. Looking around, there are hundreds of burly men wearing heavy armor and holding shiny swords in their hands. Ugh! That's it! Unexpectedly, Zhang Wenyuan would be captured alive! Huang Zuchang sighed and lowered his head.

Above the water, on the command podium of the flagship of the Jingzhou Navy, Cai Tao had a serious face, waving the flag in his hand, and was constantly issuing orders one after another. The reason why Liu Jingzhou was able to make up his mind this time to personally mention the 200,000 land and water army to attack Wancheng northward was mostly because he and the Kuai brothers were bewitched. After the battle is fought to this extent, there is no guarantee of winning at all, I just hope that more soldiers can be brought back. Fortunately, there is no smooth flow between the big river and the Yangtze River. If the Bingzhou navy is here, the Jingzhou navy will be over.

Above the wide muddy water, the warships of the Binzhou Navy were untying the ropes and slowly sailing towards the middle of the river. Numerous sampans and long dragons were lowered from the five-tooth ship and the transport ship. The Jingzhou naval forces on the ship strenuously paddled their sculls and rushed to the west bank of Yishui River to meet the rout soldiers coming in like tides. Above the river, there are densely packed long dragons and sampans, which is even more lively than the Dragon Boat Festival.

"That long dragon, come here quickly! Pick up the old man and go back!" Liu Qi's soldiers stood on the shore and shouted loudly. After a while, more than a dozen long dragons approached and stopped in the shallow water on the shore. "You get on the boat quickly! When everyone is on the boat, I will get on the boat again!" Liu Qi shook his head resolutely and shouted. Knowing the temper of the old man, looking at the precious time, don't talk nonsense, directly led the war horse and quickly boarded the long dragon. Of the cavalry under Liu Qi's command, fewer than a thousand people survived, and it only took hundreds of breaths to board the long dragon. Liu Qi then jumped off the horse and boarded the boat with the horse.

As soon as Liu Qi's long dragon drove off the shore, Xu Huang's tiger and leopard riders rushed to the west bank of the water, and the state horsemen cursed loudly, opened their bows and arrows, and shot a shower of arrows at the long dragon on the water. Fortunately, the guards around Liu Qi still had dozens of rattan cards, and they quickly opened up the rattan cards to resist the arrow rain. There were only a few horses hissing and thumping sounds, and someone fell into the water.

At this moment, only a group of people shouting horses on the east bank of the Yishui River, a large area of ​​yellow dust was lifted up, and the banner of General Wei Gaoshun had already appeared on the east bank of the Yishui River. The bed crossbowmen and slingers who have just arrived are orderly adjusting their angles, aiming the catapult and bed crossbow at the Jingzhou Navy in the middle of the muddy water. "Get on board quickly! Get up the anchor immediately and return to Xiangyang!" Cai Hao roared loudly.

The Jingzhou Navy finally lifted the anchor slowly, turned the bow of the ship, and went down the current, preparing to return to Xiangyang. Peng! Peng! Puffy! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! The Bingzhou Army on the east bank of the Mishui River finally adjusted its angle, and the crossbow and catapult mounted on the carriage began to fire. Suddenly, the smaller dragons and sampans in the Jingzhou navy's array were immediately smashed.

Above the wide muddy water, there were all Jingzhou soldiers who capsized and fell into the water in an instant. They threw down their weapons, took off their armor, and swam to the nearest ship. The round slings whizzed down into the air and slammed heavily on the deck. The soldiers of the Jingzhou navy army fled in disorder. Many people were shot by the rushing arrows in an instant and sank heavily into the muddy water. After a while, their bodies surfaced. The entire wide river surface was stained red with blood.

On the five-toothed ship of the Jingzhou navy, Jingzhou Mu Liubiao Liu Jingsheng's teeth creaked and his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot. The feeling in front of him could not help but torture his soul, making his tortured heart unbearable. In this trip to the north, apart from discovering the many shining points on the eldest son Liu Qi, it was useless and fleeing.

"My lord, I just received the Eagle Letter. The former general Hou Cheng led the silver fox and ghost army to successfully attack Xiangyang. The mansion's money and food, military resources, and the small family of you and the generals of Jingzhou have all fallen into the Bingzhou Army. We have a hand. We can't fight this battle. But, even if we want to negotiate a peace talk, will Lu Fengxian agree to it?" Jingzhou Zhizhong Kuaiyue was sweating profusely with a paper in his hand.

"I'm so angry!" Fang Luo'er said in Kuai Yue's voice, only to hear Liu Biao roar, and a large amount of blood spewed from the sky. When he tilted his body, he fell heavily to the ground. "Quickly pass on the doctor!" Kuaiyu couldn't help but pale in shock. After a quarter of an hour, Liu Biao woke up leisurely. He opened his eyes, as if looking for someone, and finally he found Liu Qi.

"Qi'er, come here!" Liu Biao grabbed Liu Qi's hand and said intermittently. "Quickly send someone to negotiate with Lu Fengxian to redeem the Jingzhou Zhujiang’s family, and it is best to redeem Xiangyang together. Even if you pay a high price, you will not hesitate! This battle is absolutely impossible to fight again. ! Jingzhou political affairs, everything is up to you." Liu Biao fainted again as soon as he finished speaking.

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